SteveHman's Advanced LED - 1000 Watt/BP Nutrients - Going For Max Yield Grow-Grow 6.5

Re: SteveHman's Advanced LED - 1000 Watt/BP Nutrients - Going For Max Yield Grow-Grow

Massive veg?? How much light do you drive your moms with?
Methinks big LEDs may be the wrong tool for this application :smokin:

I would definitely use equal parts of either the 2 part or 3 part. Depending on the size of the plant is how much i would feed. I agree with propagator that less light is needed. I would keep the mothers under less light because that is what drives growth the most. Just give them enough to keep deficiencies from occurring.
Re: SteveHman's Advanced LED - 1000 Watt/BP Nutrients - Going For Max Yield Grow-Grow

I've been going equal parts of 3-part at 5ml per gal, and T5's about 6 inches above. I may raise the light a few more inches (9 inches) to see if they are still getting what they need. I'll pump up the girls I plan to take cutting from 2 weeks prior (8~10 ml per gal). Next run I think will be BuKu and Blue Venom in the NFT and a then fill this tent with Lucy (she seems to be a very popular girl around these forums).
Re: SteveHman's Advanced LED - 1000 Watt/BP Nutrients - Going For Max Yield Grow-Grow

That is perfect. So what you are giving them is basically 7-6-11 ratio npk which is a good mix. You could always back off on the Grow a little if you wanted to drop the Potassium a little but you should do fine.
Another good mix would be to just use the micro and bloom which would give you equal parts NPK (5-5-5) but, the grow contains magnesium so you could supplement with epsom salt for mg and sulfur if needed. The bloom contains 1.5% magnesium and 2% sulfur so you should be fine if you decided to just use the micro and bloom.
Re: SteveHman's Advanced LED - 1000 Watt/BP Nutrients - Going For Max Yield Grow-Grow

Great info, Corey. I was gonna have the same question in a couple weeks. :thanks:
Re: SteveHman's Advanced LED - 1000 Watt/BP Nutrients - Going For Max Yield Grow-Grow

That is perfect. So what you are giving them is basically 7-6-11 ratio npk which is a good mix. You could always back off on the Grow a little if you wanted to drop the Potassium a little but you should do fine.
Another good mix would be to just use the micro and bloom which would give you equal parts NPK (5-5-5) but, the grow contains magnesium so you could supplement with epsom salt for mg and sulfur if needed. The bloom contains 1.5% magnesium and 2% sulfur so you should be fine if you decided to just use the micro and bloom.

Damn, Corey! I love your inoculations of nute know and increasing that knowledge in journals for all to see. I see them everywhere.

Thanks for being in the 420 fight!
Re: SteveHman's Advanced LED - 1000 Watt/BP Nutrients - Going For Max Yield Grow-Grow

A quick photo update. The holidays are kicking my butt. Can't wait to get them behind me so I can get my focus back on the garden and my new mod-duties.

I don't even know what day of flower I'm in, the spreadsheet is up in my office and I'm on my laptop downstairs posting.

The RH in the tent has been a bit of an issue, not real high, but the walls of the tent are getting quite a bit of condensation on them. I am sure that is because I leave the window in the room slightly cracked and the night temps are creating a big differential between internal and external temps resulting in sweating. I am going to close the window to see if that solves the problem.

I also bought a Sentinal EVC-2 controller to see if it will help with CO2 consumption and controlling temps and RH. The way I had it set up before was with a thermostatic controller for the exhaust and it would come on and suck the CO2 out of the tent. The EVC-2 coordinates the CO2 and the exhaust so they aren't on at the same time. It also allows you to control RH with an exhaust fan, a dehumidifier or both. I have a small dehumidifier in the tent and will see if it is able to do the job without the exhaust fan.

I think the air pots are contributing to higher RH in the tent since they have so many holes that allow moisture to escape. Not sure if that is the case but it makes sense to me that it would raise the RH a bit more than a standard container.

I did a bit of lite trimming to remove some of the fan leaves and raised the lights a few more inches. It is going to get very full in here quickly.

This is one of the original clones of the HDF. I used this one to tell sex, I put it into 12/12 two weeks before the clones that went into the tent. If you recall, the HDF's were regular seeds. I popped two and ended up with one male and one female. I had clones of both since I didn't know which was which. I kept one male clone and killed the rest. I took some pollen from that little male and pollinated this little female to get some more seeds (1st attempt at breeding). I am keeping it in the solo cup until it finishes. Funny how it is the same age as the clones in the air pots and they are huge in comparison. It's all about their environment, container size etc... You can make out some seeds starting to grow in the buds.


The buds on the HDF are starting to fill in. I think she'll be a good producer:


This last pic looks like I have a slight N def. It is more from the white balance adjustment in Picasa. The plants don't look that "pale" under the CFLs I put in for taking pictures. Even with the CFLs on, everything is still very pinkish. (I only use the CFLs for photos and to get some white light for visual inspection)

The Ultimate is getting taller than the HDF, but the buds are quite a bit smaller, we'll see if they are late bloomers:

I'm feeding them on the monster bloom schedule according to the BPN chart and they just received their first taste of the bloom booster this past feeding. They are taking in about 1/2 gallon each every four days. Any runoff in the bottom of the trays is quickly wicked up by the added smart pots and through the coco-matting wicks that I added to the air pots. I have also been pouring the water from the dehumidifier back into the trays and they have been wicking that up as well (4~6 pints every other day).

I'll get more pictures and details up later. I am trying to play catch up. I have 30+ subscribed threads to catch up on and I need to get my butt in gear on reviewing post for my mod-duties. (plus wrap presents, last minute shopping etc...).
Re: SteveHman's Advanced LED - 1000 Watt/BP Nutrients - Going For Max Yield Grow-Grow

A quick photo update. The holidays are kicking my butt. Can't wait to get them behind me so I can get my focus back on the garden and my new mod-duties.


I'll get more pictures and details up later. I am trying to play catch up. I have 30+ subscribed threads to catch up on and I need to get my butt in gear on reviewing post for my mod-duties. (plus wrap presents, last minute shopping etc...).

That's an interesting leaf structure. Double serrations, or is that just mine eyes deceiving me? Which strain is that?
Re: SteveHman's Advanced LED - 1000 Watt/BP Nutrients - Going For Max Yield Grow-Grow

I hope every one had a great holiday! I am trying to catch up on journals, posts, mod duties and just recover from a week long of holiday action (and a few days left to go).

This is day 28 in 12/12 for the tent. All I can say is wow, these are going to be some fat buds. I still have ~30 days left to go before they finish.

The HDF has finished stretching, it didn't get nearly as tall as I thought it would. The Ultimate has stretch a tick more then the HDF and the White Widows are about the same height as the HDF. The P-chunks have stretched the most of the four strains, but by just a hair.

I have only been feeding them every four days, the coco hold a good amount of moisture in the pots.

Here are a few shots with the lights on:

ANd right after lights off, so you can get the "non-pink" color:

I think they will start feeding more now that I have the RH under control. I closed the window in the room and that kept the tent from sweating and spiking my RH up, it is now staying in the 45-50% range (down fro 70%+).

The HDF and P-chunks are on the left side of the tent and the Ultimate and WW are on the right side. You can see how fat the HDF is going to get, 4 weeks to go!
Re: SteveHman's Advanced LED - 1000 Watt/BP Nutrients - Going For Max Yield Grow-Grow

that fan leaf trimming sure seems to be working for u.....LOTS of bud sites.
Re: SteveHman's Advanced LED - 1000 Watt/BP Nutrients - Going For Max Yield Grow-Grow

I hope every one had a great holiday! I am trying to catch up on journals, posts, mod duties and just recover from a week long of holiday action (and a few days left to go).

This is day 28 in 12/12 for the tent. All I can say is wow, these are going to be some fat buds. I still have ~30 days left to go before they finish.

... You can see how fat the HDF is going to get, 4 weeks to go!

Lookin' dayumm good there, friend! I can't wait to see how this turns out. -and it'll be done right around my birthday! BUMPER CROP WISHES!
Re: SteveHman's Advanced LED - 1000 Watt/BP Nutrients - Going For Max Yield Grow-Grow

Day 32 in 12/12:

I have to say, I think I will be keeping coco and airpots as part of my repertoire. For 32 days in 12/12 I am very impressed with how they are performing. I have also got the RH under control by keeping the window to the room closed in the evening (stopped the sweating of the walls). I have the RH set at 45% and it is hanging there steady.

I've been feeding them every four days and that seems to be about right for the size of the airpots and smartpots with the coco mix. Next round I may try 100% coco and omit the perlite. I think the key is to pack the coco in the airpots as tight as you can get it (at least with perlite in the mix).

I am not seeing a big difference between the 2-part and 3-part plants yet, at least nothing that I would say was definitive. The Pineapple Chunk receiving the 3-part does look a little bigger than the 2-part. The rest of the plants are all about the same size and health across the board though. When I do the chop I will make sure to chart out what plant received what nutes.

Here are some pics of the Heavy Duty Fruity:

Here are a few shots of the Ultimate:


Some P-chunk:

Some White Widow:

And some of the seeds in my little HDF part cup plant:

I am hoping to get about 50 seeds out of this one little plant. They will all be regular seeds and I will use them as part of my breeding program, depending on how the this harvest goes.
Re: SteveHman's Advanced LED - 1000 Watt/BP Nutrients - Going For Max Yield Grow-Grow

When you say coco coir should be packed firm or tightly, many growers should take note. If they haven't grown many plants full cycle already, they may not know the 'feel' of firm. Here's how one would know: fill the pot with wet coir unpacked, then run flushing water through. That's it, the flood of water will settle the coco in. I haven't used perlite with it, but may someday.
Re: SteveHman's Advanced LED - 1000 Watt/BP Nutrients - Going For Max Yield Grow-Grow

What I've liked so far about the wicking method with coir is that it sops up the water it needs from the bottom, and settles in nicely. Wish I'd not pissed around with soil now, dammit.

Steve, looking fantastic, friend!

:bongrip: - JZ
Re: SteveHman's Advanced LED - 1000 Watt/BP Nutrients - Going For Max Yield Grow-Grow

What I've liked so far about the wicking method with coir is that it sops up the water it needs from the bottom, and settles in nicely. Wish I'd not pissed around with soil now, dammit.

Steve, looking fantastic, friend!

:bongrip: - JZ
Welcome back to the hydro side :)
Re: SteveHman's Advanced LED - 1000 Watt/BP Nutrients - Going For Max Yield Grow-Grow

Seeded buds are looking sexy as ever. Can't wait to see you grow them out! How many seeds will you run?
Not sure how many I will pop. SInce they are regular seeds, I'll have to pop twice as many as I plan to flower and hope for the 50% rule.

I'll most likely wait a cycle or two before I make a full run with the seeds. I have clones backing up that need to be planted soon.
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