Sweetsue's First Grow - Stealthy Trio of Autos Under CFLs

My sister-in-law finally passed away this afternoon. It's so sad that in the 17 years that she battled cancer she never tried cannabis in any form. It's insane that oxy was passed out in major strengths and quantities and something as effective as a simple plant with incredible curative powers was ignored. Such a frustration!!!!!

I'll miss you Rose. :love:

My brother lost his child bride and I got to keep my magic man a while longer.

Life sucks sometimes.
Thank you Sally. She took over two weeks in hospice before she let go. I like to think my mother came and coaxed her away with love. Mother lived with them for the last three years of her life and she and Rose were best friends. Rose died surrounded in the love of family and friends.

My daughter is a bit on the psychic side, and when we went to see mother as she was dying Rachel had the sense that the room was overflowing with people, although we were the only ones in there with her. The energy was loving and peaceful and, in my daughter's words, crowded. I like to think they came to coax my mother in the same way I'm certain she did for Rose.

Life and death go hand in hand. I'm sorry I can't be there for him now.
This has been one hell of a month Sue. Losing my job doesn't even compare to what you have had to deal with. I'm so sorry.

You lost your job? Damn! I'm an old hand at crisis management and I have become adept at rolling with it. I'm sorry you have to deal with that CC. Let's hope that better opportunity comes knocking sooner than soon. Big hug CC. :love::green_heart::love:
wouldn't it be nice to be a kid again,, no one ever died (few anyway for me) and death and dying was not even an issue, for me and the missus, forever,, then we aged somehow,, we became the last generation suddenly,, what the heck?? sad for you sue
You lost your job? Damn! I'm an old hand at crisis management and I have become adept at rolling with it. I'm sorry you have to deal with that CC. Let's hope that better opportunity comes knocking sooner than soon. Big hug CC. :love::green_heart::love:

Right back at you :love:

I can't blame anyone but myself...I made a single mistake that couldn't be overlooked. But I hated that job and now I don't have to put off finding something better. I'm free, and I don't have to work in that maddening environment anymore. Its all good.

Like you said, can't help but roll with the punches. Its all a learning process.

Get some rest and stay warm. Tonight is going to be a cold one.
My Deepest Sympathies for your Lost SweetSue
i know what its like and the only comfort is in knowing they aren't suffering anymore
and in a Better place. :circle-of-love:
Hey Sweetsue,

I just read the entire journal, actually once they started budding up I began skimming to the current page.

Very Nice! I am surprised they are that far along without any noticeable signs of stopping, you have no yellow leaves! What is up with that? Its...Its...not fair! :hmmmm:

LOS is def in my future. Wow I can imagine Mother plants in LOS, all I would have to do is trim her back every now and then the root system should take care of itself.:goof:

Right now I have 24hr 23w CFLs for veg and then usually go to 12/12 with a 1000w HPS. One thing I am changing in this upcoming bloom is adding a 400w MH for more spectrum.

I've had ideas about first doing a week with MH on 24hrs and then backing it down each day by a couple hrs until I get to 12/12 and somewhere in there ramping up the HPS as well. Eventually backing down the MH to just 6 hrs in the middle of the HPS at 12/12.

I plan to experiment with one plant providing grow and veg bottle nutes to see if that will provide any benefit compared to the others. I have several months before I might be able to try LOS. I've got to get many things prepared first.

:reading420magazine:Wow your journal is extensive in information. Excellent plants! :thumb:

Right back at you :love:

I can't blame anyone but myself...I made a single mistake that couldn't be overlooked. But I hated that job and now I don't have to put off finding something better. I'm free, and I don't have to work in that maddening environment anymore. Its all good.

Like you said, can't help but roll with the punches. Its all a learning process.

Get some rest and stay warm. Tonight is going to be a cold one.

Woke up at 3:30 feeling my baby brother's loss. Sometimes it's a real PITA to be the family empath. After a while I realized going back to sleep wasn't going to happen, so I rolled over, checked the time and it was 4:20. :laughtwo: So here I am.

We've a family policy of accepting that every challenge you have in life has a purpose, and if you look back on it in five years you will see that it was the best thing that could have happened. I call it "the Eagle's View". I've also believed that if you can't be happy in your work you need to get out. It helps to have another option waiting in the wings that you can see, but sometimes that isn't obvious at the moment.

I see you forced the decision by making an unforgivable mistake. I'm glad you're free of the frustration of a hated occupation. Life's too short to be miserable, no? It's given you a bit more time to get familiar with this community. Look at what we've learned in such a short time.

I'll be excited when you post that the job you seek has found you. :love:
I posted this on danishoes's journal and decided it belonged here as well. For anyone interested in in-depth study of cannabis, I recommend a visit to his journal. He has some amazing 100x photos that he posted yesterday of his own trichomes that look just like this picture. That alone should make you want to visit.

From a thread on another site entitled "Understanding Cannabinoids" by one Stevius:



These types of gland are the smallest (15-30 micron across). Anywhere from one to four cells make up the "foot" and "stalk," and one to four cells make up the "head" of the gland. They can be found everywhere on the surface of the plant that is above ground level. Head cells secrete a resin, presumably cannabinoids, and related compounds that accumulate between the head cells and the cuticle.

Capitate – Sessile

The second type of gland is larger (25 to 100 micrometers) and more numerous than the bulbous glands. They are called capitate, which means having a globular-shaped head. On immature plants, the heads lie flush, appearing not to have a stalk and are called capitate sessile. They have a stalk that is one cell high, although it may not be visible beneath the globular head. These cells secrete cannabinoids and related compounds.

Capitate – Stalked

These type of glands appear during flowering and occur especially on the bracts subtending a flower and seed and also small leaves that accompany the flowers. They contain the highest concentration of cannabinoids and can range in size from 150 – 500 microns. The male flowers also have stalked glands, but they are smaller and less concentrated than on the female plant. These resin glands contain the most THC, which is also why they are the most important. Good cannabis plants have mostly capitate-stalked glandular trichomes and in very high concentration.

(The structures pointed out by the red arrow is a cystolith hair that lack the bulbous head of the other trichomes.)
Hey Sweetsue,

I just read the entire journal, actually once they started budding up I began skimming to the current page.

Very Nice! I am surprised they are that far along without any noticeable signs of stopping, you have no yellow leaves! What is up with that? Its...Its...not fair! :hmmmm:

LOS is def in my future. Wow I can imagine Mother plants in LOS, all I would have to do is trim her back every now and then the root system should take care of itself.:goof:

Right now I have 24hr 23w CFLs for veg and then usually go to 12/12 with a 1000w HPS. One thing I am changing in this upcoming bloom is adding a 400w MH for more spectrum.

I've had ideas about first doing a week with MH on 24hrs and then backing it down each day by a couple hrs until I get to 12/12 and somewhere in there ramping up the HPS as well. Eventually backing down the MH to just 6 hrs in the middle of the HPS at 12/12.

I plan to experiment with one plant providing grow and veg bottle nutes to see if that will provide any benefit compared to the others. I have several months before I might be able to try LOS. I've got to get many things prepared first.

:reading420magazine:Wow your journal is extensive in information. Excellent plants! :thumb:


Thank you xtrchessreal. I try to make it informative and accessible. I'm glad the plan is working. :love:

I'm of the opinion that many different types of light make happier plants, and I plan to add something else before my next seeds get planted. Just haven't decided what type to go to next. At some point in the future those LED strips Light Addict got the chance to play with on his current grow will be available and for sure they will find their way into my space eventually. I can envision my CFLs supplemented with some T5s and those strips. Yeah... That sounds interesting.

Danishoes has me rethinking photoperiods. It was his inspiration that got me to finally go back to cutting the lights until I hit my current schedule, which I realized last night is now 12.5/11.5. In the tropics the nights are longer and if you flower at 11/13 they show characteristics that aren't triggered without that longer night.

I'm always imagining a system whereby the lights are on a complex timer that would allow me to mimic the rising and setting of the sun and the movement of sol across the sky. I can envision the switching on and off of individual bulbs, changing spectrum and intensity as the day progresses. The ability to mimic not only the gradual shift of light in the 24 hour period but the change of season as well intrigues me. In the way that the Intelligent Gro lights tempted us (before we learned that they had problems with both the lights and the operation of the company) but carried a step further. Weather systems instead of simply light systems may be the future of indoor gardening.

It's that Mother Earth thing I have going. :laughtwo::green_heart:
Ugh .. I give up ... been trying to catch up here ... I will just read along and learn, might ask a few questions .. your journal is huge :eek:

Great read tho, to page 20 or so ... rest probably too, but before I get three posts ahead, new links have been posted, or interesting signatures appear, and before I know it, 3 hours have passed.
Yeah PlanetJ, I have that same challenge with DocBud's HB Q&A thread. LOL! Glad you're enjoying it.
Woke up at 3:30 feeling my baby brother's loss. Sometimes it's a real PITA to be the family empath. After a while I realized going back to sleep wasn't going to happen, so I rolled over, checked the time and it was 4:20. :laughtwo: So here I am.

We've a family policy of accepting that every challenge you have in life has a purpose, and if you look back on it in five years you will see that it was the best thing that could have happened. I call it "the Eagle's View". I've also believed that if you can't be happy in your work you need to get out. It helps to have another option waiting in the wings that you can see, but sometimes that isn't obvious at the moment.

I see you forced the decision by making an unforgivable mistake. I'm glad you're free of the frustration of a hated occupation. Life's too short to be miserable, no? It's given you a bit more time to get familiar with this community. Look at what we've learned in such a short time.

I'll be excited when you post that the job you seek has found you. :love:

I don't know if I'll find something I really want yet, but at least I hope ill find something that doesn't drag me down in the mean time.

Thanks for the words :)
I really like the kind of person you are Sue, thanks a bunch for spreading the information around. Outside this virtual world I love to feed of peoples wisdom, have long conversations with knowledgeable people while smoking a phat J, you can learn so much in 15 mins.

Much Love & Respect for ya

Keep'em green
Aww, thanks dani.:love: I'm enjoying this jumping around between journals, in and out of discussions. It's like being at the World's Most Interesting Dinner Party. I'm fascinated at how we can all brainstorm on multiple journals about the same issues and everyone gets to contribute. Amazing. You've helped me learn so much and we've just met. I can't imagine how much we'll have covered in a year or two of these virtual brainstorming sessions.

How cannabis breaks down chlorophyll left on the buds. Let's see what I can find on curing. Drcannabi had a link to a thread on curing I'm going to read for starts. It's something I was needing to study anyhow before I harvest.
MMMmmmm just had and orange/cannabis leaf/spinach VitaMix shake as a morning cleanse as we call it. The breakfast shake will be another hour or so. Fresh cannabis leaves with organic oranges tastes so good and is so good for you. :love:

I came here to say I plan to do a journal at some point here. I was intimidated when I first started in 2012 helping my brother with his grow while he went to Costa Rica for 2 months. He was gone before Thanksgiving and didn't return until late Jan. In December Our Gov Hickenlooper was forced to sign Amendment 64 :love: What a thing! In this state the Gov MUST sign an amendment that was voted by the people. Oh I just F'n love that! It is so empowering, I imagined being next to him and grabbing his hand and forcing him to sign it myself.

It was immediately legal to be growing yourself when he signed it December 10 2012.
We have a "Vote for 64" yard sign that we plan to frame at some point.:high-five:

After helping my brother we decided to grow ourselves and built a nice setup. I read Jorge Cervantes "Marijuana Indoor Horticulture" and then built a room in the basement. I found this forum and signed up and used it for information. So at some point I want to show everyone what I've been doing. Everything is on a timer except for water.

Sweetsue, Radogast and COorganics are inspiring me to do a LOS grow in the future perhaps I can begin my journal as I begin to look into LOS and maybe starting with a nice transplant into LOS for a mother though I am not sure how long a mother can be in LOS yet. Questions are already firing off.

By the way the use of the rice hulls seemed rather original to me - cool idea:thumb:

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