Stoner's Kerala First DWC Grow

Yeh I use plastic coated garden twine cheap and easy I did use a thick soft string for one grow but the knots are a killer. I say leave the grow nutes till stretch has finished usually 2 weeks into flower.

Yep i got those today mate. And i also got materials for a scrog. Now, question for everyone.. how do you guys go about changing the rez on an individual bucket if you have a scrog? I just dont see how id pull the bucket outta there, if the plant up top is goin thru the scrog. Unless i add a drain hole maybe. My buckets doesnt have one.
Took a couple shots today, so here it is.


Things looking greener, which is always good. The plant on the bottom picture seems to have just started developing more on top, but still pretty skinny, not really any side branches and not bushy at all, could i assume that this is a male? I was also wondering, like i said on my previous post, how do you guys go about changing out/cleaning ur res if you have a scrog on top? And when should i add one, based on how my plants r looking? Thx in advance, you ppl opinion and input r very important ;)
use aqua vega until 1-2 weeks after flip then switch to aqua flores and start adding any other boosts when first flower formation shows. I use Aqua vega until i see flowers start to form then switch. i use voodoo juice, piranha, tarantula and bud ignitor during this period also. but if u were to use just one of those pick between bud ignitor and voodoo juice. They are great products. i dont add any sort of boost till around start week 3.

If u are stress training its a good idea to use a B supplement such as B-52 or similar. it helps keep plant healthy and less stress.
Thats not necessarilly a male. look for the shape of sex organs as the plant matures. male are ball shaped, female pear shaped. The way the plant is growing is probably due to the stress its had. they look alot healthier than they did.

Im not a fan of scrogging on individual buckets as its a pain in the arse. if u were running a system it makes it much easier as u can have a header bucket thats easier to drain. Having said that if u put a pump in ur bucket to drain and use a hose to fill u only have to open the bucket slightly. I grow wide branchy monsters and dont use nets, for the most part anyway. just train ur plant then as it grows tie the branches to the sides of the buckets. then use strings to hold the weight of bud once it starts packing weight on. Have a spare bucket that u can fill then just swap the buckets at res change.
Yeah drain hole of some kind. You just need to flush a little better between res changes to ensure you get all the residual nutes out as they never drain completely. I used silicone sealant reticulation hose and a cheap plastic tap fitting. make it in an identical bucket to what you are using so once it all dries you can just slip your girl straight in. no more moving your girl. just drain, flush and add your fresh nutes
you want to set your screen about 8-10 inches above your pot rim so that you can get under there to weave your branches so when your plants are nearing that height you will want to think about it. until then work on training your plants with LST to create as many main tops of equal height and internodes as you can to help fill that screen. Tying down as you have done is perfect keep that main leading tip as low as you can and it will balance out the growth with the lower tips until you can hardly tell which was the main tip you started with. as a tip takes over and starts to take the main tip role let it run a bit then tie it down let another tip lead upwards etc. I always let my girls free for a half day every so often then re tie them, I feel it helps stimulate growth and ensures no ties are digging in to the plant or restricting its growth. sorry am I babbling?
Not at all, thx for that, really good info. And i apologize for the short reply, im in a rush, lol gotta go! ill drop by later
Hi stoner,
Once your scrog net is up and in place, to drain your reservoir if it doesn't have a drain hole you can use a fish tank syphon (spelling?) Just a hose pretty much. You can do it the old fashioned way by putting one end in the tank and sucking on the other end like a straw until you get water in your mouth then put hose in bucket and it will continue to drain or....
you can submerge the hose completely ensuring that there is no air inside the tube, While both ends are still under water plug one end with your thumb or hand etc.. Pull out the end you have plugged with your thumb and put it into a bucket and water should start draining on its own, as long as there was no air in the hose. It will continue to drain your tank completely or until air gets in the hose. Just have extra buckets or a second set of hands to switch out the buckets once they get full. You can get the fish tank syphon for a couple of bucks at any pet store that sells fish or fish aquarium equipment.

Hope this helps. ;)
Hi stoner,
Once you scrog net is up to drain your reservoir if it doesn't have a drain hole you can use a fish tank syphon (spelling?) Just a hose pretty much. Submerge it completely ensuring that there is no air inside the tube, While both ends are still under water plug one end with your thumb or hand etc.. Pull out the end you have plugged with your thumb and put it into a bucket and water should start draining, as long as there was no air in the hose. It will continue to drain your tank completely or until air gets in the hose. Just have extra buckets or a second set of hands to switch out the buckets once they get full. You can get the fish tank syphon at any pet store that sells fish or fish aquarium equipment.

Good thinking, I believe you can get similar syphon setups from auto stores too, just a cheap hand pump thing on a hose. You would just have to have the res propped up high enough to completely syphon it empty, or you will be emptying half full buckets for a while LOL
Waddup guys, been kinda busy working, and what not..Just got back, took some readings, not adjustments to be made, things are looking good. I just finished reading the replys, @Cultivator, voodoo, n stealth, i appreciate all the into and tips on how to change out my rez, i was like wtf???hmm how am i gonna do that if theres a net up top lol, but yea thats a pretty cool idea stealth, but would the siphon empty out the res completely? Because since im so limited in space now, and will be too on the next grow, i was thinking about just doing a single bucket and scrog on the next one, and for this one just finish it off like cultivator said..just bending down the tops, and using strings to hold the weight later..But if the siphon idea works good, then i guess it wont be a pain in the ass..ill probably just have to open the top slightly.
just train ur plant then as it grows tie the branches to the sides of the buckets. then use strings to hold the weight of bud once it starts packing weight on. Have a spare bucket that u can fill then just swap the buckets at res change.

Do you keep ur plants tied down during flowering, or do you release the ties?
looking much healthier. i release ties when i flip, make sure the ties arent digging into branches too. dont scrog, just top and train plant like u are doing that, then wen the buds get heavy just use string to hold them up, simple.

Yes i did notice some of my ties pushing in the the new growth, and some lapping over them, which seem to be like it was interfering with the new growth pushing itself out, idk..
I got a question.. Instead of taking clones from these plants im growing now, i was thinking about buying better quality seeds and make that my mother plant, and take cuts from it later. So what would u guys do, just grow it in soil and let it get big enough for cuts? thx
i like to grow my mothers in coco. get the seeds, veg them up and take a couple of cuts from each one. flower out the seeds to see which one u like best then use the cutting off that plant as a mother. thats how i do it. Takes time to get a solid mother but worth it. my A.M.S mother was nearly 4 years old when i lost it. i have other mothers but that was a special plant :(

take ur time selecting a mother though, it will reward u.
i like to grow my mothers in coco. get the seeds, veg them up and take a couple of cuts from each one. flower out the seeds to see which one u like best then use the cutting off that plant as a mother. thats how i do it. Takes time to get a solid mother but worth it. my A.M.S mother was nearly 4 years old when i lost it. i have other mothers but that was a special plant :(

take ur time selecting a mother though, it will reward u.

Yea i feel ya about ur plant, 4 years is a long time :/ I never tried messing with coco, do you mix anything with it like perlite or something? Or do u just use 100% coco coir?
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