The Capn's Simple Hydroponics Cook Off - Goal: 1lb Indoors - Journal

Happy Frieday s1ing!
the little ones look great!:)
lol now that I look at the side by side pic I do see the difference. Dont know why I didnt notice in person but I should real soon. It ought to be a night and day difference and if grow cubes are what it takes to get the flowers I want than "So Be It!" lol, cant wait and want to take a moment out of my crazy day to say THANK YOU! to the cap'n. Id still be searching if it werent for him
this should be interesting im subbed up for this
Happy Sativaday s1ing:)
High everyone, im still without Internet at the new place, they have to trench a line in. The move has been pretty rough but no tragedies. The home we just moved out of is still full of junk and garbage, i got boned on the 16500 i was promised in writting but i have greener things to do with my time so im not going to go after it. I hate spending any money in court fees and attorney fees are even lower in my book. Dont even get me started talking about sharks lol.
The plants in grow cubes (which is everything new) look really good. So far the OG Kush is on track for the 1st day of flip Sept. 15th and will get its own MH 400 watt this next week, should have it up already so she could get a full 30 days of HID lighting. Maybe tomorrow night?
Sorry i have no pics but with zero Internet at home equals zero 3G enabled IPad at the ranch, lol. I have all the pics but no way to update them, sorry guys. Soon as possible i promise
Have a nice and blazed weekend coming up
Ill be back lol
Happy Friedday s1ing:circle-of-love:
ok you honkeys, i got my shit going! here is my entry, (lil late) well see how she goes! like sling said, iits new and going to be a interesting ride!

Nah man, he's growing his salad in the croutons. Looking really good too. Can't wait to see what kind of dressing he uses:thumb:
Growing in bread crumbs! Whoda thunk it!lol how you watering?

lol nah man just some grow cubes, i have it in a sauser so i water till it pools then it sucks water up as it needs via syphon
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