The Lonely Mountain Seeking Great Heights - Indoor Organic Grow - G2HM

Oh I forgot, don't worry about how much or how little you use, its built for peeps like me.....stupid proof.:laughtwo:

I can't agree to that, I feel you ARE wise beyond your years.

Got my ash ready for tomorrow's feeding...;)
Another inspiring update from my favourite 420 gal. I always enjoy reading your querky comments and stories. The reach way down and touch a person.. In their soul. Keep fighting the best you can and grow those meds for your own medicinal relief. A garden is a wonderful thing, tending to it is so good for the soul. Thanks for sharing this update, see you next time :circle-of-love:

KiG :green_heart:cheers

I wanted to show you how much I'm learning from you and your journal. The greatest form of flattery would be to copy you but it would be truly impossible. Therefore the greatest form of respect would to show you the influence of your knowledge in my garden and life. ❤️.✊
Today I transplanted 4 CBD Therapy clones into new square self-watering potting containers.

They were fed water and some ash. (Tribute to Shrm)
I'll be sure to post some pics soon of me and my soldering

Any excuse to get my hands on some tools. ;)

Goodnight my Angel .

Edit: For a moment tonight, I felt special.
Thank you...
Hello fellow positive changers,

Welcome to the geek in me. Ever since Sept 2015 since my cognition started to change, I've had the toughest issues finding eyewear for indoors with the lights. Check out what I'm using to help. Free Movie Theatre 3D glasses!!!
Awesome for the modest
Try them for your grow room too! Hope it helps you....❤️

Hello fellow positive changers,

Welcome to the geek in me. Ever since Sept 2015 since my cognition started to change, I've had the toughest issues finding eyewear for indoors with the lights. Check out what I'm using to help. Free Movie Theatre 3D glasses!!!
Awesome for the modest
Try them for your grow room too! Hope it helps you....❤️


I find tons of these littered outside the theater at mall where I work. Gonna have to grab a few. Thanks!:circle-of-love:
I met a kindred spirit out there today, she is scarily similar to me and grows the EXACT same CBD as me. I am looking at her like she is a gift from above because her coolness exceeded my expectations.

She invited us to visit her off-the-grid place for rest and relazation :smokin: and we have become fast friends. That's all I can say because it's the internet but there is nothing like meeting a smoking buddy and hit it off from the start.

That is why this community is so grand, because they/we just open their arms to people like me/you. We are a sacred bunch of overachievers that always helps a fellow grower out.

Really amazing experience and just had to tell you guys how my luck is really changing these days because of my hard work to turn my life around. I took major hits last year, but this year I'm mindful of every great day. I'm feeling blessed...and blazed. ;) I am really loving my life lately.

Thank you dear ???, there is so much more to learn and love. xo
Thank you AKgramma, it's the only therapy that heals the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical aspects of this disease and I can't believe it's not widely used. I am trying to make journals so other brain patients can read about the massive improvements that can be made while growing. I appreciate you acknowledgement and validation because my medical team knows nothing about my growing projects. It's hard to keep it under wraps but when it comes to saving my life, I'm 100% invested. Plus I get to meet fabulous folks like yourself. ;):thanks:

It's so frustrating to not be able to shout about how much this amazing plant helps fellow brain injury patients. The uk has a long way to go on allowing people to grow and heal. .❤️

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This CBDream still measures at 27 inches long, 24 inches wide with 13 viable/potential colas.

There are double the amount of bud sites but we'll see how it all works out.

She has a couple nute burn places accidentally but her symmetry draws my eye right in.

Her color is stabilizing now that she's taken to her new pot and nutes and flower lights.

This CBDream still measures at 27 inches long, 24 inches wide with 13 viable/potential colas.

There are double the amount of bud sites but we'll see how it all works out.

She has a couple nute burn places accidentally but her symmetry draws my eye right in.

Her color is stabilizing now that she's taken to her new pot and nutes and flower lights.

Looking lovely! I love the symetry.

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