Capt Blast Moving Indoors - A Utility Shed Perpetual

Ok for what it's worth, I've updated on that defol experiment here- Defoliation during flowering for greater yields!

What you did looks good to me. I often go in with the scissors or fingers and snip lots of tiny little lower and midstem budlets. If I don't do it when they're tiny then I'll be doing it later when they're bigger. I don't really need the trimmings so it seems like a waste of the plants energy to let them grow. If you grow a solid canopy then undergrowth doesn't do you much good. The shaded leaves that aren't doing anything will make themselves obvious If you're growing the plants in a more natural shape, with space around them so light can get in, then you'll get buds on the sides.

Thanks Big All Swearengen, I'm kinda starting early on my 7 that are in the veg room, need to transplant them, thirsty lil' rascals at the moment, gonna have to wait until I get a break from work on friday though. I prune lots of things in my garden and yard just kinda like, "damn made those gals get buck naked!" I'm kinda shooting for the main 8 bud sites to really get er done, but funny how some are more prominent with 6,7 even 9 buds sites up top, kinda like wtf over? I'm with you on the trimmings seem to have a freezer full from summer grow, big plans, little time, I know you understand this. Anyway, Tight Lines my Brother from the Great White North!

got a little problem showing up, watered with calmag added only tonight. On a main top 3 of the 4 big fans look like this; they were about 18" from the hood (1,000watt) temps got down early this am to 52(f), ran out of gas, not sure how long but not that cold in shed itself when replaced gas bottle. Any thoughts appreciated?

Ppm to high and or PH issue causing lockout. Cal mag is a salt (not table) and with PH lockout you burned by over feeding. Correct PH and flush. In flower, soil PH drop's fast due to H+ being released in soil.

Hydrogen ion's. Your acids are H+ and alkaline ' are OH-.
Cool, I'm fighting PH issues myself. Some strains are more picky then others.

I need to add a little background as first look @ it, as millertm points out perhaps a lockout, or a deficiency which I believe is the case.

Thursday will be 3 weeks into flower, I alternate ph'd rain water every other feeding, at last feeding time (4Days ago 1/2 gallon) I used rain water with fox farms 3 , grow big @ 25% recommended, tiger bloom @ 50%, and big bloom @ 50% recommended. After transplant 4 weeks ago I feared overwatering and have let plants completely dry, the plants are starting to drink more now but I am still probably under watering a bit and definitely under feeding. Tonight is the first time I have added calmag to the regular plain water feeding and I only added 1/2 the recommended amount1.5 ml per gallon water, water was ph'ed @ 6.2 runoff was 6.8. I feel this is more a phosphorous deficiency than any thing other and will try and correct for that on next needing feeding when nutes will be added.

Also, I'm using fox farm's Ocean Forest with dolomite & 25% perlite added 1 month before transplant. Soil Ph has been at 7.0 @ every time I check it. I'm going to add the Tiger Bloom and Big Bloom @ 75% next feeding and drop the grow big down a bit. I have a stinking suspicion (have since I got in this soil) that there were no active nutrients in my Ocean Forest from the get go. I wrote a bunch of other info but got erased so f it I'm done for the night.


PS- Screw a bunch of auto correct!
Cool, I'm fighting PH issues myself. Some strains are more picky then others.


Yeah that's what gets me mtm, its a Green Crack but the only one of 5 showing anything out of the normal happy, happy plant, and it's just one branch at the top, almost like a mold shows up but enviro not right for that yet and hopefully never. I didn't feed it fully tonight, I may go and add some 2-8-4 to it tom. :hmmmm:
I wrote a bunch of other info but got erased so f it I'm done for the night.


PS- Screw a bunch of auto correct![/QUOTE]

Don't blame you at all on a phone, totally understand...hope your well mate.. Thrown a line lately? What we catching at the moment? Lots of gummys been caught off beach my way, great feed...
Know who I call when I got the munchies. Looks like a nice plant, I mean factory, lol....
Mmmmm. Donuts. I wish I could be of more help. I've had small areas of my plants show deficiency signs a bit like that, all in one area in a handful of leaves, and took it to be cal mag issues. I'll check again tonight to see if there is much similarity. I had it recently on a Blueberry plant and it may possibly still show. Pretty sure that yours is... stranger looking.
well friends the 1K 5x5 is really out performing the 600 watt in the 4x4 as to bud growth. So I moved 3 from the 4x4 in with the 6 under the 1K crowded but still workable. I have 2 plants that are like 32 inches and the rest are all @ 27 or thereabouts. Looks like the Cal Mag and heavy water last week with a tad of big grow and a smaller bit of the Bloom and Tiger bloom, brought the problem children (2) out of there funk. All have taken off. Did a feeding tonight using no Big Grow but full standard feeding of tiger bloom and big bloom along with some Brer Rabbit's molasses. I allow of mix each until she just started to trickle out the bottom. So we're 26 days into flower and starting' to see some sugar :party:







Hey. Was just meaning to write you today. I did check my plant for the deficiency I mentioned, but decided that I had nothing much to contribute in the way of help. Been having some issues myself lately and decided I don't know my ass from my elbow. Then, after lots of pissing around, figured out my ph meter was out by half a point and everything has been on acid for the last few weeks probably. Good old PH. How many times do I have to cover the same ground? Nice to find an answer to the problem though.
Plants are looking great. Amazing how quickly they zip along sometimes. Seems like just yesterday you started this journal. Well, seems that way to me anyway....
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