Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

im to stressed to even work it out, maybe i should try 1 of them 3 named strains above, wonder if they work for stress, pmsl, how about a coctail of all 3, hmmm wonder how well that would work for stress. a nice purple fluffy bread bunnys, id give it a try
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

just poppin my head in to say hi...went awol for a bit there.

dunno if it has a name, but i have a problem of really getting into something, propper hardcore..then after a while i just cant bring myself to get back at it. doesnt matter if its a job, a forum or a game really.

i like the sound of your anti stress plants..might have to order some in specifically.

i stress like a mofo all the time, but its ambiguous.sorta everything and nothing stresses me out. i get explosive rages for trivial reasons, its almost like a berserker rage, most of the time i can swallow it back down, but when i do allow it to take me, fear goes out of the window.

i really wish there was a cure for me. been to therapist and was told i had dysphoria and a lifestyle change was needed, but that can only go so far. i always wanted to join the army, would have been the best place for someone like me to have an outlet that was for the right reasons. stupid that they wont take me because of a bit of metal in my arm. considering i have zero belief in an immortal soul, im willing to risk my existence for the right cause...who gives a toss about 1 silly bone in one limb.

there should be a place for people like me...pretty much a good guy, but those primitive instincts for violent tendencies that are a throwback from caveman times still run strong.

anyway point being, i need some serious stress relief as it helps me better keep control of my rage if i have less to deal with.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

just poppin my head in to say hi...went awol for a bit there.

dunno if it has a name, but i have a problem of really getting into something, propper hardcore..then after a while i just cant bring myself to get back at it. doesnt matter if its a job, a forum or a game really.

i like the sound of your anti stress plants..might have to order some in specifically.

i stress like a mofo all the time, but its ambiguous.sorta everything and nothing stresses me out. i get explosive rages for trivial reasons, its almost like a berserker rage, most of the time i can swallow it back down, but when i do allow it to take me, fear goes out of the window.

i really wish there was a cure for me. been to therapist and was told i had dysphoria and a lifestyle change was needed, but that can only go so far. i always wanted to join the army, would have been the best place for someone like me to have an outlet that was for the right reasons. stupid that they wont take me because of a bit of metal in my arm. considering i have zero belief in an immortal soul, im willing to risk my existence for the right cause...who gives a toss about 1 silly bone in one limb.

there should be a place for people like me...pretty much a good guy, but those primitive instincts for violent tendencies that are a throwback from caveman times still run strong.

anyway point being, i need some serious stress relief as it helps me better keep control of my rage if i have less to deal with.

Good God Man, I'm so sorry to hear that. What a way to live. I hated everyone when I was 18 and did bust up a few things too. When I went to Nam my whole life changed. I too feel this is the only life we will ever have. I honesty don't know how I did it, but I started loving life no matter how screwed up it was. I hope you can find your way to that place too. Much Love Brother.:love:
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

just poppin my head in to say hi...went awol for a bit there.

dunno if it has a name, but i have a problem of really getting into something, propper hardcore..then after a while i just cant bring myself to get back at it. doesnt matter if its a job, a forum or a game really.

i like the sound of your anti stress plants..might have to order some in specifically.

i stress like a mofo all the time, but its ambiguous.sorta everything and nothing stresses me out. i get explosive rages for trivial reasons, its almost like a berserker rage, most of the time i can swallow it back down, but when i do allow it to take me, fear goes out of the window.

i really wish there was a cure for me. been to therapist and was told i had dysphoria and a lifestyle change was needed, but that can only go so far. i always wanted to join the army, would have been the best place for someone like me to have an outlet that was for the right reasons. stupid that they wont take me because of a bit of metal in my arm. considering i have zero belief in an immortal soul, im willing to risk my existence for the right cause...who gives a toss about 1 silly bone in one limb.

there should be a place for people like me...pretty much a good guy, but those primitive instincts for violent tendencies that are a throwback from caveman times still run strong.

anyway point being, i need some serious stress relief as it helps me better keep control of my rage if i have less to deal with.


I bet you are a type A personality just like me and the Old Med Man. I had to say something too because I have actually been there. I used to have a much bigger temper than I have now. What helped me is self help books and possitive seminars. It is corny I know. I am sure many will criticize me for even saying this but I really want to let you know what works for me.

If you can find out what is actually holding you back and making you angry you can be able to deal with it. It is not easy but it is well worth it.

Tony Robbins is great. If you get a chance you should go to a weekend event. Just sayin. It works for me.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Hi everyone, sorry to interrupt this journal just for a moment. Due to recent happenings in our message forums, we've decided to sever our relationship with TNB Naturals, however are flying their banners for contractual compliance reasons. The separation is due to disagreement in business practices and how people should be treated. 420 Magazine respects TNB's products and wish them well in the future.

From: TNB Naturals
August 24, 2012

Dear 420 Members,

I am writing to you today on behalf of TNB Naturals to offer my sincerest apology and to express my deepest regret for a recent incident that occurred within one of the 420 on-line forums. The response to a 420 member’s entitled opinion and a series of related actions by a representative of TNB Naturals was totally inappropriate, unprofessional and disrespectful.

TNB Naturals is a young company that prides itself on providing quality products and prompt service. More important, we strive for and highly value ongoing business relationships built on a foundation of effective communication, integrity, professionalism and mutual respect. Obviously, some members of our company have much to learn.

I accept responsibility and the consequences of this incident and trust that you will accept my apology. TNB Naturals has reviewed this highly unfortunate situation thoroughly and we have learned from it. We are in the process of reorganizing our internal operating structure to prevent any further actions of this nature. I hope you will give us the opportunity to demonstrate our commitment to valued business relationships in the course of providing people with all natural product options.
Warm regards,

Josh Frazier, President
TNB Naturals

We would greatly appreciate it if there were no negative discussions about this to help save us the time of cleaning them up. We now return you to your regularly scheduled grow journal. :Namaste:
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

420 Girl,

I don't know how you managed that, but it is much appreciated, and is no interruption at all to post their apology in this thread. After all that was said and done here, this offers at least some penance for that representative's actions. I only regret that the relationship with the company, as a whole, was damaged because of one person's actions. Because of the outcome of this, with the relationship severance, it makes me wonder if this was a higher-up with an actual stake in the company, and not some hourly-paid customer service representative.

It saddens me to say it, but, ALL of this could have been avoided had that rep taken the approach of helping, and understanding, instead of how it was actually handled. I truly hope that in the future, TnB Naturals can find someone that will handle questions in a more professional manner, if not to return here, but simply to make their company better. At least Mr. Frazier, after all that happened here, had the good business sense, to at least make a public statement, like that which he offered, to try and salvage what was left of his company's reputation, and move forward.

In light of this, I bear no ill will toward TnB Naturals, and accept Mr. Frazier's well-intentioned apology. Hopefully someday, the knowledge of how wrong things can become, will temper hostilities toward those that are in need of a better understanding into the intricacies of their product and the result of which will be a steady, helpful attitude, and understanding nature while trying to explain in greater detail how things actually work.

Now as for my part in this, I apologize for my own negative actions and words during that time. While, at the time, I felt justified in my actions, looking back, I see how they helped to escalate a bad situation to a worse one. I should have taken the high road a little more than I did, and kept calm when trying to get the answers I needed.

Moving forward, even though I will not be purchasing anything they currently offer from the company because of price vs. longevity, and not because of the representatives actions, I wish only the best for TnB Naturals in the future, and sincerely hope that the company in their own arena, does well. It is my standing to let bygones be just that, and in the future, look forward to seeing what else the company has to offer. Regardless of whether they are a sponsor here at 420Magazine, if they can provide a good product, with a good value, I will surely be investigating it. If that day comes, I will review it as well, for integration into my grow space.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

stopping by for a quik hello
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG



Okay, I was a little disapointed in the yield and vigor of Plush Berry. But looking at it this morning, I realized that I have the BLACK CHERRY SODA PHENO of the Plush Berry! So, I was going to be throwing it out after this harvest.... but.... after seeing the pheno for what it was, confirmed by a tentative taste and smell... oh man... There is an aftertaste ALMOST EXACTLY LIKE BLACK CHERRY SODA!

So I'm going to attempt this strain again all on its own, with a specific nutrient mix tailored for this strain and we'll see how it goes. TGA says this one is a heavy yielding plant once it is understood, so I am now making it a goal to understand this pheno. I will not let it get the best of me. You'll see why in the pics.

These are NOT COLOR CORRECTED, only white balanced, and they never dropped below 77 in temperature.

As always, click each image for full size

re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Going away for a few days... We be back about 8-29-2012
sweet lookin buds J!!
is that AM or PM?:)
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Sounds great! Hope you have fun.
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