The VipersNest Continuous








How big is that Pit? Looks like an inchworm to me....
Hang him. Pit for atad over a months looks sweet. I had tent caterpillers once I onley had a evergreen bush in my yard to hide in. They got to my plants when they were like finnished flowering, I cut as always and as the bud dried I guess they moved on to greener fields to chow. Was funny tho I had like 5 lb's and everyday I turned the tops 100's of them jumped out. When it was fully dried there wasn't a one left. But they are 'REAL' easy to kill with a spray as early as you are in your trip. that plant I asked you about changing the light cycle and all is doing great its 4 weeks into a 12 week flower cycle. Your baby are looking sweet. Stay down with your bad ass.
i didnt measure it but it is about 1". he ate alot, no real damage but I subscribe to the cockroach theory...if theres one....there will be others...
Average plant height bro? Canopy looks it Tuesday yet...

And that worm just looks like your average, green fruit worm. I know that's the least specific answer, but there can't be many of those suckers around, so fugetaboutit.

average is 26"... Tues should bring some decent increase.
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