Supergroomer - Back & Smaller Than Ever

After a brief discussion over in Cajun's garden, I have decided to lift the light up to the top of the tent for the next few days. The hope is to increase trich production even more on the BB. The light is about 32" above the canopy now. :peace:

Good haul supergroomer. *gentle* :high-five:

Keep breathing smoothly and deeply. This too shall pass. :hug:
Heh heh heh -- just trying to catch up a bit here. Sometimes every aspect of cannabis growing seems fairly kinky to me, but that just may be me.

Here is what is drying. :peace:


Wonderful harvest, supergroomer! That was quite a plant, eh? Your wife is a great photographer and has a very, very good camera and lenses! I love her depth of field work on the cola porn shots. Great work, the pair of you.

Sorry to hear about your back, ouch. Take it as easy as you can.

Thanks. Not huge but nice. Only had about 4 weeks veg. I put her in POTM. Not sure she can compete against some of those plants this month!!! :peace:

Should beat mine in POTM hahaha, tbh i would be lucky to see a vote with mine and all the competition this month but its all good fun, only put mine in in the hope i may get at least one new follower in my journal... never happened :rofl:
Good luck in the comp though mate, she is a beauty :thumb:
So I finally got a root starting on the 2nd BB clone. Took a month or so, but another week or 10 days and she will be ready for dirt!!! I also took a clone from the Critical + that I just put into flower. I think that should root pretty quick since she was still mostly in Veg stage when I took the clone. :peace:
That's a long time for a clone. Omg I will have zero patience if these take that long. Working on a misting system as we speak.
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