The 420 Fotographer Collective: Advanced Cannabis Photography

Username: Grandpa Tokin

Grow method and strains: DWC. Whatever I can get my hands on, but I have an original cut of GG4.

Camera, Lenses and Gear: iPhone 7. I have a good camera, but don't know how to use it really.

Experience level and photography background: Total Newb.

What is your style? (portrait, journal, macro, outdoor, instructional, various) Yes.

Favorite lens or type of shot: The good one.

If you could give 1 tip for new photographers: I'd be a photographer.

Other introductory options: I love good photos, but I don't know diddly about photography.

Please share 1 of you favourite photos and explain why it works so well for you. What equipment did you use? I like to see trichomes. I used an iPhone


Please share 1 technique you use in a step by step how-to.

1. Open camera on phone.
2. Point at subject.
3. Push button thingy on phone.

Choose a few of your favourite photos and share them.


Talk about a piece of your equipment you can't live without. Dude, it's my phone.

Okay, you can see im not a photographer whatsoever, but I want to learn. Some of you are insane good at it. Thanks for letting me watch.
U.a.,, pls

Forgive me iffin I pull out my harp again for a sec,,

But i am honestly trying to make a point about the I.s.o. Setting that is either being missed, or ignored, or both

Your comment regarding your bud photos, maybe you know this stuff, maybe not,,

Here is my point

You had your camera on a tripod, very good. You shot at 1/20. Good again. So, you have your tripod workin and slow shutter speed

Then you up the I.s.o. To 1600 because of low light

????? You are on a tripod, shooting slow speeds already

The image quality between I.s.o. 50 and 1600 is night and day, four stops actually

You could have shot at one second exposure with f7 and not suffered the image degredation that you did

I am not sure who understands the one to one relationship between fstops and exposures and silly I.s.o. Settings. Moving one requires adjusting other settings one stop as well, to achieve the same exposure.

A test will follow later
I've always thought of photography as an art form, it's the reason I studied photography in college. I love it and I wanted to become an artist. I realized after graduation that the romance and incredible effort it takes to be a professional artist were not what I wanted to do. I decided to work as a pro and I did my own thing. Not too bad but then I got married and that took a back seat to having a family and paying the bills, etc.

I always tried to take my artistic training into the commercial world, it's what separated me from the other photographers, good or bad.

People choose different photographers because they like the style of pictures, personality, and, of course, price. My happiest customers have always been the ones who paid full price. It's because they understand what they're getting. I digress...

We all have our own shooting styles and make different choices based on our experience, environment, etc. Just because I shoot one way doesn't mean everybody has to, but if people wanna learn from me, well, what a compliment that is!

I'm only here to offer advice and things that have worked for me. I often find that I learn so much more when I'm teaching others.

I'm super baked and I'm gonna take my dog for a walk.
I understand what you were saying Nivek. I may have been on a tripod but the setting was on a board that was resting on towels on the kitchen table. The table would actually move under my shifting weight. In order to get a photo without excessive motion blur.

The slight noise is an acceptable result. For this forum the extreme crisp image is not worth that effort. The forum resizes and reduces quality in my experience.

I kept 9 photos from this shoot. This might The the only one with that high of an ISO.

So it's not that I didn't know, or wasn't listening, it's that I choose to experiment and shoot the way I like for the result I want.

Like MagicJim, I preferred my CFL t5 lighting over messing around in other light. Other that natural.
I shall take off my high hat, cheers

Y'all shall have no problem with the test
I shall take off my high hat, cheers

Y'all shall have no problem with the test

Nah its all good man, the discussion is good, you are of course correct. I would still prefer to re shoot that image with more light and a lower ISO. For my own collection or even instagram as it is more photo friendly. I am ok with feedback so between you and I you can feel welcome to post those kinds of comments. I think these discussions help others.

How its delivered is more important than what is delivered sometimes.
In trying to keep with the original theme, heres a few from a recent Strawberry Kush grow.

Canon D70 body
Canon 24mm IS Macro lens 1/250 sec, ISO160, F 2.8
The first two were shot with flash under 800 watt HPS lights
I'm really enjoying being part of this group. We all influence each other in our own ways. Y'all got me puttin my shooters hat on again and really takin a second look at what I'm doin. Here's one I like from today. I'll find another to do the HDR to and post a before and after.

Y'all got me puttin my shooters hat on again and really takin a second look at what I'm doin.

Me too. It feels good to be challenged again. Kind of forces you to step up to the plate a little bit.

And when I get looking at my photos with "that" eye again, I can sure see the

I just wish we could display them a little larger. These size reductions really take away from the quality.
Me too. It feels good to be challenged again. Kind of forces you to step up to the plate a little bit.

And when I get looking at my photos with "that" eye again, I can sure see the

I just wish we could display them a little larger. These size reductions really take away from the quality.

I hear ya. By the time I'm uploading I'm already thinking about reshooting.
Anybody ever use the dodging and burning tools. I like to use the burn tool for all those little trich heads. Helps to get the definition and bring out the details. I just brought this girl in from the cold for her last two weeks.

Toughened by the cold fattened up by the warmth. Just tryin new things...

I spent weeks taking pictures of flowers and plants. I love it. All sorts of spiders and insects show up. Birds. I suspect I will do it again this year.

Great shots again Agemon, really dig the definition and contrast you bring out.

Scrogdawg with the tasty bud shots too. Love the bud on the reflective surface. That stuff looks frosty.

I really have no photoshop skills. Never really grew up with it. It's why I spent so much time setting up the shot. Less need to have to know or use the software. Even the stuff I do know how to do is half assed. Guesswork.

Might pick up a newer laptop and a decent program later this year. Might not either lol.
I'm really enjoying being part of this group. We all influence each other in our own ways. Y'all got me puttin my shooters hat on again and really takin a second look at what I'm doin. Here's one I like from today. I'll find another to do the HDR to and post a before and after.


Yes so much this shoot!

If ya get time, Please do the HDR. That would be cool
i think i mentioned I did it with my point and shoots pre set, just for fun. It has basic HDR and an HDR art setting. It can be 'good' or all the way too 'overprocessed' look depending on the intensity of its use.

I am having trouble find, I did hdr on the 'triple purple rhino' i ran this summer. The shot i posted on the previous page was a gentle HDR setting intensity, i like it better ....
This one is more processed looking to me.
Again lazy foto capture guy, just a setting on the camera this one I put to a higher intensity.
still cool cause I am a space cadet and like to space out ; - )
Yes so much this shoot!

If ya get time, Please do the HDR. That would be cool
i think i mentioned I did it with my point and shoots pre set, just for fun. It has basic HDR and an HDR art setting. It can be 'good' or all the way too 'overprocessed' look depending on the intensity of its use.

I am having trouble find, I did hdr on the 'triple purple rhino' i ran this summer. The shot i posted on the previous page was a gentle HDR setting intensity, i like it better ....
This one is more processed looking to me.
Again lazy foto capture guy, just a setting on the camera this one I put to a higher intensity.
still cool cause I am a space cadet and like to space out ; - )
Cosmonaut illz checking in for flight hours on the cannexpress. Im learning a whole bunch, i just need to get a real camera to put all this knowladge to work. Amazazazing pictures all of yous!!!
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