Don't forget to check your surfaces for crustiness.
Oddly, while the mulch on top is dry, the top surface of the soil still feels nicely moist. That surprised me so I checked with a meter again and got the same readings (4-5) I got earlier.

Does that make sense? I would have thought I'd have dry soil on top with a bit of a moisture gradient as I went lower. :hmmmm:

Do the plants look wilty?
Not at all. They look good.
Oddly, while the mulch on top is dry, the top surface of the soil still feels nicely moist. That surprised me so I checked with a meter again and got the same readings (4-5) I got earlier.

Does that make sense? I would have thought I'd have dry soil on top with a bit of a moisture gradient as I went lower. :hmmmm:

Not at all. They look good.
it's an indicator of how moist your normal was. The root drench has restored an even saturation and capilliary action works better.

Likely your true tilth is starting to shine too and help even out everything.

If your up to it, watch for water stress and see how dry the meter goes before you see stress. Watch for dry spots all over. See where the number reads.

When a strain description says the strain likes drier or wetter soil, they mean on the lower side of the green zone to the higher side.

That actually indicates their O2 requirements, as drier soil has more air, wetter has less, as H2O directly displaces O2.

Once you find the "steamy spot" stagnant water isn't there anymore, only dampness. It reservoirs into the carbon but doesn't lay around like puddles.

At that point the entire gradient gets less dramatic from top to bottom. Mulch stabilizes it all.

If/when it gets wonky again, its time for another root drench.

When you find the sweet spot that the plant loves, thats your target to hold at.

Frequent small waterings or drippers work best at that point, especially after stretch when water consumption gets very constant.

Do they feel light when lifted? You need to learn a new weight too.
It will capilliary action its way up to recharge all the carbon particles. The humates. The hydrogen in H20 needs to be available to the humates to set ph, so carbon keeps it close. Roots tap into it for hydration. The more charged particles the more roots.
TMSC - Day 49 of Flower.



Ikky on the left, Mutey on the right.


Seven weeks today, and her description says most phenos are ripe at 9. Her calcium deficiency stopped quickly with 75ppm dolomite water but now she is starting to fade. Wednesday is topdressing day and I will do it, but I think scenescence is creeping in. The colas are chubbing up fast.


Pistils are starting to go red.





Mutey in full height now that RV1 is gone.


The weird flat wide trunk is completely covered in buds but you can't see it in the pictures. I will trim the plant up at harvest without chopping so you folks can see it, it's pretty cool, its just hidden by so many leaves it hides. She's scruffy, the Gaia mix wasn't strong enough for her. I got it stopped, but it hit fast.
Do they feel light when lifted? You need to learn a new weight too.
I didn't lift it. In my flower box I have two plants, side-by-side and each are on a turntable so I rarely move them around as I can spin them to have all around access to each plant. I'll try to remember to check tomorrow before I water.

it's an indicator of how moist your normal was. The root drench has restored an even saturation and capilliary action works better.
Well, that's encouraging. I'll plan on a brix reading this weekend and see if anything changed in the reading.

Once you get this all figured you will know how much and when to add to the reservoir.
Ultimately that's where I want to be since I've had such good success with plant growth at least from the SIP, though I'll add top waterings periodically, maybe once a week with my top dressings.

I'm hoping I'll find a certain water reservoir depth that equates to acceptable soil moisture levels.
RVDV1 Clones - Day 2 of Flower.









I haven't pruned anything off except the flower sites on the branches. Eventually some bottom branches will come off but clones have far less leaves overall, so other than pruning larf flowers out, I will leave the branches.

The best 4 or so will be the flower colas. I can't get greedy in 1.6gal pots. This is going to be hard work.

In Rev's mix it works well but requires daily maintenance. Hopefully Gaia at double strength can do it. I used 3 tbsp/gal of soil per month divided by 4 to make it weekly, on the current TMSC grow, so 7gals x 3tbsp = 21tbsp divided by 4 weeks = 5 tbsp topdressing per week. It wasn't enough for the soil mix or the topdressing so this mix is 6 tbsp of Gaia per gallon of soil in the pot, but do I double the topdressing ratio too. That would be 2.5tbsp per week topdressing. Thats a lot for the small surface area of the pot. I guess I try and see what happens. They got 1tbsp each yesterday, so on Wednesday I will give 1.5 more each, then 2.5 each on wednesdays after that.

Both have been topped so it's only branches now, no apical top. Every node on them is staggered so no manifold effect.

The 4 colas that the plant picks to dominate are the 4 I will go with. The only flower sites left are in the growing tips of the branches, the rest are gone.

If I can pull 2 oz of primo bud from each pot it's a win. I think I can get 3 if I'm dilligent but if I get one deficiency it won't happen.

I forgot how much work small pots are😩
Lol Small pots, SMH, what was I thinking?sheesh, glad it's only 2. 😔

I need to mix a new batch of soil pretty quick. I need to pick a recipe. If this mix gets to day 35 I'll try it again in a 10gal from seed. If not, I'll switch back to Rev's. I just need Ikky's and Mutey's used pots so I have 21 gals of used to make 40 gals of new.

To the 21 I add 5 gals of ewc, 5 gals of coco, and 5 gals of perlite to cut the EWC/coco and I'm at 35 gals.

So I will use a recipe to rebuild 21 gallons, that gives me my correct ammendments, then add coco, ewc, and perlite to get to 36.

The last 4 gallons are coco/perlite/and ewc to top it up. Usually about 50% perlite, 25% each ewc and coco. Then finish the blend by eye with perlite until it's just right, then cook it.

If you add ammendments for 40 gallons it gets way too strong. Its 21 gals of soil being rebuilt, then cut with conditioners and organic matter to get to 40 and to then set the moisture and cook.

Thats how I get balance. After cooking and before planting I root drench to homogenize calcium, then plant and add spikes.
I tried some of the culled RV1 last night. It was only 6 weeks flowered and then hung for 3 days and I dried it on a warming tray.

It was suprisingly mild, no coughing at all. It tasted bunky as you would imagine considering the flash drying but the buzz was great!

Fairly strong and it had legs, it lasted for a few hours. No burnout coming down. Really nice actually😊.

I can't wait to try Ikky and these RVDV clones. It was odd because it had no visible crystal and I really figured it wouldn't get me high, but it did and it was great! I will dry the rest properly and cure it up.

The worms miss out 😎.
All this hype about AI, I wonder if it knows how to build soil or grow weed.

The info on both is so corrupted by commercialism will AI be able to seperate the crap from the truth?

Can it filter out which stoner logic is valid and which isn't, and will it mix up the synthetic vs organic diffferences and needs?

And the big questions... will it understand VPD or proper watering?
It was odd because it had no visible crystal and I really figured it wouldn't get me high, but it did and it was great!
I have wondered about this as the buds of some plants can be not exactly frosty and yet they kick really well.
I tried some of the culled RV1 last night. It was only 6 weeks flowered and then hung for 3 days and I dried it on a warming tray.

It was suprisingly mild, no coughing at all. It tasted bunky as you would imagine considering the flash drying but the buzz was great!

Fairly strong and it had legs, it lasted for a few hours. No burnout coming down. Really nice actually😊.

I can't wait to try Ikky and these RVDV clones. It was odd because it had no visible crystal and I really figured it wouldn't get me high, but it did and it was great! I will dry the rest properly and cure it up.

The worms miss out 😎.
I think that makes you the first person not in Africa to smoke her. She is generally super smooth right after drying but the terps really only come after a cure.
Glad you like it. It will obviously be way better once it is done flowering.
I have wondered about this as the buds of some plants can be not exactly frosty and yet they kick really well.
I have noticed this too, especially in sativa. It's nice to have all the frost to look at but sometimes the plants that have very little visible frosting are the ones that kick hardest.
I think that makes you the first person not in Africa to smoke her. She is generally super smooth right after drying but the terps really only come after a cure.
Glad you like it. It will obviously be way better once it is done flowering.
I can't wait Matt. That poor Gal had a hard life, but she contributed heavily to education and her daughters will make her shine. I'm honored to be the 1st Buddy❤️👊.

All I can say is "Thank You and Grampa!"

It was about as bad of a sample as you can get, the whole plant was literally on the way to the worm bin but these...


Those long red hairs... they made me stop and decide to flash dry for a try of it.

It's some of the better sativa I have tried and it was so far away from it's potential. ❤️😎😍. I can't wait.

I have noticed this too, especially in sativa. It's nice to have all the frost to look at but sometimes the plants that have very little visible frosting are the ones that kick hardest.
It reminded me of the Malawi I grew a few years back. Toughted as "super strong" and that you better put on a seat belt to smoke it. It had pretty much no frost and it wiped me. Way to head strong. I put it down and backed away lol.

This isn't that strong thank goodness, but definitely strong.

She never even made it to the final resin push. I Hope I don't have to put it down and back away...🤣🤣🤣

It's nice to get what you paid for, that's a rarity these days.

Thank You👊.
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