420 Magazine's Official Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow By ChefDGreen

You'll see the calyxes start to swell in around 7-10 days. Be a good boy and don't touch them for 35 days minimum at which time you can harvest ONE to sample them to see how far along they are.

Okay I just yesterday pollinated my Magic Cookies V1.2 auto with pollen from my Trizkit auto. This is a picture of one of the other buds on the same Magic Cookies plant that I did not pollinate.

And here is the bud I pollinated just yesterday. You can see the ends of the pistils shriveling up and they will turn a darker color in a day or two. But you're wanting to see the ends getting wrinkled up.
You’re welcome, lol!

id say that looks like a seed pod coming up in the first photo. The second photo not so clear.

it’s usually about 20 days to really notice solid seed pods by my mark. Light intensity to those buds is very important!
Well I am not an expert but any time I have successfully pollinated a plant within 36 hours the pistils are shriveled up and a day or so later the pistil starts to turn a darker color.
Time for an update on my GSC girls!

today is day 43, first day of week 7. That’s day 140 total. They’re coming along really good besides being so god damn floppy. Floppiest plants I’ve ever grown by about ten miles. That said, the buds look nice and one of the plants has really exploded in growth. The other one less so. They smell nice and are very sticky so I’m excited :goof::yahoo:

I’ll be adding another plant to the 4x4 shortly. No strain name though, wouldn’t be fair to our awesome sponsor @Weed Seeds Express who so graciously supplied the seeds for these two monster gals.

they’ve probably got 15-20 days left. Thanks for checking it out guys.
Beautiful buds! I'd have to look back to see what you were feeding them but wouldn't adding silica helped with stronger stems?

I added silica to mine and as far as I can tell, it hasn't helped at all. However, I've recently been told that it works better as a foliar spray.

Chef, floppy…yes. Fat buds yes. I cut back on silica this grow to see if it would make a difference…it did. I had to stake and contain…big buds. These were also the tallest plants I’ve grown in my cabinet. I’m really happy about yield and quality. Garden looks great. Cheers

@cr8grow , could you please explain why cutting back on silica would make them less floppy?
The silica I use comes in 3 or 15 pound bags, looks just like damp sand and contains other minerals. I backed off this grow to see if it makes a difference since my other grows never required any stakes or support. The silica appears to strengthen the stems, but also makes them thick in the buds, a downside for me. If I’m right more silica mixed in the soil could have made for stronger stems to support the GSC large buds. Or it could be genetic differences between grows and I’m paying a lot for a bag of sand.
Very true, they’re coming on great. Thanks everybody for chiming in.

Regarding silica, I’m running rx blend nutrients snd i dont know enough about the system to tinker with it. I’m putting my faith in Matt and the rest of the folks over at @Prescription Blend . So far they’ve done right by me. I think they’re just floppy genetics
@cr8grow , could you please explain why cutting back on silica would make them less floppy?
I think he meant that without it they were floppy.

HG...a little bit of bro science on my part here.. I honestly feel that silica and other minerals (rock dust, azomite, etc.) needs to be given a MUCH longer amount of time to be beneficial for the plant. It takes considerably longer for the microbes to break those down depending on the particle size of your amendment. That's where a diluted foliar spray comes in for faster cellular adsorption of the silica which absolutely benefits all plants.

Daaaang...I was supposed to hit the "Post reply" button for this about 5 hours ago. Finally sitting down to update my journals and here this is just waiting...
I think he meant that without it they were floppy.

HG...a little bit of bro science on my part here.. I honestly feel that silica and other minerals (rock dust, azomite, etc.) needs to be given a MUCH longer amount of time to be beneficial for the plant. It takes considerably longer for the microbes to break those down depending on the particle size of your amendment. That's where a diluted foliar spray comes in for faster cellular adsorption of the silica which absolutely benefits all plants.

Daaaang...I was supposed to hit the "Post reply" button for this about 5 hours ago. Finally sitting down to update my journals and here this is just waiting...

Thanks, Baked. I knew that foliar spraying it was more effective than just adding to the water. I just kinda forgot about it after the first couple of times.
@ChefDGreen Bio-Si is a silica-amino acid complex and will supply plenty to your garden. It can be used for foliar if needed but at this growth stage I don’t think it’s necessary.

Generally, the primary way silica Is used by the plant is By being integrated into the extra cellular matrix in between the plant cell walls which creates a more ridged structure that can help support weight and leaf position.

Silica is integrated in to all areas of the plant from roots to shoots. Since stems support the branch weight and leaf position, this is the most visible effect of silica but it’s in the whole plant.

Giving silica supplements sporadically is not as beneficial since silica is not a mobile element once it’s been used by the plant so it’s best to continuously supply silica (and that is why we recommend using Bio-Si for the entire grow).
I think they’re just floppy genetics

it’s best to continuously supply silica (and that is why we recommend using Bio-Si for the entire grow).
Curios about your thoughts on Chef's thoughts. I recently had to tie up some branches too. An aspect of cultivating this plant that I never considered.

Also, @HashGirl I remembered that you can create a silica drench solution which is absorbed MUCH faster than the granular form in soil. Not sure how I forgot that. I do this by buying the powder and creating a liquid concentrate. Then from that, I add it to my watering cans. I have not used ANY silica products in anything in my gardens (in or out). I knew my outdoor beds should be fine. Adding the GF to it would only supercharge it that much more. The GF looked like it would carry the plants through without an issue and so far it appears it has. The soil and GF took care of itself for us. I like it easy!
Thanks RX!

and I have been using the Si, as instructed, through the entire grow. These GSC girls have been grown on prescription blend following the feeding chart to a T. I think it’s done an excellent job.. it’s hard to say cause @beez0404 had plants that didn’t look floppy at all. I don’t know, maybe it’s the lightning and the temperature - just environmental.
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