SteveHman's Advanced LED - 1000 Watt/BP Nutrients - Going For Max Yield Grow-Grow 6.5

Re: SteveHman's Advanced LED - 1000 Watt/BP Nutrients - Going For Max Yield Grow-Grow

I can't believe that I hadn't subbed this one yet. First of all, great grow so far steve :)
About the smell of the organics. I have changed the formulation to include more molasses. Enough molasses so that the sugar content is high enough to stop most microbial activity which will cut back on the smell significantly and more molasses gives a sweeter smell to it. I have also began to add phosphoric acid and citric acid which drops the ph significantly which will decrease obnoxious odors even more. Alaska fish fertilizer generally contains up to 10% phosphoric acid and phosphoric acid can be used in organic products to stabilize the pH.

A question for anyone that wants to respond:
How would yall feel about organics being fortified with a small amount of mineral salts that are immediately available? This would increase growth rates by making more nutrients immediately available but the bulk of the formula would still be organic which would still result in the organic taste and quality that some smokers prefer. I see a lot of products on the market marketed as "Organic" but a look at the labels show that they contain quite a few mineral salts. This is acceptable in some states but not others. Opinions on this?

Oh, about switching nutes in the middle of the grow:
All a plant cares about is getting inorganic nutrients into their roots whether they are in an advanced nutrient bottle or a bnp bottle or any other bottle.
Re: SteveHman's Advanced LED - 1000 Watt/BP Nutrients - Going For Max Yield Grow-Grow

Personal opinion is that I can't imagine anyone using hydro, or inorganic nutes would object to to some mineral supplements. The only "group" I see having any issues with that would be the "die-hard organic soil growers". Those guys get off on mixing bat guano, worm castings & cat piss, and then bubbling it for a few days just to make some "poop soup", so if there's anything in their nutes that didn't come out of some animal's orifice, they get all ornery! :)
Re: SteveHman's Advanced LED - 1000 Watt/BP Nutrients - Going For Max Yield Grow-Grow

Actually, that reminded me of a funny post I read a while back regarding organics and had to go find it:

This is my main concern. I'm not even comfortable with some of the stuff in the FF line. Lots of reading ahead for me.

As my friends though, I ask that you keep an eye on me,lol...I don't want to become a granola bearded mountain dwelling weirdo,......

"Yea, You must align your chi before entering the grow area. Once I'm there, I feed them a pinch of mouse poop, 3 strands of deer hair, some elk sperm (bitch to get) and then I blow sifted ash across all the fan leaves."

With buds the side of fire extinguishers,lmao

Yea,...regardless how big the buds EVER get, don't let me become that guy...
Re: SteveHman's Advanced LED - 1000 Watt/BP Nutrients - Going For Max Yield Grow-Grow

All a plant cares about is getting inorganic nutrients
nutrients = soluble mineral salts
When one feeds poop soup to plants, there are unseen guests. Micro-beasties & other germy thingies that eat the poop then provide their own(soluble mineral salts) product to the plants. Works the same in a gator gut; dead(mostly) e coli bodies bulk my feces. Their 'product' gets assimilated through my large intestine :yummy:
It's a big shitty circle of life :circle-of-love:
Re: SteveHman's Advanced LED - 1000 Watt/BP Nutrients - Going For Max Yield Grow-Grow

@blue Planet......I donʻt see any problem with that, i think what you are talking about adding in the overall scheme of things is so minute to really notice other than faster plant response due to it being readily available and by the time harvest comes and a flush i think majority of the taste and flavor would be from organics....Iʻm for it....and some samples......hahahahah:circle-of-love::Namaste::thumb:
Re: SteveHman's Advanced LED - 1000 Watt/BP Nutrients - Going For Max Yield Grow-Grow

BPN, Welcome to the grow! I was at a friends grow the other day and he had some organics that smelled like mint, no guano-fermenting-in-the-hot-sun smell to it, just minty fresh. I'll have to ask him what the brand was, I didn't write it down.

The girls haven't started the stretch yet, but as soon as they do it will get very crowded in the tent. I can put a screen in if I need to, and will do that most likely anyway to support the buds.

I have had a big problem with condensation in the tent. The RH tends to spike up a bit, I think its the Air Pots allowing a lot of moisture into the air through the holes. I put a small Eva-dry dehumidifier in there to capture some of that and just pour the water back into the plants. About 2 liters a day so far. Also, I made the mistake of leaving the window in my room slightly open. It was down into the low 40 the past few nights, and I run the lights at the same time. Warm moist air in tent + cool dry air around tent= wet tent walls in side. I will keep the windows closed at night for the rest of the grow, see if that helps with the sweating walls.

Here are a few pics of the girls:

Like I said, it's going to get crowded. I'll trim up all of the plants on day 21 of 12/12, which will be around Christmas time. By then I'll have the screen in there. I have the "anti tent suck" frame I made from PVC for the last grow that is perfect for attaching a screen to. It should provide the perfect support for the "fire extinguisher sized colas" (thanks Mr K).

Not sure where to get the Elk Sperm, I heard the easiest way was to go into town and blow a few bucks. :tommy:
Re: SteveHman's Advanced LED - 1000 Watt/BP Nutrients - Going For Max Yield Grow-Grow

now thats PUNNY as hell!!! lol

blow a few bucks....... shit lmao

looks like everything is goin fairly smooth for ya i hope u dont get anymore sweaty walls, not good.
Re: SteveHman's Advanced LED - 1000 Watt/BP Nutrients - Going For Max Yield Grow-Grow

Yup, sure looks like its gonna get crowded in there and in this thread too...haha.:high-five::thumb:
Re: SteveHman's Advanced LED - 1000 Watt/BP Nutrients - Going For Max Yield Grow-Grow

Yup, sure looks like its gonna get crowded in there and in this thread too...haha.:high-five::thumb:
Fortunately the forum doesn't have a max-capacity and a bursting point, the tent is a different story.
Re: SteveHman's Advanced LED - 1000 Watt/BP Nutrients - Going For Max Yield Grow-Grow

Personal opinion is that I can't imagine anyone using hydro, or inorganic nutes would object to to some mineral supplements. The only "group" I see having any issues with that would be the "die-hard organic soil growers". Those guys get off on mixing bat guano, worm castings & cat piss, and then bubbling it for a few days just to make some "poop soup", so if there's anything in their nutes that didn't come out of some animal's orifice, they get all ornery! :)
Sorry, just had to quote that again, my ribs HURT from laughing so much! :thanks: :rofl:

:bongrip: - JZ
Re: SteveHman's Advanced LED, 1,000 watt/BP Nutrients, going for max yield grow-Grow

I will defoliate a little bit to increase the penetration. Once the LST is finished I will let them stretch and then do the 420fied defoliation on day 21 and 45. I don't want to deal with little popcorn fluff when I trim these girls. I am expecting them to be beastly.

Yeah SteveHman, leave the little popcorn fluffs to guys like me lol:)
Re: SteveHman's Advanced LED, 1,000 watt/BP Nutrients, going for max yield grow-Grow

I will defoliate a little bit to increase the penetration. Once the LST is finished I will let them stretch and then do the 420fied defoliation on day 21 and 45. I don't want to deal with little popcorn fluff when I trim these girls. I am expecting them to be beastly.

What is that?, what is the proper way to do that ? and when is the proper time?, i have never done that i just let them gro, but i do see the need, also cant i just reveg or leave leaves in the harvested plant and reveg it as a clone mother?
Re: SteveHman's Advanced LED, 1,000 watt/BP Nutrients, going for max yield grow-Grow

What is that?, what is the proper way to do that ? and when is the proper time?, i have never done that i just let them gro, but i do see the need, also cant i just reveg or leave leaves in the harvested plant and reveg it as a clone mother?

LST is Low Stress Training, basically bending the branches down and training them in a circle around the pot. Then all of the new growth shoots think they're the top-cola and will try to get all fat-and-sassy on you. I'll be following 420fied and Mr Smith's recommendation of defoliating them at 21 days of stretch, that will open up the area a bit for more cola sites. Then again at day 45.

You can reveg, but why. Unless it was a rare mom, why not have clones standing by to go right in after the chop. Revegging takes a lot of time, and you could be half-way through your next flower cycle by then.
Re: SteveHman's Advanced LED - 1000 Watt/BP Nutrients - Going For Max Yield Grow-Grow

Can u recommend Who has the best LSTing Tutorial?
Re: SteveHman's Advanced LED - 1000 Watt/BP Nutrients - Going For Max Yield Grow-Grow

Here's a post in my lessons learned that has a graphic showing how to LST:
Lessons Learned from a first time grower

I don't know who the first poster of the graphic is/was and would like to give them credit (I believe it is Dierwolf according the the FIM chart?)

The biggest take away I have from LST, FIM'ing, Super-cropping, etc... It's all easier than most people think, the plants are incredibly resilient and don't mind too much if you don't get it perfect (ala FIM).

I used stainless tent pins to LST my girls and that worked for me, others have used paperclips, string, wire etc... what ever you can get your hands on. The key is to keep the new growth low and horizontal until you have the entire top of the pot covered. At that point you can go 12/12 or maybe experiment with topping/fimming them to add extra sites.
Re: SteveHman's Advanced LED - 1000 Watt/BP Nutrients - Going For Max Yield Grow-Grow

Soon as my new babies are tall enough to reach the side of a 5 gallon bucket from the center, they're getting some major LST. Full lap of the bucket's outer circumference. Gonna have me some awesome moms. :high-five:
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