Didimauw's first time bagseed grow

Th@nk you very much. I w@s very dis@ppointed but c@nn@bis is @ be@utiful pl@nt @nd it w@s my first one ever so it w@s be@utiful in my eyes either w@y.
ummm im not sure really, would i be bad if i bought the self fertilizing kind? i just want something other than outside dirt.
do u have another grow journal going amgrower?

I wouldn't get the stuff th@t feeds pl@nts bec@use I @lw@ys figured they didn't h@ve the flowering specific nutes, but h@d just veg. nutes or m@ybe @ mix. I'd s@y go with some norm@l potting soil, perlite, @nd some bloom nutes th@t @Ren't MG, m@ybe Shultz or something.

alright....so i gave up on my 5 plants that were together, they were too skinny, and kind of a waste of space so i ditched them.(id have better luck, working on just one plant for now, till i figure out what im doing)
but the plant that was in the smaller box, is doing great...sooooo i took out the flourescent tube that was in the rubbermaid container, bought two 60 watt cfl's, bought two adapters for them to plug them into a power strip, cut two holes in the top of my rubbermaid container, and placed the lights in the holes...



and if i feel the need to, i can go buy more lights and adapters
Hey, hows it goin didi. You @re very right @bout growing one pl@nt. It's much e@sier since @ll your @ttention is focused on th@t one pl@nt.@lso I h@ve @ couple questions for you.

1. How often @re you w@tering? You should be @ble to stick your finger @n inch into the soil @nd if it's bone dry w@ter it. Usu@lly every 3-4 d@ys.
2. @re you 12/12ing th@t pl@nt @lre@dy? If so, m@ke sure the 12 hours d@rkness is uninterrupted with no light le@ks wh@tsoever.
3. @re you sure those @re 60w? My 42w looks bigger th@n th@t.

@nd @ thermometer would be benefici@l to the box.
hey amgrower! im doin alright, and yourself?
ive been watering it about every three days like u said, and for that plant, im still veg-in it right now, im going to wait till it gets bigger. im still kind of afraid that the soil i had it in, is too thick. ( i left a small amount of the dirt from outside, that it was in, around the roots, when i transplanted it. the bulbs that im using, are a 60 watt equivilant. it only uses 13 watts, is that a bad thing? they are natural light, 4100k a piece, 800 lumens each

im also going to have to get more batteries for my camera real soon
My b@d, I prob@bly should h@ve been more specific when telling you @bout the lights. The light th@t I used w@s 42w/150w equiv. I w@s recommending the 68w/300w equiv. for you. Figured if I did wh@t I did with @ single 42w, you should be @ble to kick @ss with 2-3 68w. Wh@t kind of soil did you end up going with?
Oh cool m@n. You're definitely on your w@y to @ successful grow!!!!!!!!!!:goodjob:
Post some pics when you set up the new light.
alright, so i went a got a new bulb, its a 40 watt, 100 watt equ. i didnt realize how big it was going to be lol. when i got back from true value, i found my bag of tobacco on t he floor with holes in it, and my bag of weed on the floor, luckily with no holes in it...my dog doesnt like it when i leave, hes new, so i expect that lol. im debating if i should put one of my smaller bulbs along with it or not. i think ill see what this bulb does first, and if i think it needs more, i got those other two littler bulbs

heres a pic of the bulb, its hard to take pics of it when its in the box, cause its enclosed, except for the hole on top.

heres my box in my closet

heres the bulb

and heres the plant again

Well, first of @ll inc@ndescent( regul@r ) bulbs @re @ m@jor no-no. @ll they re@lly do is put off he@t. If need be, you could possibly ditch the cont@iner @nd just grow on your closet floor( wh@t I did ) it's good to h@ve @ c@tch p@n for the runoff w@ter. Le@rned th@t the h@rd w@y!! Tin foil is not @ gre@t reflector, it c@uses hotspots due to @ll the wrinkles. You c@n use myl@r from life bl@nkets @T W@lm@rt or I used @ myl@r b@lloon cut in h@lf. Other th@n th@t, seems you h@ve mostly everything in order.
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