CC's 2nd Grow - Tutankhamen & AK-47

can you show us a photograph of the Tutankhamen also?

Here she is. She quit producing/growing & started producing bud sites. Thoughts?



Bonsa Seeds initially told me they would reimburse me. Now my return request shows as "cancelled" & no shipment.
Guess they changed their minds & I'm the disappointed grower of 2 autos that were supposed to veg way longer.
New seed bank search.
Bonsa Seeds initially told me they would reimburse me. Now my return request shows as "cancelled" & no shipment.
Guess they changed their minds & I'm the disappointed grower of 2 autos that were supposed to veg way longer.
New seed bank search.

there are several good seedbanks. im sure a more seasoned grower than myself will know best,
there are several good seedbanks. im sure a more seasoned grower than myself will know best,

I know couple of good ones, they're more expensive but better customer service.But, few carry Tutankhamen yet.
Hi CC, that Tut is super short but the bud sites look promising, just not gonna yield as much as I'm sure you were hoping. That's the problem with auto's I guess, there's no control on when veg stops and flower begins.
Good luck my friend.
Yeahh man. I love plants that are trained, they look cool, especially when its done right like yours are :)

You should join my serious 6 journal. Im training both plants.. I think
Hey CC, aw chap she's little but she's a real looker. My Tutt has gone mad, im struggling to keep up with her. Also I can state that the attitude seedbank has been really good to me, the freebies are good and you always get a few.that Blue Venom of mine was a freebee. Massive selection as well.

i didnt want to get in trouble with advertising it JIC but i a glad you put up info... would you recommend them?? is shipping to US ok with them(if you know)
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