The Mega Crop Thread

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Lights out

Lights on

Raised light once again ugh prob have 10 inches Till I’m hyting the roof...... but things goin well really well peeps
That's going to be one nice harvest!
Day 39, Day 4 post flip

That Mega Crop green, aka verdantness.

I’m hoping for cuz my stash is dry

I feel your pain brother. Had to spend $$$ on a sack this weekend. I didn't want to dip in to the garden prematurely. I'm still 2 weeks from the cloner finishing up. The guy I got the sack from kicked me down some Birthday Cake bagseed though soooo maybe it was worth it lol.

My entire garden is on MC now.


I'm loving this stuff.
Have you all seen that MegaCrop now has a Canadian web site?

Yes, but they only sell the 9.9Kg bags on their Canadian website. The Amazon Canadian site has all sizes available. Even on sale, it's usually less costly to buy through Amazon.
From what I'm seeing, they are poised to roll over most other nutrient lines. What do you want to bet one of the other companies doesn't try to buy them out?

That may be a touch on the dramatic side, but I do see them strategically placed to certainly gain some new customers. I wouldn't say roll over the others, as there will always be people out there that want to tweak ratios of this and that for their grow.

As for someone buying them up, it wouldn't surprise me if someone tried at some point. Especially considering if they do gain a big foothold among the hobbyist growers. With our luck, it will be Monsanto/Scotts. :rofl::laugh::rofl:

Ugh, I hope not. That would be the end of it all for sure.
72 pages, huh. Regretting not being able to keep up.
I don't particularly have the time or energy needed to catch up.
Any major takeaways ,other than to pulverize your balls?

The only thing of note from when I used it on my last grow is when I would add pH up(Dynagro) it could precipitate.
Any major takeaways ,other than to pulverize your balls?

The next version will come with the balls pulverized, but other than that, that's pretty much it.
I like a more gentle approach to my balls rather than pulverization. My wave generator gently caresses them, and they dissolve in about 20-30 minutes. Now it's just weigh, dump, set the timer and go.

I do adjust the pH to get it up to 6ish after the wave generator has done its thing. I'm not nearly as paranoid about it as I was using the General Hydroponics' Flora Trio.
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