This Year's Outdoor 2012 Garden Diary - By JTG & My Wife

Whether the pics are yours or not, they are damn nice plants. But if you want, write a sign on a piece of paper that says 'Heirlooms favorite' and have Y hold it and stand in front of that Mazari Shareef!

In full combat uniform with pink socks for CF!
Thank YOU ALL for the wonderful Support, and to think I almost did not even Post anymore last Night, I was so Troubled(HURT), but thought hey, I am telling the truth, and the truth ALWAYS WINS OUT(WELL USUALLY). Thank You all for getting Me out of the Doldrums!!! I like your idea Heirloom about making a sign that has your name on it, and taking some Pictures next to Plants with it, in fact, that is what I am gonna do. But I agree with miwa too, some people will not believe, EVER. They will think I used My super computer to doctor up the pictures, LOL!!!:high-five: CF, if i can even get yarrow up from pain, She would Post in Boots and Uniform Too, I do not think you could see the socks though, Boots would cover them up, but She really want to feel better, and Post Pictures For You Guys In Boots and Uniform, but right now, all She can deal with is Her pain, and until that is over, I do not see her being in any of the Pictures for at least awhile. Even the Pictures she was in, She was not feeling good, and We took them as fast as possible, so She could get back inside the House and agonize. I know it gets old hearing the same old BS every day, and for this I am sorry, it is what is happening, and foremost on My Mind is all. So, aren't the Kushes looking nice and BEEFY!!! Pictures 10-13 are not the Mazari Shareef(I COULD NOT TELL, THE PICTURE ON THE UP LOAD WERE TOO SMALL TO SEE, AND MY PICTURES WERE OUT OF THE ORDER THEY HAD BEEN TAKEN IN!!!), this seems to happen every time I take Pictures, I thought they were supposed to go in order, but they do not, and sometimes I have to go back and forth, just to get them in the right order. Last Night I was to stressed about everything, and did not even Notice!!! Anyways, those Picture are a BB X Heirloom, I wound up with two of them, so there are really only 4 heirloom Full Bloods, and two BB X Heirloom. I explained how this happened in an earlier Posting. Pictures number 27-28 are of the Tallest Plant, Mazari Shareef, so sorry for the Mistake. The light is so bad, You can hardly make it out anyway!!! So I am gonna do like Heirloom says I should, next time I post Pictures, I have to Water and Feed Tonight, so maybe I will tonight, if I have time, and if I do not, I will the VERY next TIME I POST A PICTURE OF ANYTHING IN THE GARDEN!!! Thanks HEIRLOOM, GREAT IDEA!!!! Thank You all for keeping Me Going, I guess it is Karma coming Full Circle, for Me helping others out when they needed it most!!!:thanks: Take Care Friends, SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.:thumb:
CF, if i can even get yarrow up from pain, She would Post in Boots and Uniform Too, I do not think you could see the socks though, Boots would cover them up, but She really want to feel better, and Post Pictures For You Guys In Boots and Uniform, but right now, all She can deal with is Her pain, and until that is over, I do not see her being in any of the Pictures for at least awhile. Even the Pictures she was in, She was not feeling good, and We took them as fast as possible, so She could get back inside the House and agonize.

Hey there buddy. Really just kidding about the pictures. I really hope she feels better soon. I like to keep things lite. It is good to laugh when you are not feeling well. That has been medically documented. I don't know anyone that doesn't believe those are your plants and if they don't so what. Who cares what other people think. I believe you. I know that some of my comments on this site and in real life piss some people off. I never mean to. I just say it the way it is. Maybe I got this way from being rejected all the time as a salesman.

About the boots....How about using pink boot blousers. Have her hike up the blouse to mid calf. That way the pink socks can be seen. Then you can discipline her for being out of uniform!! Yabba Dabba!! Hooo Haw!!
Hey next year I plan to give you a run for the $ James. I got a nice spot in my yard that could support a 10 footer and nobody would be the wiser :D.
I know you were kidding CF, and laughter is the Best Medicine!!! No Worries MY FRIEND, you could not insult Me like that, I have a thick skin(USUALLY)!!! And You are Right, People Believe whatever they perceive as their reality, Sucks For Them!!! Take Care CF. SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.:thumb:
OK JIMMY, IT'S ON!!! A nice FRIENDLY COMPETITION, never hurt anyone. You'll probably get some Super tall Sativa, and kick My butt, especially if you are gonna grow in the Ground, with unlimited Root Space. Cheater:yahoo:, gonna have to see if any of My really old bag Seed Sativas will still sprout, LOL!!! I have not tried to use any of those Seeds in a very long time, last time i tried, nothing even POPPED!!!:thedoubletake: OK, though, lets see what Happens!!!:high-five: SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.:thumb:
Hey next year I plan to give you a run for the $ James. I got a nice spot in my yard that could support a 10 footer and nobody would be the wiser :D.

OK JIMMY, IT'S ON!!! A nice FRIENDLY COMPETITION, never hurt anyone. You'll probably get some Super tall Sativa, and kick My butt, especially if you are gonna grow in the Ground, with unlimited Root Space. Cheater:yahoo:, gonna have to see if any of My really old bag Seed Sativas will still sprout, LOL!!! I have not tried to use any of those Seeds in a very long time, last time i tried, nothing even POPPED!!!:thedoubletake: OK, though, lets see what Happens!!!:high-five: SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.:thumb:

Well, well, well! That sounds like a challenge! I'm in!

Los cultivadores de cola enormes!

And I really was not asking or expecting pictures. Just kinda poking at you. Sorry the miss' is in agony :sorry:
I am gonna Post heirloom & Buckshots idea that I put something up that proves My Garden is Real, and that I am doing this to not waste Your and Certainly, My Time, Pictures up next!!! Thank You All My Friends, and thank You Buckshot and Heirloom for the idea!!! SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.:thumb:
Here they ARE, I hope this dispels any Doubts!!! I hope all can read the sign!!!
Just some various Pictures around the Garden, Of The Sign. I put it on the fence in between the two Hog X Orange Krush Plants, and for Heirloom on the Tallest Mazari Shareef Plant. I also took Pictures of The 5 gallon Buckets that I was readying for tonight's Feeding, A few of some of My Supplies, and that is it. I hope all enjoy the Pictures, and really believe Now, That I Grow My Own MMJ, and have My own Pictures, as well. SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.
Heirloom, i did not mean to Shame You, I thought Your Idea was GREAT, That is why I did it!!!:high-five: I thought, Heirloom is right, I should do that, that is all, No Guilt Treatment, but a genuine response, to what I thought was a Brilliant Idea, Sorry if I Shamed You, it was meant to do the exact opposite!!!:bravo: If You are offended by it, I am sorry!!! I TRULY did mean it as a Praise for Your Idea. Forgive Me if i have wronged you, I did put it on the Mazari Too!!! For You!!! Take Care FRIEND!!! SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.:thumb:
Ohh the shame....

All good, Brother. I'll just go pack a big one of this Headband I just got and go cry myself to sleep! Joking! Come on. I'm the one who says don't get emotionally involved!

EDIT: And your girls look awesome. Again, you inspired ME to go ahead and move outdoors. Next year will be a good thinks.
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