The Mega Crop Thread

I'm feeding at 80g/5gal or about 2000ppm of just MC. ....

if you plug your numbers into the elemental calculator on the MC site it winds up at 1771.1752 ppm. so your numbers are dead on according to greenleaf.

i have run a hot mix in AN but never that high personally, and so far not that hot with MC yet. it's interesting to see someone at these levels. used to feed by ppm in AN, but feed mostly by read in MC.
Question regarding MegaCrop, is it formulated to be used with every watering or is that dependent on specific conditions. I have a smaller cabinet grow and probably water every 3 days in a soil mix. Should I fertilize every watering at the suggested levels and monitor and adjust as to GreenLeafs leaf color recommendation or alternate feedings with plain water and monitor.
Use it every watering, and you can't really go wrong using the dosages on the Mega Crop bag.
If you do notice the color isn't quite right, you can adjust the dosages up or down in .5g increments.
Question regarding MegaCrop, is it formulated to be used with every watering or is that dependent on specific conditions. I have a smaller cabinet grow and probably water every 3 days in a soil mix. Should I fertilize every watering at the suggested levels and monitor and adjust as to GreenLeafs leaf color recommendation or alternate feedings with plain water and monitor.

Use it for every watering, once the nutrients in the soil are depleted.
I wanted to quote people, but I have old quotes that I still might address, and as far as I can tell, you can't use some quotes, and leave the rest to address later. Once you insert quotes, you use or delete everything, and start fresh. I wish this was different.

As far as my measurements go, yes, Hydroholic, I was confused at first, because my ppm wasn't where I expected it to be, but I had just switched from tap to RO, and that must have contributed to the confusion. I'm not confused any more. I've measured and mixed these nutes many times in the past month, all consistent with those numbers. One thing I would point out, is that you are starting with well water at 290ppm, I'm starting with filtered reverse-osmosis water that ph's at 15-25ppm. Other than that, I'm not a bio-engineering scientist, I can't say why or how about anything, but my eyes and hands work just fine, and I know that when I put 80g of MC in 5gal of my water, it's gonna be around 2kppm.

Scale at zero

A nickel weighs exactly 5g, google it

Zeroed out with solo party cup on scale

Add 3 heaping teaspoons of MC
20200216_115751.jpg 20200216_115838.jpg

Pour into Arizona bottle to break up the balls/chunks
20200216_122313.jpg 20200216_122132.jpg Note: I'm simply showing the bottle, and the little ridge around the bottom that I really like. since the lowest part is a thin bit around the edge, it's really easy to see even the smallest particles if you shake, then hold at an angle, to see what falls down the side and settles. I didn't actually mix up this batch, as I just watered last night, and see no reason to have it sitting around, mixed and getting light to feed algae.

My mix looks pretty dark in the carboy. This is some leftover from last night

Had to delete a couple extra pic of the cup of powder to show ppms of my water and final mix with cal-mag. I store water in 5gal and 1gal bottles for flexibility, but its all the same water
20200216_123554.jpg 20200216_123655.jpg

I wouldn't make up stories to be sensational, I'm not that needy of attention. I can't see where I'm making any mistakes, especially not over and over again. If you see where I'm screwing up, let me know.
That’s what has been bugging me to death about this. I see you are doing it right. None of us have even been close to 16gm a gallon. Most of us have seen issues over 6gm a gallon. Only difference I see between us is I ground all my stuff up, not that I think that matters. I ordered some calibration fluid for my meter to see if it’s me. To be continued......
if you plug your numbers into the elemental calculator on the MC site it winds up at 1771.1752 ppm. so your numbers are dead on according to greenleaf.

i have run a hot mix in AN but never that high personally, and so far not that hot with MC yet. it's interesting to see someone at these levels. used to feed by ppm in AN, but feed mostly by read in MC.

At 6g/gal (approximate, might be a gal or two +/-) I’m seeing a ppm of 1180 with RO, MC, and no-nitrogen calmag.

Plants read fine, and look healthy. Day 21 from flip.
That’s what has been bugging me to death about this. I see you are doing it right. None of us have even been close to 16gm a gallon. Most of us have seen issues over 6gm a gallon. Only difference I see between us is I ground all my stuff up, not that I think that matters. I ordered some calibration fluid for my meter to see if it’s me. To be continued......
LOL, who knows??
I was going to try a tap water test, to see how much of a difference starting at or near 0 would make, compared to almost 300. My water at the old place was 290ppm, and I figure it should only add that amount to the final ppm, not multiply it, but the tap here is only 85, so no point. It makes no sense that 290 starting ppm could translate to over 1200ppm difference, but it was an odd coincidence that 290(your ppm) - 25(my ppm) x 5(gal) is right around the difference in our numbers...
I'm going to look at some calibration liquid, also, and I've started storing my meters in a bit of water, rather than put the cap on and let them dry out between uses.
Question regarding MegaCrop, is it formulated to be used with every watering or is that dependent on specific conditions. I have a smaller cabinet grow and probably water every 3 days in a soil mix. Should I fertilize every watering at the suggested levels and monitor and adjust as to GreenLeafs leaf color recommendation or alternate feedings with plain water and monitor.
Question regarding MegaCrop, is it formulated to be used with every watering or is that dependent on specific conditions. I have a smaller cabinet grow and probably water every 3 days in a soil mix. Should I fertilize every watering at the suggested levels and monitor and adjust as to GreenLeafs leaf color recommendation or alternate feedings with plain water and monitor.

As others have posted, use with every watering. Keep in mind that plants did not evolve having to deal with wildly fluctuating nutrient levels. Nutrient uptake mostly depends on osmotic pressure.
I'm going to look at some calibration liquid, also, and I've started storing my meters in a bit of water, rather than put the cap on and let them dry out between uses.

Might want to pickup some storage solution. Storing it in tap water will cote the sensor in the 85ppm of stuff that is in your water, requiring you to calibrate more often. Some folks use the calibration liquid in the pens cap to store it.
At 6g/gal (approximate, might be a gal or two +/-) I’m seeing a ppm of 1180 with RO, MC, and no-nitrogen calmag.

Plants read fine, and look healthy. Day 21 from flip.

something is weird with your ppm numbers multi. plugging your numbers in to the elemental calc returns a total ppm of 664.1907.

i'm currently running closer to 6.5/g gal and hit consistent numbers around 800 ppm.

edit : strongly suggest you change nothing -- as it is working just fine ... :p
a simple quick check at the calculator shows you are running 700 ppm scale as opposed to 500 ppm scale @multiVortex.
the ppm are identical after proper conversion.

i believe the 500ppm scale is the most common in north america... can i get confirmation on this guys ?

i know the cheaper tds/ppm meters are set to one or the other and do not have the option of changing -- i would like to make that the standard ppm measurement scale for this thread to avoid confusion...

pls chime in with the ppm scale you are using guys.. wanna halt this before we cause piles of trouble :)
so i am getting info that the 700 scale is locked into the cheaper tds pens..
also getting conflicting info on whether the nute companies use the 700 or 500 scale..

leaning to making the 700 scale the standard for the thread now ... need some feedback guys..
a simple quick check at the calculator shows you are running 700 ppm scale as opposed to 500 ppm scale @multiVortex.
the ppm are identical after proper conversion.

i believe the 500ppm scale is the most common in north america... can i get confirmation on this guys ?

i know the cheaper tds/ppm meters are set to one or the other and do not have the option of changing -- i would like to make that the standard ppm measurement scale for this thread to avoid confusion...

pls chime in with the ppm scale you are using guys.. wanna halt this before we cause piles of trouble :)
so i am getting info that the 700 scale is locked into the cheaper tds pens..
also getting conflicting info on whether the nute companies use the 700 or 500 scale..

leaning to making the 700 scale the standard for the thread now ... need some feedback guys..

I'd use EC as a standard since it's universal. PPM is regional, most of North America uses 500 PPM = 1 EC. I know of three other PPM scales. The PPM/EC given by nutrient manufacturers will vary by the region they are in.
so i am getting info that the 700 scale is locked into the cheaper tds pens..
also getting conflicting info on whether the nute companies use the 700 or 500 scale..

leaning to making the 700 scale the standard for the thread now ... need some feedback guys..

Mine is definitely a 500. I thought the ones sold in the US were usually 500.

I’m with Salty - I would use EC in the primer, and leave it up to the users to figure it out.
i was under the impression most of north america was on the 500 scale....
for that reason i was going to make that the default....

now i am hearing that most tds pens are locked to the 700 scale.. which really muddy's stuff up. that info could be mistaken though...

i agree that EC is the way to go. the unfortunate thing is it is not available to all, a bunch of brand name tds/ppm pens are locked into ppm on one scale or another.

to be clear : measurement by g/gal is the default for this thread. ppm/tds/ec is only tracked for interest sake.

ec does not change and is clearly superior. it is not the way most new growers are going to approach it however, and the primer is mostly for them.
i like liters ,, specially when it's spelled litres,, that is so cool

just a note to possibly settle some confusion,, i know this stuff is known,, just know it,, but

there is a difference between 'imperial' gallons,, and 'u.s.' gallons

One imperial gallon is equivalent to approximately 1.2 U.S. liquid gallons.

some containers might not differentiate


oh,, btw,, one imperial liter is the same as one u.s. litre, even when spelled differently,, ha

oh,, another btw,,i have upped my mix to more than the recommended max level from mega crop to 14 grams per 8 liters,, up from 12.7 grams per 8 litres. been a week now, plants looking a bit greener indeed,, i think,,
i like liters ,, specially when it's spelled litres,, that is so cool

just a note to possibly settle some confusion,, i know this stuff is known,, just know it,, but

there is a difference between 'imperial' gallons,, and 'u.s.' gallons

One imperial gallon is equivalent to approximately 1.2 U.S. liquid gallons.

some containers might not differentiate


oh,, btw,, one imperial liter is the same as one u.s. litre, even when spelled differently,, ha

c'est une shit. :rolleyes:

yeah, you are right nivek. somehow that got lost when i was writing up that portion of the primer. am sort of relying on you guys to vet and call that stuff out for me on the day it is posted. once past i can't edit.

will make a mental note to see if i can get a mod to allow an edit later. am a few posts from finishing the primer.

for the record : gal or gallon refers to a US gallon -- equal to 3.78 litres. this is the default standard measurement for this thread. it is not hard to do the conversion.

ok .. so far it seems confirmed 500ppm is the common US scale..

by common i refer to the ppm scale you are gonna get if say, ordering a pen from the big river

700ppm is the common UK / european scale ... great. oh yeah, australia is a dog's breakfast... :straightface:

since :420: is north american based, i am leaning heavily to the 500 ppm scale as standard for the thread.
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