Thirvnrob's First Grow In New Grow Room


Well-Known Member
After much wailing and gnashing of teeth, the grow room is finally complete. My intention from the outset was to get my girls out of tents. I’m not as spry as I used to be & I just gotta have more room to move around. I built a 12’x30’ outbuilding & devoted 1/3 of that space to my garden. As a bonus, I get points from the Mrs. for reclamation of the spare bedroom. Her son and I will turn it into a music room soon, but she won’t mind that so much.

Far be it from me to brag, but I built this myself - the slab was already there.
We had weeks of daily rain but I finally got the roof on & no leaks!

Next I’ll fast forward to the finished product & what I have hidden inside.
Who wants to see? @Emilya, @Buds Buddy, @MochaBud @Jon, @Mdlroad, @HashFart
Ultimately, I plan to grow a variety of ganja with each grow taking place in one spot, seed to harvest. I believe this will enable me to better provide a “sweet spot” environment for all phases of growth & drying after harvest with less scrambling.I still have to install an exhaust duct but I’m recovering from carpal tunnel surgery. I expect to be able to do it in a couple weeks.
For now I’m using the tents for drying but I plan to have them both out of the room in a couple weeks.
Here’s my work space. I love being organized...
I can place the girls on the turntables for their beauty appointments & then water them on the grated table surface & allow runoff below. All their info is charted & easy to access at a glance. Ventilation & air exchange are my only issues right now...
After much wailing and gnashing of teeth, the grow room is finally complete. My intention from the outset was to get my girls out of tents. I’m not as spry as I used to be & I just gotta have more room to move around. I built a 12’x30’ outbuilding & devoted 1/3 of that space to my garden. As a bonus, I get points from the Mrs. for reclamation of the spare bedroom. Her son and I will turn it into a music roombut she won’t mind that so much.

Far be it from me to brag, but I built this myself - the slab was already there.
We had weeks of daily rain but I finally got the roof on & no leaks!

Next I’ll fast forward to the finished product & what I have hidden inside.
Who wants to see? @Emilya, @Buds Buddy, @MochaBud @Jon, @Mdlroad, @HashFart
Impressive Happy Happy Joy Joy
I presently have seven players:
One Durban Poison
One Sour Diesel (almost finished)
Two Bubblegum
Three AK-47
They’re all in 5 gallon bags. (I wanted to finish them in 7 gallon bags, but surgery)
After germination I put them in solo cups with Fox Farms Happy Frog. The next up-pot they go into 2 gallon bags with Fox Farms Ocean Forest & I start them then on the Fox Farms nutrient line schedule.
The lighting I’ve employed is from two non sponsors so I’ll just say I’m happy with them & fully powered up they pull a total of 1100 watts...
I have one small fan on the floor & one oscillating fan mounted on a broomstick. I need a better fan for the floor...
I have to keep the room cooler than I’d like, humidity is off the charts here. I have a programmable dehumidifier scheduled for delivery tomorrow so I can find the VPD sweet spot. I plan to run around 78 degrees Fahrenheit during the day & around 70 at night. I am wide open to suggestions & welcome all feedback.

I’ll be back to introduce the girls shortly.
I’ll start with this one. Bubblegum, 52 days into an expected 60 - 70 days of flower & she hermied. She was under the spotlight with the rest until a few days ago. With one of the group in mid flower, one in late flower & 5 more in late transition I couldn’t risk leaving her there, so I chopped her. Her trichs were mostly milky with a few amber, but she wasn’t finished. It’ll be weed to get by on for now...
I took a bunch of pictures but they didn’t pick up all the nanners. There were over 10 of them. That’s all I have to say about that...
The Sour Diesel is on day 56 of flower. She smells amazing & is loaded with trichs.
Next up, AK-47. I have 3 that all sprouted the same day. I must’ve overlooked her when I topped the other two, but she took off like crazy. Sometimes you know when you have a rockstar on your hands & she’s definitely one. So I lollypopped her & put her under the 12/12 lights few weeks ago. She transitioned in 5 days! Unfortunately I don’t have any pics that do her justice, but she’s killing it! She’s the tall one in the middle...
Durban Poison. This has been my favorite plant to grow. I bumped into something behind me & fell into the tent. She was pretty banged up & I broke two colas. I employed drinking straws, twine & duct tape to shore her up & she’s ready to produce! She’s three days into flower...
Two bubblegum in transition
I don’t have a good pic of the AK’s. Suffice it to say that they look just like happy, well groomed marijuana plants.
Thanks for your tag!Great job buddy!!!! I can't believe you did this all by yourself. I'm sure you enjoyed the process of making it too! Looking forward to the results of your planting! :thumb:
:thumb: tbh was ment to be skunksta BUT as i do left a letter out and heh im now skunksa lol.

Nice looking setup ladies are looking good.
My username is the result of a mis-spelling ...
One of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned through growing is to be responsive, not reactive. Although the effort is 100% my responsibility, the outcome is out of my hands. I saw the dark colored bug crawling a across the leaf so I put it under the scope to get a look at it and a different type of critter crawled into view. So I need to find out what they are, and what to do about them. @Sierra Natural Science any suggestions?
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