If I do this, will it be killing off the beneficial microbes and fungi that I am introducing with compost teas?

How long do you use this method for during the growing season (all stages)?

So I am focusing on using only organic products. Would this pesticide solution be considered organic?
Good question, that I can't tell you. A microscope or a botanist could tell you. All I know is that it works if you're having bug problems. Use dawn if you're concerned about the soap. Hydrogen peroxide is water with an extra oxygen molecular 'h2o2';)
Well I gave the ladies a diluted compost tea foliar spray and I also gave them a light watering with the compost tea. They were able to soak up a couple hours of light afterward. I'm excited to see what they look like in the morning. We're supposed to have another nice day so it will nice to see them soaking up some natural sun. I also fed the rest of the garden some compost tea foliar and a deep watering with the compost tea.

I also watered the containers that some of these ladies will be going into. I prepped those pots the same day I transplanted them into the 1 gallon. I wanted them to acclimate and start building some biology so that the transition into their final pots is a better one with established microbes. That was my thought anyway. Not sure if it is a valid thought process. Lol

I wanted to try a live mulch this year. I purchased some cover crop mix from buildasoil. Should I go ahead and plant the seeds now to let them get established? I'll end up uprooting some when I transplant but I'm not worried about that. Just curious if anyone out there has experience with cover crops. Pros and cons?
Awesome! Yeah, she is looking good so far. I'll be giving her food today. I will worry about transplanting maybe next week. I was also thinking of topping her. Thoughts about that and at this stage? Before or after the feeding?

A great read! Thank you for all of it and your time to write it out.

A great reminder that I could have been giving them light foliar feeds the past couple weeks without watering. :idea: And as @The Physicist has already prescribed a couple times and I'm too thick to understand...:morenutes: Sorry! I'm slow to learn sometimes...constant reminders are not a bad thing with this brain. :laughtwo:

How can I forget that :Rasta: Definately top the Purple Punch. I suggest topping from the 7-8th node to give your main branch some extra girth in future. Check mine and you will see what I mean.

Peace :passitleft:
If I do this, will it be killing off the beneficial microbes and fungi that I am introducing with compost teas?

How long do you use this method for during the growing season (all stages)?

So I am focusing on using only organic products. Would this pesticide solution be considered organic?

HP is not organic. But lots of growers use it. I am not sure if diluting it that much hurts your microbe flora but I am not using it as a pesticide. I agree that you should be more careful about your flora when you are dealing with organics. There must be some organic peroxide but I am not sure if they are the solution for your issue. When I had a pest problem in one of my previous grows, I wanted to keep my grow %100 organic like you. It took me a while to decide which pesticide to use.

I went with diluted milk to kill the pests living in coco topped with perlite. I took this advise from a fellow grower here(can't remember who he was though it was a long time ago). He said that milk is used to kill almost all the crawlers and pests just like soap. He had a different method to apply the milk but I decided to use milk solution and then wait for 12-18 hours before flushing the medium. I am sure you can find the recipe if you make a search in the forums.

That solved my pest problem but I wasn't sure if that was a problem at all. I had some very small bugs on the surface of perlite layer and several on the main branch. They weren't going up into canopy and they were mostly living in the rootzone. I think organics help these creatures grow as well.

I couldn't find what type of pests I had for a long time but in mid flowering I came across to a journal and spotted my type of pest there. Some people claimed that this type of pest was an indicator of a healthy rootzone and this pest wasn't getting my plant in stress and something to worry about. Milky water lowered their population so I had control over their count. I did this treatment twice in mid flowering and let it go on the last two weeks. I also applied milky spray on top of the perlite layer twice a week. Plant yielded around 350 grams in a 3x3 tent with aroud 350W actual draw.

Well I gave the ladies a diluted compost tea foliar spray and I also gave them a light watering with the compost tea. They were able to soak up a couple hours of light afterward. I'm excited to see what they look like in the morning. We're supposed to have another nice day so it will nice to see them soaking up some natural sun. I also fed the rest of the garden some compost tea foliar and a deep watering with the compost tea.

I also watered the containers that some of these ladies will be going into. I prepped those pots the same day I transplanted them into the 1 gallon. I wanted them to acclimate and start building some biology so that the transition into their final pots is a better one with established microbes. That was my thought anyway. Not sure if it is a valid thought process. Lol

I wanted to try a live mulch this year. I purchased some cover crop mix from buildasoil. Should I go ahead and plant the seeds now to let them get established? I'll end up uprooting some when I transplant but I'm not worried about that. Just curious if anyone out there has experience with cover crops. Pros and cons?

Definately a good idea to introduce your transplant into a pre-microbed medium. I would do that maybe 24h earlier and dank the transplant into Mykos powder. And then I would keep the transplant part dry and the new medium wet, preferably with active microbes. I would water the contact to activate the extra Mykos there as well.
(can't remember who he was though it was a long time ago).
Thanks for your input. As for remembering anything from yesterday is an issue man! That's why I'm going to keep these journals! Otherwise, I'll have no clue what I did and when I did it. :laughtwo: :hmmmm: :laughtwo:
I decided to get some early morning pics of all of them to see how they are looking after their compost tea. They seem happy*ish...what do you think?

Definately top the Purple Punch. I suggest topping from the 7-8th node to give your main branch some extra girth in future.
Hey @TriangleCheese ...I tried getting a decent profile pic to show all the nodes. Looks to me like I can probably now. The top would be #8 I believe. Thoughts? I wasn't thinking of transplanting for at least another week at this point to give those roots more time. Should I wait until then or do it today, let her recover and then transplant?
A couple of them look downright enthusiastic! :thumb:
YoooooHoooo!!! I would say the Purple Punch is even happier today than she was already the past week. Good sign indeed!

I think my tea was too diluted honestly. Maybe not though...I still don't know what the hell I'm doing and just winging it with my recipe...so there is that. Maybe it was perfect and I'll just never know. Ha!

A couple them loom droopy to me. Nothing alarming but just a little sad looking.

I would bet that by the end of the day and some nice sun, none of them will be droopy!
A quick family portrait and individual portraits of the ladies after a full day of overcast light and mild temps. I think they all look even better than this morning.

My initial thought is that it will probably be 4 or 5 days before the PP, GG4, and Romulan will need water. Maybe more... The others are smaller and not quite as vigorous from my observation so possibly a week before watering them again?! I'll be sure to do some light foliar feedings though.

I think I'm going to try and weigh them and compare them to a completely dry pot with medium so I can start really learning the weight method. I also think I over watered them yesterday even though I was try to only soak a couple inches. I see dry top soil and my initial response is to flood them...

Family portrait - 24+ hrs after their first compost tea drench and foliar spray

Purple Punch



The Twins - Do-Sa-Do


Strawberry Banana - she is a runt but so damn cute! I'll need to try and support that scoliosis though...geez.
I decided to get some early morning pics of all of them to see how they are looking after their compost tea. They seem happy*ish...what do you think?

Hey @TriangleCheese ...I tried getting a decent profile pic to show all the nodes. Looks to me like I can probably now. The top would be #8 I believe. Thoughts? I wasn't thinking of transplanting for at least another week at this point to give those roots more time. Should I wait until then or do it today, let her recover and then transplant?

Hey! Glad I made it before you did anything :passitleft:I would wait for 1-2 more sets before I top that baby. I also would start trimming the lower branches because these won't do great contribution if you are planning a bushy structure like I do. When you clean everything below the topped node your main branch goes wild by creating a fluxing central. Check @Light Addict 's( I hope everything is fine with him in Spain :snowboating:) journal for more info. I have modified his technique because the modified version works best for me. I have high humidity so I work in a very limited vertical space. I trim everything else. I call this modified technique Skylining. After getting an even canopy, plants look like a skyline of colas. I will start a thread on this method using my Pink Kush and BG41 seedlings. Keep this baby vegging. She will definately pay off. Check my Skylined Purple Punch from 30 minutes ago. I had more vertical space but humidity is so high so I kept this plant fairly short. I will get a better skyline view with BG41 because thats an agressive vegger. PK looks even more agressive :)

Peace :lot-o-toke:

I forgot to explain why I "Skyline" my plants. We believe in many tops and bushy structure as intelligent cannabis growers. We top our plants at least for one time if we have the chance. Many tops mean many branches and these branches need to grow vertically after filling the SCROG net. When you top your plant from below, you got lots of branches at the start.

Your plant needs to focus on lots of branches at the same time and this causes the vertical growth to take place slower. When you only got the main branch growing, vertical grow is much faster. I've tested this many times and I am trimming all of the sidebranches till I top my plants.

Your plant has a thinner main branch at early veg. and yes it can support too many side branches at this phase but when you compare a plant in early veg. with a plant in 4th week of veg. its not enough. I suggest training after topping from a high point. You can stretch your plant easily by moving your lights further from the canopy and achieve the desired height faster. This sounds like a waste of time but if you are after big yields, actually it saves you a fair amount of time. If you are after a fast harvest then do what is already working for you.

When you top your plant, lets say at the 5th week of veg. it will probably have a woody main branch. After topping, most plants fill a 3x3 scrog in seven to ten days. Thats because you have a bigger plant compared to the start and it has a superior root system. After that you can wait until the plant stacks some nodes to support a nice cola. You want to trim lower and weak parts and leave only the cola sites. Plants stretch a little in the flowering so keep that in mind. You can try tip spreading technique to stack your nodes as your plant stretches for the last time.

I hope these are helpful. Many easy steps there and I think each makes a difference.

Happy growing :roorrip:
@TriangleCheese Thanks for chiming in about whether to top her yet or wait. Appreciate the wisdom! I'll be sure to check out all the links you sent me. Stuck at home recovering still so I have time to read. Haa haaaa

I was originally planning on keeping the purple punch inside the greenhouse but I think I have changed me mind. I'm going to let her be outside instead. Been scoping out a couple spots this weekend to see where she would work best. I'm thinking I will put her in a 10 or 15 gallon fabric pot. A 4-6 foot plant would suffice I think. It would make things more manageable considering how many other plants I have going right now.

I'm honestly not looking for huge yields. I want a happy and healthy plant more than anything else. If I harvest just one good bud from her, I would be thrilled! I obviously want more than 1 but I hope you get what I am saying. After last year, I want to primarily focus on keeping them all healthy first and foremost. If I can do that, then I think decent yields will happen regardless. I failed last year but I refuse to fail this year!

Quick question about putting her up and topping. Would you top her in this 1 gallon and let her recover? Or would you let her fill this one gallon up more, and then top her when pot her up to a 3 or 5 gallon? I'm honestly not sure what size to go up to next after the one gallon. I have to go reread @Emilya 's post about that.
The general rule is uppot to 3-5x the original container size :)
Ok cool! So my memory is not as shot as I thought! Haaa haaa. My thought of a 3 or 5 gallon was correct. I feel like today is a victory already for remembering something stuffed way back into my subconscious. You should be proud for inserting yourself into so many people's brains!
Ok, I went ahead and decided to take your advice @TriangleCheese and did some trimming.

I decided to trim up the 3 largest ladies. Let me know what you think about how much I took off. If there is any additional that you would take off, let me know. If anyone else wants to chime in, please feel free.

Also, at the bottom of the post I have a couple other questions about some potential problems I need help Identifying.

Purple Punch - Before

PP - After

PP - After

GG4 - After (forgot to get a before pic)

Romulan - Before

Romulan- After

Is this mold?! :(
I found this on a couple leaves on one of the Do-Sa-Do girls. I tried my best to get good in focus pics. If it is, what would you do to prevent this from spreading (organically)? Just trim them off those specific leaves? Or spray the whole plant down with a solution? I think she has enough strong top growth that I don't think removing those leaves will cause an issue. Thoughts?




The next thing I was curious about are these bugs? A pest or a beneficial? I found about 5 of them on the Romulan. There were a couple on the others. Sorry for not getting a better pic.
Ok, I went ahead and decided to take your advice @TriangleCheese and did some trimming.

I decided to trim up the 3 largest ladies. Let me know what you think about how much I took off. If there is any additional that you would take off, let me know. If anyone else wants to chime in, please feel free.

Also, at the bottom of the post I have a couple other questions about some potential problems I need help Identifying.

Purple Punch - Before

PP - After

PP - After

GG4 - After (forgot to get a before pic)

Romulan - Before

Romulan- After

Is this mold?! :(
I found this on a couple leaves on one of the Do-Sa-Do girls. I tried my best to get good in focus pics. If it is, what would you do to prevent this from spreading (organically)? Just trim them off those specific leaves? Or spray the whole plant down with a solution? I think she has enough strong top growth that I don't think removing those leaves will cause an issue. Thoughts?




The next thing I was curious about are these bugs? A pest or a beneficial? I found about 5 of them on the Romulan. There were a couple on the others. Sorry for not getting a better pic.

Spray them :thumb:
Spray them :thumb:
You agree that it is mold? What's weird is why only their in those patches and only on that plant? If it's mold then that means there are spores and they spread with even the lightest of breezes.

Any particular spray you had in mind?
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