Capt Blast Moving Indoors - A Utility Shed Perpetual

so I get home today and my amaze replacement ventech fan is @ the back door. If you remember I complained about buying one that didn't work out of the box and also didn't come with added fan controller (package deal) as promised. I just pulled the new one out of the box found no fan controller, again, plug it in and there was a god awful racket, unplugged looked in @ the fan, lo and behold there's the damn fan controller. Yep you guessed the other was the same just shoved in there so far the wouldn't spin @ all. I mean come on man! Spark another one up I reckon.

so I get home today and my amaze replacement ventech fan is @ the back door. If you remember I complained about buying one that didn't work out of the box and also didn't come with added fan controller (package deal) as promised. I just pulled the new one out of the box found no fan controller, again, plug it in and there was a god awful racket, unplugged looked in @ the fan, lo and behold there's the damn fan controller. Yep you guessed the other was the same just shoved in there so far the wouldn't spin @ all. I mean come on man! Spark another one up I reckon.


If that were my company I would put a big piece of tape over the plug that said " remove controller from fan housing before starting fan." It's really that simple. They probably lose so much money every year to returns.
If that were my company I would put a big piece of tape over the plug that said " remove controller from fan housing before starting fan." It's really that simple. They probably lose so much money every year to returns.

absolutly Shiggity, I've seen reviews (many of them) complaining they didn't receive the fan controller, and quite a few saying fan itself was POS, enough that I'm thinking of reviewing and telling prospective buyers to look in the fan first. But why should I do their job for them, as you say it's so simple, customer service is dead! I did get a free fan and controller out of the deal though :high-five:
Cool. Actually, I need a fan.
Hmmmm... Maybe I need two fans...
What do you think of the noise level of that fan? (once you remove the controller, lol)

Get back to you on the noise level asap WC, just had it on no ducting sea trial so far.
Weaselcracker, got the fan plugged up with no ducting using speed controller, I wouldn't say it is overly loud especially @ half speed as for now with it being winter I'm in no rush to hook it back to my light's ducking, @ the moment I have cheap 240 cfm fan in place @ 1/2 speed that is doing the job well on the 1,000 watt light. I'm not using a fan nor ducting on my 600 watt light @ the moment.
I've been considering emergency lighting for each tent, we have them on vessels as a law and thought they would be an inexpensive addition to my tents in case of power outages. I'm thinking that any light no matter how weak would be better than total darkness. We tend to have very short power outages in my area of 1 to 3 hours max so hoping I could rig the light in to my timer to just have it come on in case of power failure only during time of 12 hour on lighting of course. Also considering doing a cheap photocell light that would come on in case of bulb or ballast failure. Just curious if anyone has had any experience with either and recommendations to same if you have?

Thanks and look forward to your thoughts and answers
Winter is such a gift in some ways.

Are you considering growing anything for shed cover? It may take some time but if you can block the sun it will make your life so much easier for summer.

Yeah Shiggity winter is a blessing indeed, I prefer 4 seasons as to perpetual summer. Haven't put much thought into growing around the shed for partial shade. I put it in a location that will only receive about half the days sun in summer (gets damned hot around these parts), rest of the day well shaded. I had considered putting some plants/shrubs in around base to keep the wind from underneath, but thinking to go with cement blocks as I'm not sure that this will be permanent spot for shed, though it seems ideal so far. Let me know if you've thought or experimented with emergency lighting. Do you think that any light, though it would be minimal would be worth it during power outages? I just mad another post asking same.

Plants are doing marvelous, very bushy with a lot of stretch, I',m 12 days into flower now and thinking to do some defoliating tonight. Any experience in defol? I've been researching it all morning, realize there are a bunch of differing opinions on it, found where Weaselcracker gave it a go but didn't see his final review of his first attempt in a side by side comparison.

The simplest cheapest would be a cfl. It really depends on your estimated time of no power. If it were me I would have an extra light of whatever type I use for flower and an extra bulb at all times. Then use cfls for the automated back up. Just have them on the same timer. They won't add any electric bill really and they will last for a long time. Then when you check flower or veg and only see the CFL going use the back up light or bulb.
The simplest cheapest would be a cfl. It really depends on your estimated time of no power. If it were me I would have an extra light of whatever type I use for flower and an extra bulb at all times. Then use cfls for the automated back up. Just have them on the same timer. They won't add any electric bill really and they will last for a long time. Then when you check flower or veg and only see the CFL going use the back up light or bulb.

Great idea which would be better than the light with a photo cell for ballast/bulb failures. I definitely keep spare ballast and bulb on hand. I've found some LED emergency lights that I can put a plug on and hook to timer in case of power failure, they run about $25/each and have the equivalent of 5-10 watts (depending on whether you run both or one light)and will run up to 8 hours on the battery supplied, will provide light to a 20x20 sq foot area.

Wow, thanks for another great idea Shiggity, reps to you my friend. You and so many others on this site are the Cat's Meow my man! I've spent most of the morning looking into this and defoliation techniques and always wind up back @ 420. What a fantabulous site for knowledge.

Hey you two, knock it off with the cool ideas. I've already spent my monthly allowance.

Winter is great for some things, I fight Powdery Mildew every winter through spring. Finally ordered 2 dehydrators to control the humidity.

Ha, I hear ya' SPilot! I was just out to the shed turn on the heat, we've had a 30 degree (F) temp drop in the last 18 hours, and sitting there thinking about things, said to myself; "self, what about radiant heat flooring?".

Time for an update yawl...

Temps & humidity pretty good, got a bit cold early am when temps were way down outside


My 7 seedlings gone to veg and need a transplant tomorrow


Got carried away on the defoliation...cause I got high

4 ladies the 4x4, 24 to 26" high








6 Ladies in the 5x5 20 to 22" high I really skinny these back but what the hey now...









I've been considering emergency lighting for each tent, we have them on vessels as a law and thought they would be an inexpensive addition to my tents in case of power outages. I'm thinking that any light no matter how weak would be better than total darkness. We tend to have very short power outages in my area of 1 to 3 hours max so hoping I could rig the light in to my timer to just have it come on in case of power failure only during time of 12 hour on lighting of course. Also considering doing a cheap photocell light that would come on in case of bulb or ballast failure. Just curious if anyone has had any experience with either and recommendations to same if you have?

Thanks and look forward to your thoughts and answers
FYI, uninterrupted light is not to important. What is Important is Un interrupted darkness. Emergency lights are not to important.
Ok for what it's worth, I've updated on that defol experiment here- Defoliation during flowering for greater yields!

What you did looks good to me. I often go in with the scissors or fingers and snip lots of tiny little lower and midstem budlets. If I don't do it when they're tiny then I'll be doing it later when they're bigger. I don't really need the trimmings so it seems like a waste of the plants energy to let them grow. If you grow a solid canopy then undergrowth doesn't do you much good. The shaded leaves that aren't doing anything will make themselves obvious If you're growing the plants in a more natural shape, with space around them so light can get in, then you'll get buds on the sides.
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