Stem and stalk turning dark help!

Finding it on more leaves


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My soil is a mix of coco coir worm castings and HP Pro mix. I have a soil monitor and they usually bug for water 4-5 days and they are 30 inches away from my 2000w mars hydro that’s at 75 % strength (brightness).
Hello , that is a coco mix and not soil the ph needs to be lower and watered more often 6.0 works good daily watering , with a run off especially in cloth pots , keep your ppm low 200 - 250 if using r.o water or distilled , your plants look healthy now , every plant has a SMALL amounts of a problems they are never perfect even out doors, the purple is from a phosphorus def and the lime coloring between the veins is magnesium def, leds require a little higher amount of calmag added to your nute feed bring it up about 50 ppm on the cal mag and try a flowering nute mix for a couple of watering's and see if the purple stems slowly start to go away , flower nutes are stronger on the phosphorus and potassium , but don't mess with it to much those plants look really good (leaves) just keep a eye on it if it continues to get worse then change to the flower nutes , but i would add the calmag now ,calmag def only gets worse as the plant gets older and larger and i would super charge your water with a air stone and pump if you aren't already, a lot of cultivars have tendency to be purple to a degree, its just genetics you just don't want your stems etc. to become totally purple, next grow i would go with the coco and perlite only as this mix is half way between soil and hydro , this can be done but it just makes it very tricky, its like half pregnant.
I see pe636 just said the same as me why the pro mix and why the worm castings , worm castings are best used in organic soil and pro mix hp (high posterity ) is a potting mix that drains quickly and doesn't hold a lot of nutes or water
AN is cal-mag deficient, particularly under LED.

you are showing the very beginnings of a def. mag side. red stems mean dick. will be accompanied by other trouble if there is an issue. i know jamaicans who shoot for that.

edit: An is ph sensitive. always ph. the ph perfect crap doesn't work as well as the basic line when ph'd correct. with that media mix you've thrown ph rules to the pit. gonna be hard to approach which set of rules to run by.
I’ll start slowing adding in a tiny bit extra cal mag in the feedings and I’ll use PH down to get it to 6.0. As for advanced nutes perfect PH I’m not sure if I’ll be able to adjust that mix or not. I know I have less then 20% coco in with the Pro mix cause i only put in max 4 hand fulls of it per pot. The castings I did about 20% mix per pot.
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