Tiger Balm's First Grow - Soil, AMS free, Mandala Satori, and AMS Medijuana

ah molases, those crazy lasses do crazy with them molases
their buds just get so big and juicy its a crime

OOOOOOOooooooooooh that would be good.
In the above pic, to the left are the unknowns, middle front the Medijuanas, and to the right are the sativas.
Hey, blacken and Lilstinky! Lil, i will have to visit your grow. But first, some pix for your viewing pleasure. Lookee, everyone! i figured out how to turn on the tungsten button on the camera!

On the left side of the room are the AMS free. 'Rhubarb' shows stretching already!


Down in front are the Medijuanas, and to the right are the Satoris

Dude those are looking lovely bro!! Great job

Thank you, MI-grower! It's been a week into flowering and i'm looking for signs of sex. Course, I didn't have perfect dark conditions at first, so i'm thinking that would delay things?
Hey Tiger Balm looking good.:surf:

May you have all girls, after all it's Xmas. :xmas:

Really looking forward to seeing these strains grow.

Two of them have a rep for being killer weed.:grinjoint:

Don't know about the AMS. :smokin:

Maybe it will surprise us. :surf:
Hey, blacken and OMM! I'm sitting here, trying to upload pix and i'm dumbfounded. I just took old Mac into the shop for an upgrade and i don't think iPhoto was included! I'm searching all over, I plug in the camera and nothing!

Today was busy. The floor to the grow room is cold = slab floor in Mass in December. Huh. So I cut up some rug underlayment , took all the kids out, put down the padding, put plastic over it (cut up Happy Frog bags), LST and watered them all (with molassas and nutes), took clones from quite a few, saw a couple that might be males, and put them all back.
The males will be pressed into stud service, so they are being treated royally.

i have pix but no place to put them/
cant wait for the new pics!
Thanks, Charon. I had this very old Mac that I took in, and it was too old to update to the latest OS, so they installed what they could. I just never thought iPhoto wouldn't be included. My laptop should arrive in a few days, and then, Photo-Rama!

Bummer about losing your program.:smokin:
I can wait for the pics, they aren't going any where. lol :popcorn:
yeah thats why i dunt like macs
they are limited to the stock setting very little customization unless you pay for it installed then its a pretty penny and in the entire time you dont have your computer

PC all the way XD

oh clones =D lets see what happens

hey you got males ehh
lets see what happens =D

always good to see someone want to take up breeding rather than just discard the plant =D
get jiggy with it my man
Thanks, Charon. I had this very old Mac that I took in, and it was too old to update to the latest OS, so they installed what they could. I just never thought iPhoto wouldn't be included. My laptop should arrive in a few days, and then, Photo-Rama!
Tiger Balm,
I'm just wondering if you've heard anything on the bill that Ma. is considering now. I hav'nt heard a thing, since it was introduced in committee ??
I shall investigate that. BRB
In the meantime, the grow room is the most pleasant room in the place. I came in from 20 degree temp and went straight to the grow room to warm up. Hands on lamp hood does the job.
I have a rug pad down on the floor, and a canvas flap over the doorway, both to keep drafts out and light out during the 12/12.
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