Stoner's Kerala First DWC Grow

take ur time selecting a mother though, it will reward u.

Right now im so limited in space mate that i wish i could..And since i will be moving sometime in the near future, i dont think ill be able to keep the mother plant :/, i just wanted to get a head start on the next grow, and start growing another plant right now with my extra light i have laying around, take cuts from it, root it on the aerocloner when the time comes, and soon as i harvest, id put the rooted clone in the dwc ;)
So my ph has been very stable with the canna aqua base nutes, i havent had to make adjustments for 6 days now which is great. But i just took some readings, and my ppms dropped from 692 to 628 since last night, which im not worried about, i guess the plant is just hungry lol, but my ph went from a steady 5.8, to 5.0, so i was wondering why the ph change?
i flush 4 or 5 days with ph'd water. i change it after 24 hours.

thats quite a drop overnight when its been steady. my ph usually drifts up, very slightly. u want to change res weekly anyway.

Yeah that what i said, it was kinda weird. my ph been really good, only increasing very slightly over the days.. Yes i will do a res change today, even tho i wish i didnt have it to do every week. Because based on my ppms their pretty much the same i started with, just a little less, and the water level still pretty high hence my plants arent drinking as much.. Even during flower u change ur res every week?
Question to anyone and everyone who experimented for themselves and know this from experience. Is there any difference in using tap water or natural drinking water? I came across a lot of ppl saying it doesnt matter, that tap water is fine, and some other ppl saying that natural drinking water is better for your plants. So what do you guys think?
A weekly change will help avoid the build up of any nastys, salts bacteria you name it. Sure you can push longer I have heard of people running the whole veg on one res and the same for flower but it is a really bad idea in my opinion, especially for us noobs weve got enough pitfalls to avoid without adding to the dramas lol. Ive gone ten days but I find the plants seem to love the change and perk up even more the next day so I try to stick to the weekly.
I use tap water mine is 7.0 ph and 0.6ec (300ppm@ x500 conversion) I have no worries with it once ph adjusted and left to bubble for a few hours to remove chlorine (if im running a sterile environment I don't even let it stand). I cant comment on the r/o distilled water.

Sounds good..I guess i will be using tap water, tired of having to go get distilled water everytime i do a rez change lol. And my tap water is slightly better, it reads something in the low 200'sppm
ive never tried bottled water if thats what u are referring too. but it usually has a high mineral content which may cause probs.

R/O water is the best as u have absolute control of what goes in there. it only usually requires a little cal/mag added on top of regular feeding.

Thats what ive been using i guess.. i get the water out of a vending water purifier machine, not bottles.
I suggest before you feed your plants, make a brew and watch its stability for a day or two. If using tap water then regular changes are even more necessary as every time you top up you are adding more unwanted minerals/ppms to your res which is fine like I say if you do your weekly flush and change. eg ppm is constant but you top up every day there is getting less and less actual usable ppm in the res.
What do you guys do about topping off ur rez during flower, when ur plants are drinking lets say for example, a gallon of water a day? do you top off with plain water, or do u just top off with more of the same mixed solution, to add back water and nutes?
it depends. usually i add ph'd water but do full res change every 5 days or so.

Maybe im over thinking it, but i thought that if the plants are drinkin so much water/nutes daily, and if i top off with just plain water, then my nutrient solution would get too weak before the week goes by, no?
By the way ive been doing some defoliation, a lot actually. I think it will stop now until i flower, hope i didnt fuck it up.
Heres before

and after

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