Tead's Indoor-ish, Winter, Hempy, OGK, SOG

Heya Heya,, good Wednesday to y'all,,

My hempy experiment is going super, gotta say,, i have three different experiments going, hempy style,, the first is a shoot that had just grown its first root in soil,, i was gonna chuck it, noticed the one piddly root and transferred it into a hempy pot,, a week or so ago,, it is still clinging to life, sorta,, a fifty fifty chance,, i will keep trying on this one only because it was the first test,,

The second is a clone, I am rooting it in perlite,, three days now, it seems to love it,, going strong,,

The third is a seed I cracked in water then planted in perlite,, it has just popped its little head out of the perlite and smiled at me,, looks happy

So there we go,, one life for sure,, the seed I planted is in its final pot,, a smallish peanut butter jar,, so no transplanting there,

Good things happening in me labooratoory these days,, thanks to the encouragment from friends,, thanks, and cheers for now

Wonderful Nivek!
What's your (ahem...) feeding routine?
Hmmmm, well,, er,,,, ummmm, welll, you know??? Umm,, well,

I dont have one
I used it in soil with great results, it's so rich in salts, especially ammonium, that will easily replace any chemical fertilizer.
Well, you are supposed to put some in compost/soil making, but honestly I thought it would kill plants if too much is hm..used.
Yo know the urine helps to take the scent of the plant too? Good to use if a gorilla grow is going on somewhere.
So this is FEI, an Afghan Kush I grew few yrs back using just urine and wood ash from the fireplace.


Hope you don't mind, Tead.
Have a hectic weekend, guys!

but honestly I thought it would kill plants if too much is hm..used.

Oh it will... and damn quick. Human urine is WAY too hot to use straight. I'm not sure what an application rate in hydro would be, but I would suspect it would be in the teaspoon measurement range.

Hope you don't mind, Tead.

Not the slightest bit. What was your soil application rate?
well y'all certainly have got me thinking about this now,, how can i turn this first hempy plant into an experiment with urine,, well, hmmmm

urine's best quality, is the nitrogen it contains,, huge amounts,, urine is near a perfect fertilizer,, such a shame to waste such a valuable resource,, so i do my tiny part,, have since day one of growing,, some info i came across right away and kinda kept with it,,

using urine for vegging plants is one thing, and using for foliar feeding is a no brainer, for me

but feeding a hempy pot,, that is something i have not figured out at all,, yet,, no idea,,

right now, i have one half gallon pot with a live one inch tall youngun in it,, it has grown from a popped seed in the perlite,, so cute it be,, this probably has not reached the water reservoir below yet,, yes, just water,, i have sprayed a bit around the stalk with a mild urine mix, but nothing much at all yet,, still too small

but the time will be here soon, i will need to start to feed this youngun something,, though minuscule amounts, urine will be in there, a bit,, but surely that is not enough?? i guess i will use nothing else and see what develops,, for a bit anyway

i still also have a clone i am trying to root in perlite,, unfortunately, the other hempy experiment failed,, the sprout was not at all healthy, and passed on,, services were held,, send money, no flowers, well, mj flowers ok.

will update soon,, the interest in this subject is appreciated,, cheers

i dilute my watering urine 1/15,, and the foliar spray is much less than that,, 1/50 or so maybe,, yes, straight urine will kill near anything,,
I'd just frigging love to see how a urine fed hempy pot does.
Up you calcium intake.

are you suggesting that i up the calcium supplements for the plant,,, or for myself?? haha
are you suggesting that i up the calcium supplements for the plant,,, or for myself?? haha

Well... for yourself, thus the plant. Excess nutrients in the human body are expressed in the waste stream (teehee!), thus any excess calcium would find it's way to your plants. I might suggest a magnesium boost as well... both of these usually need to be supplemented in hydro grows.
You're entering into a very 'You are what you smoke' kinda world here after all.

i dilute my watering urine 1/15,, and the foliar spray is much less than that,, 1/50 or so maybe

An indicator in your words would be the foliar spray amounts. We usually use foliar sprays at 1/2 the strength of hydro numbers, so a starting point might be 2x your foliar spray numbers.
Is there a difference between male and female urine in this regard? nivek, have you ever used the wife's urine?

No, I won't be starting a urine experiment. :rofl:
Well sue, how interesting, indeed,, certainly has been a topic of conversation in me labooratoory, absolutely,, very early on actually,, the missus and i discussed that, using her urine,, me missus is a trooper, let me tell y'all, sure is,, she absolutely volunteered to collect some for me,,Yay,,

Then I started thinkin about it,, her urine, not 'my ' urine,, someone elses urine,, i thot about it a lot,, someone elses urine,, do I want to be messing with someone elses urine,, i know she is me missus, but seriously, we never did get into that stuff in our personal life,, maybe not gonna happen in me labooratoory either,, ha

Besides, I seem to have the ability to produce enough all by me lonesome, thanks in part to forty five years as a heavy equipment operator,, haha

I would certainly assume that male and female urine contains differing chemicals etc, how it would affect mj plant growth will remain a 420 mystery, I guess, least for now,, cheers sue,, love the chat,, cheers
Oh it will... and damn quick. Human urine is WAY too hot to use straight. I'm not sure what an application rate in hydro would be, but I would suspect it would be in the teaspoon measurement range.

Not the slightest bit. What was your soil application rate?
I used it in 1:10 or 1:15 ratio, added a tbs of wood ash and it worked fine.
Nivek I could take the Ec meter to some pee sometime and get some ppm readings. That 'should' give a good idea of how much to mix for hydro- though I am guessing that pee must vary drastically in strength depending on the circumstances. So it may be worthless info?
Ok, this is starting to remind me of a thread I read in another forum, that one turned quite icky, because other elements or body fluids went into conversation, so I closed tab and left.
I am not going to start a test, i am curious about how the bud is as smoke and how affected it is of the urine.
Nivek I could take the Ec meter to some pee sometime and get some ppm readings. That 'should' give a good idea of how much to mix for hydro- though I am guessing that pee must vary drastically in strength depending on the circumstances. So it may be worthless info?

Weaseley, friend, I know you know that I know you know there is no such thing as useless information,, we all must clutter our brains with as much information as possible,, cuz ya just know the aliens are gonna wanna know, everything

Me too, I wanna know too, tho maybe not everything.

I really would appreciate yours and any advise at all on how to proceed with this,, now y'all got me wantingmto use just urine, least for the veg state

Sad to say my hempie clone passed on as well, poor thing,, i think I kept it too wet, with spraying, tho I never once sprayed the leaves,, stem all rotten, too quick for anything other than drowning from love, my passion got the better of me,

Weaseley,, anything you can tell me will not go wasted, I promise, scouts honour, cross me eart and hope to not die

Nivek: Tead told me it was impossible to overwater in hempys. However, your spraying the stems might have done it. You fostered fungus at the perlite line. Now spraying leaves is OK if you have a really low RH, but you have to let the plant dry out a bit between watering to runoff out of the hempy hole.

As for using pee for nitrogen, it all depends on how much water YOU drink. Dark yellow pee is going to have to be diluted. A lot. Even good nutes will kill your plants if the concentration is too high. Definitely test the PH and whatever else you can test before feeding it to your ladies! It has a lot more than N in it, mostly waste products that bacteria have to break down before plants can absorb it.
Thanks AK,, great info, indeed.

Truth be told I have been using urine for as long as I have been growing,, indoors that is,, actually near exact two years now, hmm,, wow,

I water my vegging plants with 'only' a 1/15 urine mixture, every time, and i supplement with a once weekly, or so, shot of, well, embarrased to say, miracle grow,, all purpose,, and i foliar feed, every day, with about a 1/50 mixture, under the leaves ( I recently read about the benefits of spraying under the leaves as well as the top) and on top, every day. Veg plants only,, too cramped and too many close lights for spraying my flowerings,, tho I add some urine mix to my flowering plants watering water as well,, as you probably know flowering plants require less nitrogen

Your post got me to read a bit further again tho, thank you for that,, I had read before that urine was completely sterile,, Wikipedia just told me it is not completely sterile,, maybe it is sterile till it reaches the bladder

But what a feast the stuff contains,, yes, some toxins as well,, but nitrogen, loads of it,, and good healthy amounts of potassium and phosphorus as well,, near the exact components required by plant life,, no coincidence of course,, i think in school we called it

Evolution baby

I mix up a jug of the urine solution, then I ph it, every time, to just over six, with vinegar

First hempy clone was a failed experiment,, so, next one, will be today maybe,, less spraying,, perhaps the water in the solo cup reservoir will wick up enuf to keep it alive,, that will be my strategy this time,,

Thanks again friends,, oh so helpful and appreciated,, cheers
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