White Widow Halloween Grow With 315 Watt CMH Light Journal

I think it's the over watering too. Or at least it's playing a part. I honestly do feel better about the whole watering thing. I think the "new toy feeling" is over. I don't feel like I have to baby them any more and now I'll just let them do there thing. Guess it's just hectic for a beginner to know what to do. How much to do. Until you do it for yourself is hard to understand.
Light distance is still a ? to me with this light. I figured 20 inches was pretty far away. Maybe I was sitting at the borderline and they started getting too hot? Temps felt fine on my hand so I dunno. There sitting about 29 inches now so we will see how they do at that distance.
Thanks a lot for your responses Kriaze. I'll try and make you proud on the watering deal ;)
Hey what's up Grebs. I'm a first time grower also. I'm using the same light in a 4'x4'x6'.5" tent. I run my light 12" away from canopy with an average temp around 75 leaf temp around 68 and root zone around 63 I'm using fox farm dirty dozen nutes with some mixed up potting soil

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Hi JonnyB. Thanks for the input. How far along are you with your grow? 12 inches you say. Hmm never thought about going even closer. The only articles I've seen that used the 315 CMH/LEC they was around 2 feet away. But it was only 1 article. Got any pics? Would love to see them.
Question. If your running 12 inches and I was at 24 I'm still kinda lost. Iook at my pics, there's absolutely no stretch. Heck I'm almost too tight node wise. Waiting for some last but there not the fastest growing height wise so far. What am I missing?
My light is on now. I'll send some when the light is off. Yeah I know what you mean it's hard to find info on this damn light. The guy at my shop told me to put the light as close as possible with out causing the leaves to taco

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I think it's the over watering too. Or at least it's playing a part. I honestly do feel better about the whole watering thing. I think the "new toy feeling" is over. I don't feel like I have to baby them any more and now I'll just let them do there thing. Guess it's just hectic for a beginner to know what to do. How much to do. Until you do it for yourself is hard to understand.
Light distance is still a ? to me with this light. I figured 20 inches was pretty far away. Maybe I was sitting at the borderline and they started getting too hot? Temps felt fine on my hand so I dunno. There sitting about 29 inches now so we will see how they do at that distance.
Thanks a lot for your responses Kriaze. I'll try and make you proud on the watering deal ;)
Does it burn ur hand at 20 inches away if not move it closer 16 ish

No it didn't. I could keep the back of my hand over the canopy for quite awhile and it was just warm. I knew about the hand thing but was worried for some reason I was too close. Altho I did have them high since I used this light from seed. Now they are older so I guess I should have known it was ok to get closer.
Never seen a stretch so I assumed I was good.
I went through the whole light height headache last weekend dude. I did 2' away when the first popped then slowly down to 1'.

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Ok so here we go. This is what I came home to today, Dec 1. No water since Saturday Nov 26. Kriaze..... Talk me out of overwatering. Heres my pics as promised. Are they drooping from lack of water? Or am I still chasing something else. Tops still look ok but as you can see the whole plant has really shrunk up and are drooping. Yellowing hasn't really gotten any worse but the size of the whole plant really got smaller.


The trunk on this one is funky because the fan was too strong when she was smaller.


At this point I'm at a loss. First I'm watering too much. finally settle down and go a whole week without watering. Get a lil yellowing on the bottom and tips so I water the 7th day and start nutes. Now after 4 days it looks like this.
Ok here is a question. When watering a plant in a 1 gallon pot, how much water does it take for a good water?
Reason I ask is because I'm giving the plant 200 ML (6.763 OZ). It almost immediately starts running out. The water will sit on the top and has a hard time soaking in. I waited about 10 minutes and emptied the run off back into my bottle to measure and there was 100 ML that ran out. Maybe my whole problem is my soil sucks. Now I'm wondering if my plants are even getting enough water to begin with.
Basically these plants are getting 100 Ml (3.3 OZ) every watering in a 1 gallon pot.
They are definitely thirsty and are ready for their drink. Feed them and measure again on runoff. If it is only 100ml per pot that is very low. I remember watering my 1-gal girls every 4-5 days with about 2-3 cups per.

Try watering slowly. Only 1/4 first. Then wait a min. Then water starting from center and moving to to edge of pot. Watering in circles slowly. Wait again. Hopefully your soil will retain more water this way.

If not I recommend some coco mixed with soil.

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Went down to have a look at the plant I gave the water too and no change. The pots are light and this one isn't much heavier. Took my finger and put it in the soil. bone dry after a maybe a 1/4 inch. this soil seems to reject water. Tempted to dunk the container in a larger bucket like I seen MajorPITA do. Really thinking the roots arnt getting anything.
A lil update.
I watered one last night and really took my time letting it soak in. This happy frog soil seriously repels water. Seems to have a hard time holding it and even after all of the watering, I can still root around with my finger and find dry spots all over.
Anyways that plant showed some improvement after an hour so I watered the rest the best I could. The light turned if soon after I was done so I checked in them this morning. The light just came back on. They all look a lil better but nothing to write home about. Hoping they liven up after they been under the light for a good bit. I'll take some pics later when I'm home.
Seriously thinking about transplanting them into the bigger smart pots I have. Get some ffof and perlite this time.
Not happy at all with straight happy frog and these dry spots. I wonder how it is down lower in the soil. Dry and wet pockets? Soil too hard? It's a hot mess over hear
Hya Grebs, yeah they were definitely due to be watered. As dubnation mentioned watering slowly will allow the soil to soak up the water instead of it running off to the sides, I've seen a picture of exactly what happens when watering slowly vs fast I'll see if I can remember where it is. As for the soil not holding onto the water I would suggest that you get some Perlite, or Vermiculite and work it into the soil when you repot your plants, this will help the soil in both aeration and retaining water :thumb:
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