The Mega Crop Thread

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You'll do well! Just remember to keep it simple! It's tough, yes, and you'll be thinking you need to be adding or bumping. Resist it. Stay the course. All the stuff you add with bottles upon bottles is already in there.
You are killing it Jack! Kudo's to ya bud. What are you hoping to pull per site after it's all dried clipped and cured?

Here is my Bagseed Birthday Cake.
Hoping for a girl....


Still too small for any real nute sauce but I tossed 1g into the 10 gallon system just so I can sleep at night. Those are the new 6 gallon dwc buckets so we will see how they do.

If I get one girl I'll turn her into my mother. If I get twin girls I'll mother the strongest and flower the weaker of the two. If I get boys I guess that's nature's way of telling me to lay off cake for a bit.

I put the Biscotti stump in there as well with a wee bit of veg left on it. Hope it produces some cloneable growth. It was the one plant that purpled up
I’m not a number kind of guy but if I pull 3 once’s per plants or close I’ll b happy I just want some good quality bud since my last run I had to cut my loses early due to bugs n light leak marking them herm was a mess so far rocking will post some pics soon n just posting pics man ur adding to the club love seeing everyone’s plants to c the dif in all of them running under mc
Wasn’t really into led but this mars light def has changed my mind n mc really had one run under my belt now I don’t even check the water just make sure they are drinking n that’s really it!makes life a lot easier.
Cuz it’s the magic dust in a bag all u need n prob some calmag I added some silica this run to c the difference with last but all up to the grower def sold on mc will for ever use it from now on
Cuz it’s the magic dust in a bag all u need n prob some calmag I added some silica this run to c the difference with last but all up to the grower def sold on mc will for ever use it from now on

Careful with silica. It will raise your pH. I use it too, so just sayin. I do like it though. :)
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