Groovers Ganjalicious Grow From Go to Whoa

Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

They're looking good Groover! What ppm are you running them at?

+rep :bong:

About 500ppm there mate but a bit of that is from the water here. I use a 50/50 mix of tap and R/O water.:grinjoint:Thanks for the rep theyre always appreciated.

Nice and healthy. Any pics of the outdoor plants?
Coming soon mate.
Give us a look Groover. Must see budding plants...must see...
Don't get too excited they've only just begun to bud.
I think I'm done with the super cropping. I've been a bit cruel but you know what they say "Treat 'em mean, keep 'em keen.:smokin:
Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

It's been fun watching and learning Mate. :surf:
I like your style, Bud.:ganjamon:

Always a pleasure to have our esteemed member of the month for Dec 09 droppin by to say G'day. There's not much to learn here but I'm always happy to try and answer any questions or talk on any subject not just our beloved herb.:peace:
Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

Always a pleasure to have our esteemed member of the month for Dec 09 droppin by to say G'day. There's not much to learn here but I'm always happy to try and answer any questions or talk on any subject not just our beloved herb.:peace:

Oh I don't know about that mate. Anyone that is not growing in soil and makes plants magically grow out water, definitely has something I can learn about. :ganjamon:
Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

Oh I don't know about that mate. Anyone that is not growing in soil and makes plants magically grow out water, definitely has something I can learn about. :ganjamon:
Nothing difficult about it mate. If you can make a coffee you can mix a batch of nutes. Just a bit of common sense on top of that and it's pretty simple.
The real knowledge is with people like Butcher who are breeding their own strains. I do have a lot of basic gardening knowledge from years of trial and error. One thing I am pretty confident in is knowing when a problem is bad enough to act on or just let slide. For example just recently I took a random tomato cutting & just stuck it in a pot with no rooting gel, no honey (good if you got no clonex), nothing. I bet 99% of people would have chucked it out after the 4th or 5th day of it lookin dead, wilted and fkd. Not me brah. I just kept lovin it and on about day 10 it started to come good and now its thrivin and ready to go into a bigger pot or the ground. If your kind to your plants they'll return the favour. If your out there thinking or yelling "yeild you fkn cnts o things" they won't respond the same. It's all about keeping them happy and giving them what they want. Good food and drink, good air to breath and a comfy home are needed. You should ask yourself. Could I sit in the grow space all day and be comfotable? If not then DONT expect your plants to be. It know some of it sounds a bit hippy trippy :hippy: but I know plants respond better to good vibes man.:grinjoint::peace:
Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

Nice and healthy. Any pics of the outdoor plants?

Give us a look Groover. Must see budding plants...must see...
Ok guys. I took a couple of shots just now. You cant really see the one in the back too well. You can't really tell they are budding but they are.
I gotta get a better camera.
The look a bit droopy because just before sun down I sprayed them with a big dose pf Super Bloom Flower Promotant (pic of bottle page 1 or 2). They'll have come good by the morning.

This second shot is a shitty close up. I tried to show a bud sites.
I'll try to get some better shots in the daylight. I may try shooting through a magnifying glass and see what happens.

I should have the new space finished by the end of the week.:grinjoint::peace:
Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

Super Bloom is a plant hormone that effects the flowering of plants. Super Bloom induces some plants to flower in a matter of days, and can increase flower yields incredibly. Super Bloom, when sprayed on plants during there vegetative growth stages, will produce large levels of female hormones within the plants resulting in a larger number of females compared to males to form than normally would occur. Super Bloom has also been said make the flowers on some plants mature at the same time rather than over a longer period of time. Newer trials on Super Bloom have shown that even better results can be achieved by adding Super Bloom to your nutrients. 1ml per litre added once at first signs of flowering.

Very cool - I am going to look into picking up a female hormone boosting plant hormone from my hydro shop.
Actually - the more I'm looking into these plant hormones the more I'm getting the impression they are all low low doses of g.a. . . .
Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

Nothing difficult about it mate. If you can make a coffee you can mix a batch of nutes. Just a bit of common sense on top of that and it's pretty simple.
The real knowledge is with people like Butcher who are breeding their own strains. I do have a lot of basic gardening knowledge from years of trial and error. One thing I am pretty confident in is knowing when a problem is bad enough to act on or just let slide. For example just recently I took a random tomato cutting & just stuck it in a pot with no rooting gel, no honey (good if you got no clonex), nothing. I bet 99% of people would have chucked it out after the 4th or 5th day of it lookin dead, wilted and fkd. Not me brah. I just kept lovin it and on about day 10 it started to come good and now its thrivin and ready to go into a bigger pot or the ground. If your kind to your plants they'll return the favour. If your out there thinking or yelling "yeild you fkn cnts o things" they won't respond the same. It's all about keeping them happy and giving them what they want. Good food and drink, good air to breath and a comfy home are needed. You should ask yourself. Could I sit in the grow space all day and be comfotable? If not then DONT expect your plants to be. It know some of it sounds a bit hippy trippy :hippy: but I know plants respond better to good vibes man.:grinjoint::peace:

Groover that was fascinating :grinjoint:
That's a great outlook you have mate. I mean this as a compliment, I honestly believe you feel one with your plants. That is really great! I try.......
Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

Nothing difficult about it mate. If you can make a coffee you can mix a batch of nutes. Just a bit of common sense on top of that and it's pretty simple.
The real knowledge is with people like Butcher who are breeding their own strains. I do have a lot of basic gardening knowledge from years of trial and error. One thing I am pretty confident in is knowing when a problem is bad enough to act on or just let slide. For example just recently I took a random tomato cutting & just stuck it in a pot with no rooting gel, no honey (good if you got no clonex), nothing. I bet 99% of people would have chucked it out after the 4th or 5th day of it lookin dead, wilted and fkd. Not me brah. I just kept lovin it and on about day 10 it started to come good and now its thrivin and ready to go into a bigger pot or the ground. If your kind to your plants they'll return the favour. If your out there thinking or yelling "yeild you fkn cnts o things" they won't respond the same. It's all about keeping them happy and giving them what they want. Good food and drink, good air to breath and a comfy home are needed. You should ask yourself. Could I sit in the grow space all day and be comfotable? If not then DONT expect your plants to be. It know some of it sounds a bit hippy trippy :hippy: but I know plants respond better to good vibes man.:grinjoint::peace:

Well said Groover. I just knew there was a reason I liked you hehe. Your plants are large and in charge! Keep it growing Groover.

Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

I'm thinking of playing inspirational music to my girls. Something to get them in the mood like maybe Black Sabbath or Alice Cooper. Maybe the Star Spangled Banner ala Jimi Hendrix would fit the bill. lol

Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

Mine are in my man cave, they get all kinds of music. I think mine like metal and classic rock mostly....well they may like country or rap but they will never find out, not in my man cave!!! :grinjoint:

Peace +rep
Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

Man caves rule! My cave is a bit cold but its mine! Stay out! No kids, and the wife only occasionally hehe. Well, whenever she wants, but she don't want to much. Its cold after all! As far as music goes who knows...they have no ears but mebbe the sound waves are vibrating atoms in a certain way thats beneficial to them. Uh oh, I think I might be stoned....yep stoned.

Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

Super Bloom is a plant hormone that effects the flowering of plants. Super Bloom induces some plants to flower in a matter of days, and can increase flower yields incredibly. Super Bloom, when sprayed on plants during there vegetative growth stages, will produce large levels of female hormones within the plants resulting in a larger number of females compared to males to form than normally would occur. Super Bloom has also been said make the flowers on some plants mature at the same time rather than over a longer period of time. Newer trials on Super Bloom have shown that even better results can be achieved by adding Super Bloom to your nutrients. 1ml per litre added once at first signs of flowering.

Very cool - I am going to look into picking up a female hormone boosting plant hormone from my hydro shop.
Actually - the more I'm looking into these plant hormones the more I'm getting the impression they are all low low doses of g.a. . . .
Oooh I think I know where the Super Bloom info came from. Don't tell. Bit too close to Home.:rofl:
Groover that was fascinating :grinjoint:
That's a great outlook you have mate. I mean this as a compliment, I honestly believe you feel one with your plants. That is really great! I try.......
I try too mate. I've been told in the past that I can be quite trying:rofl:
(guess who's over medicated)
Well said Groover. I just knew there was a reason I liked you hehe. Your plants are large and in charge! Keep it growing Groover.
I've always liked the fact that our names are pretty similar. You're so right about the plants being in charge. I try to let the plants make their own decisions and therefore make my decisions for me. Does that make sense???
I'm thinking of playing inspirational music to my girls. Something to get them in the mood like maybe Black Sabbath or Alice Cooper. Maybe the Star Spangled Banner ala Jimi Hendrix would fit the bill. lol
They love reggae. No surprises there.:ganjamon:

Mine are in my man cave, they get all kinds of music. I think mine like metal and classic rock mostly....well they may like country or rap but they will never find out, not in my man cave!!! :grinjoint:
Peace +rep
Thanks for the rep mate. You should try a bit of country and rap if not to broaden your own horizons but that of your plants. I know this may sound strange but they don't like full on double kick thrashy death kinda metal IMO. I don't think they like that big bottom-end bah da da, bah da da. As for classic rock a bit of Eagles, Led Zepp, Hendrix and stuff never hurt anyone.
Man caves rule! My cave is a bit cold but its mine! Stay out! No kids, and the wife only occasionally hehe. Well, whenever she wants, but she don't want to much. Its cold after all! As far as music goes who knows...they have no ears but mebbe the sound waves are vibrating atoms in a certain way thats beneficial to them. Uh oh, I think I might be stoned....yep stoned.
Stoned but correct none the less.:grinjoint:
Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

Oh I have heard plenty of both to last me the rest of my entire life, IMO rap was over in the early 90's. I mean it is social commentary guys (like punk), not an enduring style of music, it isn't even sung....anyway (when it just became a means to further gang violence it ended as music for me). And modern country is ok, but it is more country/pop or country/rock fusion, not even the same as pure country. I can handle some George Straight and a few other artists, but most pure country stars just sound whiney to me.

And trust me, the plants love classic rock and classic metal, I rarely headbang. Judas Priest/Metallica/Black Sabbath is about as far as I go into metal. I have all kinds of music in my current playlist, from Alan Parson's Project to BB king, to Donna Summers, and even ELP.:roorrip:

Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

Oh I have heard plenty of both to last me the rest of my entire life, IMO rap was over in the early 90's. I mean it is social commentary guys (like punk), not an enduring style of music, it isn't even sung....anyway (when it just became a means to further gang violence it ended as music for me). And modern country is ok, but it is more country/pop or country/rock fusion, not even the same as pure country. I can handle some George Straight and a few other artists, but most pure country stars just sound whiney to me.

And trust me, the plants love classic rock and classic metal, I rarely headbang. Judas Priest/Metallica/Black Sabbath is about as far as I go into metal. I have all kinds of music in my current playlist, from Alan Parson's Project to BB king, to Donna Summers, and even ELP.:roorrip:


I totally agree about the rap thing. I still listen to a bit now and then but it's old stuff. I'm talking Sugar Hill Old. I was into breakin in the mid 80's.:rofl:
I agree about the classic metal/classic rock thing too. As far as country goes I like the old stuff like Hank Williams and Johnny Cash. Most Aussie Country is a whole different bag. It has a big Indigenous influence and is a lot different to typical US country type stuff. My playlist is wide and varied.
Brahms to Beachboys, Stevie Wonder to Ween, Johny Cash to John Lennon,
Hoodoo Gurus to Bill Withers, Paul Kelly to Frenzal Rhomb and everything in between. Music is like weed IMO, each type is to be used and enjoyed in different ways. I might love Super Skunk but that doesn't mean I ain't gonna smoke some Blueberry.
You and OldMedMate are showin your age>:rofl: IMO the last 10yrs of hasn't produced much good music maybe I'm gettin old now too. NOOOOOOOOOOOO
Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

I forgot to add to my playlist a song that even if you don't like anything else he made, Peter Frampton's "Do you feel like I do". Check it out if you never have. I like a bunch of different music but the list I listen to mostly all has good memories attached so just makes me feel good to have on. It is only 375 songs long and I need to find 45 more to make the list perfect!! (I have many more, but rarely ever make it into them anymore). I mean when Jimmy comes on, it is just hard to not feel good. :Rasta:

Peace to you, down under! :smokin:
Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

Oh I have heard plenty of both to last me the rest of my entire life, IMO rap was over in the early 90's. I mean it is social commentary guys (like punk), not an enduring style of music, it isn't even sung....anyway (when it just became a means to further gang violence it ended as music for me). And modern country is ok, but it is more country/pop or country/rock fusion, not even the same as pure country. I can handle some George Straight and a few other artists, but most pure country stars just sound whiney to me.

And trust me, the plants love classic rock and classic metal, I rarely headbang. Judas Priest/Metallica/Black Sabbath is about as far as I go into metal. I have all kinds of music in my current playlist, from Alan Parson's Project to BB king, to Donna Summers, and even ELP.:roorrip:


I forgot to add to my playlist a song that even if you don't like anything else he made, Peter Frampton's "Do you feel like I do". Check it out if you never have. I like a bunch of different music but the list I listen to mostly all has good memories attached so just makes me feel good to have on. It is only 375 songs long and I need to find 45 more to make the list perfect!! (I have many more, but rarely ever make it into them anymore). I mean when Jimmy comes on, it is just hard to not feel good. :Rasta:

Peace to you, down under! :smokin:
My older sister was totally loved up on Peter Frampton when I was a little tacker. I got the vinyl around somewhere. You should see how he's dressed.
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