Tiger Balm's First Grow - Soil, AMS free, Mandala Satori, and AMS Medijuana

Here's a question for everyone - Would there be benefits to pulverizing egg shells and putting them in the reservoir?

sorry man reading thru your whole grow lol

egg shells are great for making a good compost that you could use as a organic fertilizer. the egg sheels are great for calcium! easy kitchen compost is a gallon metal coffee can and toss a few odds and ends in there and let it do its thing. you could use it as a soil amendment or make a tea for watering out of it

ill be back after i finish reading lol
Hey Tiger Balm :surf:
Still riding along with you on your journey. Looks like allot of folks are picking up tips, me included. Waiting for the result of the clone box.
Glad you found the light leak. Always something coming up, that's why our journals are so cool. :peace:
great job tiger great job M8

Well, everyone, i have been hard at work! I took all the kids out of the nursery, and installed the ballast and air purifier on the Control Wall. Please note that the air purifier sucks in the air from the lights and blows upward, cooling the ballasts, and keeping the air circulating. Is this genius or what?

Then, I LSTed each one before putting back under the lights. In fact I LSTed the LSTs. Don't know if that makes any difference, but we shall see.

Now, i really am mennaly and fizzaly zausted. to the nth degree!


No closeups of the kids - they are a bit uncomfortable after having their braces adjusted.

Edited as i forgot 2nd pic!:peace:
i love how spartan it is. no frills just function looks clean as hell!
OMM - hahaha - i love the phrase menally and fizzaly zausted - a kid said it and it was the funniest thing!

Charon - thanks for tip on egg shells - will try to get to grinding them. and thanks for compliment! I appreciate your good thoughts.

the kids have all perked up today, and the clones are still doing well. I might lose one, tho, so far.
Off to a good start Tiger Balm I split my seeds the same way used to use paper towels but lost seeds from time to time. Now I drop them in water and they split in 24 to 36 hours....well keep and eye on this grow....:grinjoint:
Well, i got the news that the leaves i took for clones won't work;

Originally Posted by Oldgrowerdude

You cant root leaves, what is required is 2 leaf nodes with the leaf removed below the soil level or inside the clonex because that is where the roots will come from besides the bottom end of the cutting. There is a way to merstem a plant but it requires a lab and plant cultures and a sternal glove booth. I have done this with Orchids to make merclones.

Hope that helps.......

So, i took energy-producing leaves for nothing. That hurts. Will contemplate doing it the right way, soonish.
Sup Tiger, I learn from my mistakes as well. Thats the way I learn, I can't learn from other peoples mistakes!! I'm kinda wierd like that...lol

Ur babies are looking good bro!!!!

Best of luck with the clones Tiger
Well, thinking it over, I really don't have to take that many clones. I will clone the Satori, because i germed all the seeds i got. But i have 3 more Medijuana seeds, and a few more free seeds.

Well, just maybe i'll take one clone ea from the two AMS free plants and the Medi - just in case. But no big operation.
Well, i haven't cleaned any closets, yet, but i did go sit with the plants. Watered with the barest of molassas. They are looking up from their latest LST.

Funny, everytime i come out of the grow room, everything is blue and dark.
Oh, wait - the sun went down.
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