Virgin Ground And The Little Star Asterion

Not a moment of hesitation...nice!
I will speak it into existence. Lmao

I may have gone a bit overboard on de-larfing the B'Naches this morning.
I went to town on the taller ones. Held back just a tad on the shorty.

That's a lot of material to remove in a short time.
Maybe I shouldn't do stuff like this before my first cup of coffee?
I really needed to improve the airflow in there. I don't have a fan in there right now because my kid needed it to sleep comfortably. I need to pick another one up ASAP.
Gotta put my kids' comfort over my plants.

They'll be fine until then. ;)
VG's cloning method worked! Nine days to root.
I have at least one plant with roots,possibly a few more.
I'll investigate more later.

I probably knocked it off when I put it back in the perlite. They grow back pretty fast.
Hey y'all.
Got a quick update on the gals.

GDP is close. Day #174 since sprout and day #74 since flip.
She is starting to look really rough.

She has some fading but looks so disheveled is because I have to adjust her bamboo just about daily.
I'm trying to keep the trichs off of the walls and on the plants at this point.

Yeah. She got pretty frost in the last few days. It almost looks like chunks on some buds.
I have a tester that I took a few days ago. I'm going to try this morning.

Next up...the B'Naches.
Day #103 since sprout and day #32 since flip.
Kinda in love with their pistils. They look surprised somehow.

And the two mutants.
Day #13 and #12 since sprout.
One looks like some kind of leaf dragon and the other is just having issues with being alive.

She is having a hard time getting around her one cotyledon. I may have to do something to help her along or I may end up with half of a plant that's much smaller than the other.
Maybe using a piece of wire to make some space or force the cotyledon out of the way so she can grow her second set. I can see them in there....oof.

The GG4 clones that I took are doing well. This is the root development at day #10.
Two of six have taken so far. The normal perlite method is working great. Floral movement yet.

Checked my lux and it's at 11,000 where the clones are sitting.
GDP is close. Day #174 since sprout and day #74 since flip.
She is starting to look really rough.
Not as rough as I've seen some terrific harvests here, so have no fear!
Kinda in love with their pistils. They look surprised somehow.
I'm continually amazed at how white and clean tent pistils are compared to mine outside in the sun and heat. :jealous:
One looks like some kind of leaf dragon and the other is just having issues with being alive.
I'll take leaf dragon for 2000 Alex. :rip:
She is having a hard time getting around her one cotyledon. I may have to do something to help her along or I may end up with half of a plant that's much smaller than the other.
I tried to move a cot in that position out of the way and it broke in half. Can't remember which plant it was now but I think it turned out okay in the end.
The GG4 clones that I took are doing well. This is the root development at day #10.
I swear I will try that with a cutting just as soon as there is room on the heat mat. Right after the next JH seed sprouts I reckon.
I swear I will try that with a cutting just as soon as there is room on the heat mat. Right after the next JH seed sprouts I reckon.
68° right now in my clone area.
Might be able to swing 68ºF this time of year, but now I have to find a light source! The Candidas are really hogging the real estate.
Stick a cup right next to them at the base. It doesn’t need direct light. C’mon Shed, just try it already!!
That's a lot of material to remove in a short time.
Maybe I shouldn't do stuff like this before my first cup of coffee?
I really needed to improve the airflow in there. I don't have a fan in there right now because my kid needed it to sleep comfortably. I need to pick another one up ASAP.
Gotta put my kids' comfort over my plants.
Hey there!
Great to see you, although you've changed somewhat.
I've been watching your posts.
They seem to have the same generic theme.
Lately, of course.

Maybe I'm thinking too much into it.
The Calgary Stampede started last weekend, although it's hard to watch.
I struggle with people eating popcorn in my journal, but I digress.
Listen, I hope you are well, and life is working with you, and not against you.
Have fun!
Hey there!
Great to see you, although you've changed somewhat.
I've been watching your posts.
They seem to have the same generic theme.
Lately, of course.

Maybe I'm thinking too much into it.
The Calgary Stampede started last weekend, although it's hard to watch.
I struggle with people eating popcorn in my journal, but I digress.
Listen, I hope you are well, and life is working with you, and not against you.
Have fun!
I must admit that I haven't been myself.
I'm going through some family stuff.
Mom and dad are both in the hospital again.
Dad is still going through kidney failure and mom is having her foot amputated tomorrow from a bone infection. She is diabetic.

Lots of stress. Not sure how to handle it. I feel like I'm not doing it very gracefully at all. My family is.... difficult.
I'm trying to hold my shit together and finish my obligations and not bail on anyone.
Being here does helps me to take my mind off of my problems. Even if it's just for a moment or two.

I'll take the hug for sure. :love:
I'm so sorry to hear that VG. I hope everything goes well with the surgery. I know there is nothing I can do for you, but my thoughts and prayers are with you. Hopefully that's enough for a quick recovery for your mom. As Shed said, I hope your dad is getting the care he deserves. It sounds like a tough time. :( :love:
Have another one you. :hug: And you are under no obligation to handle any of that gracefully.

I hope your mom's surgery and rehab go well, and that your dad is getting the care he deserves.

Thanks darlin'.
Pa seemed happy when I talked to him last. Sounded like he was on the mend.

Not sure exactly what's been going on with him since. It's hard to get a straight answer from my mother. When we ask questions she avoids them or gives conflicting information.

I'm so sorry to hear that VG. I hope everything goes well with the surgery. I know there is nothing I can do for you, but my thoughts and prayers are with you. Hopefully that's enough for a quick recovery for your mom. As Shed said, I hope your dad is getting the care he deserves. It sounds like a tough time. :( :love:
I hope he's getting good care too.

I'm not sure when her surgery is tomorrow. Perhaps I'll call her nurse tonight so I can call her in the morning before she goes in for her surgery.

Not looking forward to tomorrow at all. It should prove to be very emotionally draining.
Highya VG,

So sorry to hear of your mom and dad's medical problems. I'm not very good at comforting, but I do offer hugs :hug::hug::hug: and prayers for your family and especially for you to help cope. :love:
I sure appreciate y'all.

It's been a very, very long day.
Mom made it through surgery ok.
I'm supposed to talk to her in the morning. My brother said she was too tired to talk this evening.

I finally get to chill for a little bit. Probably won't be long. I'm drained.

Cut a bunch of the larf. Larf is misleading. Most were actually decent buds. I have those drying and I plant to chop the rest of the GDP in a few days. I'm trying to time it so my oldest can help trim on his day off.
I'm pretty much out of meds so I need something to hold me over. I think the GDP will work just fine.
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