SteveHman's Advanced LED - 1000 Watt/BP Nutrients - Going For Max Yield Grow-Grow 6.5

Re: SteveHman's Advanced LED - 1000 Watt/BP Nutrients - Going For Max Yield Grow-Grow

These were taken yesterday on day 39 of 12/12.

These are going to finish quicker than I thought. I give them 3 weeks max until they are done.


The last two pics are the seeded mom in the solo cup (cue the song Red Solo Cup). I think I will have about 60~ seeds from this little girl.

I took a bunch of cuttings for the next round. I will be doing White Widow, Blue Venom (a WW/Blue Berry mix), SAGE and The Missing. I am thinking of trying something different depending on how many clones I end up with. I took 12 each of them, so I will have a few options depending on how many root. If I get 100% again I will have a very full SOG going in the tent.
Re: SteveHman's Advanced LED - 1000 Watt/BP Nutrients - Going For Max Yield Grow-Grow

Day 46 in 12/12:

I think the tent grow is going to finish up before the target dates. The target days in flower are:

So with my target of 60 days in 12/12 to hit the mid-point for all of these strains may be a week longer than they need. I will see if they continue to stack on weight.

Not sure what to attribute the accelerated timeline to: CO2, LEDs, BPN, coco, airpots.... wish I could narrow it down so I could replicate the faster finish time.

Here are some of the HDFs:

The WW:




Here's a crazy looking top on one of the HDFs:

Next round will be a mix bag again, I will be doing 6 each of Blue Venom, White Widow, The Missing and Sage. I am thinking of going with all smartpots on the next round. Placing them on a coco mat and then just pouring the nutes into the tray and letting them wick it up. It will make it easier to feed them that way instead of trying to feed each pot individually. If it works it will make this a much easier grow next round.

I will only be maintaining a single journal next round, it is too much work to keep two grows going at once--journal-wise. It will be either the tent or the NFT chamber, if there is any requests let me know. I am sure which ever one isn't the main journal will still make a guest appearance occasionally.
Re: SteveHman's Advanced LED - 1000 Watt/BP Nutrients - Going For Max Yield Grow-Grow

The plants are loving the BPN with the Liquid Blue. Nothing else. I really can't tell the difference between the girls receiving the 2 or 3 part. The only ones that are showing a visible difference are P-chunk and one of the The Ulitimates on the 3-part program are a little bigger. Final chop will tell in about 2 weeks.
Re: SteveHman's Advanced LED - 1000 Watt/BP Nutrients - Going For Max Yield Grow-Grow

Excellent looking plants. They look so good, all of the other peeps watching the grow have used up the accolades I was thinking of giving you. Thank you for all the details, it has inspired me to ramp up my plans for another LED light in my tent. Keep up the good work! :goodjob:
Re: SteveHman's Advanced LED - 1000 Watt/BP Nutrients - Going For Max Yield Grow-Grow

My veggie experience has taught me that seed stored at room temp lose viability in 1-2 years. I would assume the same for cannabis. I suggest you run your seeds the run after next that will give you 2 months to grow them out and sex them and get a couple moms ready for cloning.
Re: SteveHman's Advanced LED - 1000 Watt/BP Nutrients - Going For Max Yield Grow-Grow

My veggie experience has taught me that seed stored at room temp lose viability in 1-2 years. I would assume the same for cannabis. I suggest you run your seeds the run after next that will give you 2 months to grow them out and sex them and get a couple moms ready for cloning.

Seeds kept in an airtight container in the dark have sprouted for me after 5 years @ 75%. Plastic baggie kept in a drawer in the kitchen have a 50% chance for me after 5 years. Stash cans in a paper bag in the top of the closet inside a plastic storage bin have sprouted for me at a rate of about 85% after 8 years. In their original packaging kept cool and dry and out of light, I have had about the same 85%, but after 10 years. Yes, it was one of my many experiments.

So, if they are some you have harvested, I would try to either vacuum seal to try for a sort of stasis, or some other airtight container, both kept in an opaque container, in a dark, cool (70f or below) dry place. You should have excellent results after 2 years, down to average results up to 5 years, and up to 10, to rapidly decline after that. I would expect total seed death after 12-14 years.

On a side note. I have gotten a gifted set of seeds hoarded for their uniqueness, and very carefully cared for 20 years and had a 25% germination success rate. They were in "Seal-a-meal" sachets, wrapped in foil, and sealed again, then kept in the fridge crisper. Yes, I said it... "Seal-a-Meal" that's a blast from the past, huh?
Re: SteveHman's Advanced LED - 1000 Watt/BP Nutrients - Going For Max Yield Grow-Grow

I just recently put 8 Columbian seeds into RR plugs, 8 sprouted. They are roughly 13-14 yrs old...
Re: SteveHman's Advanced LED - 1000 Watt/BP Nutrients - Going For Max Yield Grow-Grow

And, they were just wrapped in a baggy, and stored in a pill bottle, in a drawer, lol..
Re: SteveHman's Advanced LED - 1000 Watt/BP Nutrients - Going For Max Yield Grow-Grow

I just recently put 8 Columbian seeds into RR plugs, 8 sprouted. They are roughly 13-14 yrs old...

And, they were just wrapped in a baggy, and stored in a pill bottle, in a drawer, lol..

Some people have all the luck.

Wait, were they commercially sealed? or just bag seed?
Re: SteveHman's Advanced LED - 1000 Watt/BP Nutrients - Going For Max Yield Grow-Grow

Bag seed, from my dad. He says they are Columbian, so they are, I'm 100% sure. He doesn't play when it comes to his pot, lol. I have quite a few old school strains from him, and have used them throughout the years in my breeding program....
Re: SteveHman's Advanced LED - 1000 Watt/BP Nutrients - Going For Max Yield Grow-Grow

Bag seed, from my dad. He says they are Columbian, so they are, I'm 100% sure. He doesn't play when it comes to his pot, lol. I have quite a few old school strains from him, and have used them throughout the years in my breeding program....

Gawd I remember the old Columbian from the 70's. It would knock us on our asses! It wasn't easy to come by in my area back then, but when you got some you knew it. I have no idea how it would rate today, but I remember it well.
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