Cronichemp's First Indoor DWC 60 Day Wonder & NYCD

Very nice! I am surprised they did that well with florescence. You must have a green thumb.:goodjob:

P.S. Don't throw anything away, can be turned into thc butter very easily.

thanks the flouros was kinda expensive suppose to be good for total grow trying led's now wanna see what does better with same wattage
yea i still got alot of sugar/ and fan leaves in bags lol
Good pics!:) very nice buds you got hanging!

T you got some great stuff going on in your part of the island too
Aloha Chronic! :surf:

Hoping the LED's kick some butt for you, but you should be very pleased with the success you've had with your flouros. Nice job and nice grow so far. That hanging bud did look yummy! :yummy:

Oh, and I really like looking over the stems and the roots good when I chop them - just fascinating how thick the stems get and massive the roots can get. Great growing Chronic - hope you don't have to deal with randoms. :goodluck:
Aloha Chronic! :surf:

Hoping the LED's kick some butt for you, but you should be very pleased with the success you've had with your flouros. Nice job and nice grow so far. That hanging bud did look yummy! :yummy:

Oh, and I really like looking over the stems and the roots good when I chop them - just fascinating how thick the stems get and massive the roots can get. Great growing Chronic - hope you don't have to deal with randoms. :goodluck:

i hope them led's kick butt too
root ball was pretty big lol funny thing tho im like only using a 3 inch netpot so i have to make sure after a certain point it has some stabilization or it tips over lol
but hell the stem isnt gonna get that big so i dont worry about it
and i am pleased with the flouros just wanna see what kinda yield i can get with the led's same wattage and all
once i figure out which works better for me ill probably stick with it
the only thing i didnt like about the flouros is i have to keep the lights kinda close and it makes for lack of space when i do weekly res changes, so if the led's do at least as good ill probably stick with that just for the headroom being able to do my res changes with a little more space:thumb:
and thanks again X
i hope i dont have to deal with randoms either it sucks having to worry and not being able to smoke cause of it lol
soma's nycd




couple bud pics after i dried the 60 day wonder
also wieght came out @ 28.5 g
and was trying to figure out what kinda backround to use to take the pics lolflash or no flash? brown or white? lol




enjoy!!! :high-five:
Nice lookin buds you got there cronic! Have you smoked any of the 60 day wonder yet??? If so, what were your first impressions? Taste? Potency? etc.... The pistols on the buds closer to the top of the plant have started to turn from white to more of a redish/orange color like you mentioned, but the smaller less developed buds around the bottom have not started to turn yet. If this continues I am considering chopping her down a bit at a time.
Nice lookin buds you got there cronic! Have you smoked any of the 60 day wonder yet??? If so, what were your first impressions? Taste? Potency? etc.... The pistols on the buds closer to the top of the plant have started to turn from white to more of a redish/orange color like you mentioned, but the smaller less developed buds around the bottom have not started to turn yet. If this continues I am considering chopping her down a bit at a time.

i dont know if im gonna get to try it before its gone i still need a job and need to pass drug test to work since i do construction and they do test especially on pre-employment but im gonna have someone try it and let me know, also its mainly for my dads meds so he can let me know how it is too, but ill probably get better info off the people im gonna let sample it.

i just let mine go until i got a total of 50-60 percent-ish before i flushed it, then by the weeks end it goes up to 75-80 percent red-ish, i have a scope but its a pain in the ass to use, its the radio shack one exact same one as the 420 one lol...............
hard to hold it still long enough to get it focused and you gotta be just about on the bud to be able to focus it correctly.
How did you flush your plants??? I have been reading a lot about this process recently now that I am in the final budding stage, but in doing so I have found myself much more conflicted and confused than before. I am starting to get a better feel for when to start the flushing process, but I am still confused about how long I should flush for, if I should flush with nothing but ph'd water or slowly backoff on the amount of nutes I feed her over the last week or so, of if I should even flush at all for that matter?

I have read conflicting reports concerning the flushing process and some people even say flushing isn't good for anything, even though the overwhelming majority of people say it is necessary if you intend on growing medicinal smoke. The people that think it is a bad idea say that if you feed the plant just the right amount of nutes throughout it's life and are growing in hydro or using organic it isn't always a good idea. If the nutes are being overfed to the plants then you will have a heavier buildup of excess salts in the system and if not flushed well the taste may be very harsh. If growing using organic nutes many say you shouldn't flush as well. If using hydro I have read that slowly feeding the plants less nutes by diluting them with ph balanced water each time the plant needs a little refill.

I don't know how many of these people are correct and I suspect that in some ways and under certain circumstances they each make very valid points, but how do I know which of all these different methods and ideas is going to work best for me? I know that nothing works better than personal experience and that I should probably just try a few different things with the plants I have and determine which ones work best for me, but at the same time I only have 3 plants and if I mess one or two of em up cause of tryin dif methods I could really screw myself over!
How did you flush your plants??? I have been reading a lot about this process recently now that I am in the final budding stage, but in doing so I have found myself much more conflicted and confused than before. I am starting to get a better feel for when to start the flushing process, but I am still confused about how long I should flush for, if I should flush with nothing but ph'd water or slowly backoff on the amount of nutes I feed her over the last week or so, of if I should even flush at all for that matter?

I have read conflicting reports concerning the flushing process and some people even say flushing isn't good for anything, even though the overwhelming majority of people say it is necessary if you intend on growing medicinal smoke. The people that think it is a bad idea say that if you feed the plant just the right amount of nutes throughout it's life and are growing in hydro or using organic it isn't always a good idea. If the nutes are being overfed to the plants then you will have a heavier buildup of excess salts in the system and if not flushed well the taste may be very harsh. If growing using organic nutes many say you shouldn't flush as well. If using hydro I have read that slowly feeding the plants less nutes by diluting them with ph balanced water each time the plant needs a little refill.

I don't know how many of these people are correct and I suspect that in some ways and under certain circumstances they each make very valid points, but how do I know which of all these different methods and ideas is going to work best for me? I know that nothing works better than personal experience and that I should probably just try a few different things with the plants I have and determine which ones work best for me, but at the same time I only have 3 plants and if I mess one or two of em up cause of tryin dif methods I could really screw myself over!

theres alot of people doing alot of different things i just been keeping it fairly simple the products im using come with a feeding chart on a sheet which like the bpn nutes the bottle to the seperate feeding chart sheet are different.
i use clearex the last 5-7 days seemed to work fine on the first plant, even without the nutes while its flushing it takes its nutes from the fan leaves or whatever leaves are left on there.
similar to when you clone, you dont feed nutes when they dont have roots and they take what they need from the leaves.
hope that helps you decide what to do, sometimes the best way to find out is just to try and see what happens.
i know you dont want to have wasted all the time and effort that you put into your plants but, the best way to tell what will work for you is just to try, then you will know for sure what you need to do to get the results you want, opinions will always differ because people try things and it seems to work for them so they stick with it.
i am using an organic product most people who use chemicals will want to flush
but as i stated before im just following the feeding and flushing schedule on my chart.
there is a more advanced feeding chart i can use but i just want to keep it simple
if i went the other way id be adding alot of other stuff other people are using cal-mag, silica blast, aquashield etc. etc..a little more intense feeding chart but like i said im trying to keep it as simple as possible, maybe one day ill try the more advanced chart but for now simple is working for me so im gonna stick with it awhile.
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