Groovers Ganjalicious Grow From Go to Whoa

Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

I'm gone a couple a days and look whats happened:ganjamon:
What a show off
The whole thing looks great Mate. Good on ya :cheer::cheer:
I got more bro. I've been busy. The kids are growin up too.;)

Nice work Groove. I am going to school on your cloner. Looks easy enough. Good project for me to use on my next grow.
Good luck with it mate. Its pretty simple. You'll need a 10/32 tap to tap the threads for the misters. 10/32 is the universal size for all misters,drippers etc used in home irrigation.:peace:

OK Groovers, I got bitten on the little tow by a wasp on tuesday.OWWWWWWWW
The "Black Dog" was around for a day or two but I'm gettin pretty good at dealing with it these days and get back on top o things quickly.:Rasta:
I've been busy the last couple o days cutting my tub lid & transplanting into my newly built bubbler tub. I've also got most of the stuff to finish my wardrobe. I just finished routing out the sliding doors for the fittings and have undercoated them ready to paint tomorrow. Oh and and made myself a new DIY bong.:bongrip::peace:
Here's a pic of the bong.

Here's 2 shots of the new bubbler tub. I haven't filled it yet. I am still bottle feeding the thai haze x skunk babies:blalol:.


I put a fitting on the lid too, It's so I can fit a hose & pump into the tub from a bucket. I also have small hole next to it for a dipstick to measure the level without having to take the lid off. I don't like to use clear tube and fittings in the side of the tub for a level. It's just another spot that can spring a leak.
A dipstick is perfect.I started with a weak nute mix today.
All the products listed are CycoPlatinum. A+B Veg,B1 Boost,Fulvic,Zyme and Silica. I also added a drop or two of Root Zone Accelerant(the no name stuff in the pic on page 2 of this thread.(post14)
The tap water here was only 230ppm today(it's usually a lot higher) so I used that. The weak dose of nutes brought it up to about 480ppm. They seem pretty happy. It's 15 days since start of germination.:peace::bongrip:
Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

:goodjob: on the bong and the tub Groover! Damn tub looks like a retail unit. I've never seen black tubs for sale anywhere. Just enough light gets thru my blue tubs to see the water level easily yet not let algae grow.

C'ya L8r. :peace:
Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

looking good there mate :slide:
:thanks: mate

:goodjob: on the bong and the tub Groover! Damn tub looks like a retail unit. I've never seen black tubs for sale anywhere. Just enough light gets thru my blue tubs to see the water level easily yet not let algae grow.
C'ya L8r. :peace:
The black tubs are pretty common here in Oz. As for the retail quality, you haven't seen the dodgy holes I cut.:rofl: 5in holesaws are impossible to find and I didn't have time to make one so they're a bit out of round. They hold the pots though and thats what matters. It's so fkn hot here today 43c in the workshop.:rollingeyes:Hopefully the plants won't mind too much it's 35c in the grow space. I'm hoping the thai traits in the cross will bring with it some heat tollerance:peace: It'll probably be 22c & wet tomorrow.:smokin:
Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

Groover (WOW) That's a thing of beauty :ganjamon:

I agree with LabRat that tub is as professional as it gets. You could sell those things.:surf:

Once you got over that have kicked some butt.
Can't wait to see it all when finished. Not bad for an old guy.:ganjamon:
Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

Here's 2 shots of the new bubbler tub. I haven't filled it yet. I am still bottle feeding the thai haze x skunk babies:blalol:.



lovin the diy!!+rep if i can
Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

Hashberry you say?? MMM. Sounds intriguing and delicious. Let them GROW! heh. Dig your DIY stuff, killer bong and the tub is awesome. I tend to do more DDIY than DIY. Or DDIYYFBIS. Oh, those stand for Dont Do It Yourself and Don't Do It Yourself You'll F*cking Break It Stupid (in case you were wondering). Pay me no heed, very well medicated.

Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

Nice banner Groover. :thanks: +rep for all your hard work. lol

Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

Hey groovers, I thought it was about time for an update so here's a couple of pics taken just now. It's day 22 since start of germination.

I think the bottom left plant is showing slight signs of chlorosis.
I'm considering getting a bottle of Cyco Platinum's Dr Repair. It is supposed to remedy such problems. All their other product seems pretty good so far.
I think it may be from heat stress. It was 43c in the shed 3 days in a row only dropping to about 28 at night. I couldn't keep the grow space any lower than 35c in the day. I'd hate to think of the temps if I were using HID's. The temps are back to normal now. It will be much easier to cool the new cupboard. I got held up with the painting but it's not too far away from completion. The high temps were making the paint dry on the brush:rollingeyes: I pretty much have the carcass and doors all fitted and just have to concentrate on the internals. The shelves and rack for clothes in one end and grow in the other. The second shot shows the roots starting to emerge from the net pots.:allgood:

I got a book voucher from my Sister for Xmas. She's super straight and probably would be far from impressed with my choice of book.:rofl:
Organic Marijuana Soma Style written by Soma of Soma-seeds fame. It's got some great stuff in it.:peace:
Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

Hey groovers, I thought it was about time for an update so here's a couple of pics taken just now. It's day 22 since start of germination.

I think the bottom left plant is showing slight signs of chlorosis.
I'm considering getting a bottle of Cyco Platinum's Dr Repair. It is supposed to remedy such problems. All their other product seems pretty good so far.
I think it may be from heat stress. It was 43c in the shed 3 days in a row only dropping to about 28 at night. I couldn't keep the grow space any lower than 35c in the day. I'd hate to think of the temps if I were using HID's. The temps are back to normal now. It will be much easier to cool the new cupboard. I got held up with the painting but it's not too far away from completion. The high temps were making the paint dry on the brush:rollingeyes: I pretty much have the carcass and doors all fitted and just have to concentrate on the internals. The shelves and rack for clothes in one end and grow in the other. The second shot shows the roots starting to emerge from the net pots.:allgood:

I got a book voucher from my Sister for Xmas. She's super straight and probably would be far from impressed with my choice of book.:rofl:
Organic Marijuana Soma Style written by Soma of Soma-seeds fame. It's got some great stuff in it.:peace:

chlorosis. another new word to look up, which I did. You see it, I sure don't, but now I have yet another thing to worry about:smokin:

Your Sister knew exactly what she was doing, Mate.:rofl:
Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

Hey Groovers, I've been recovering from a party. The body just can't take the punishment these days:laughtwo: I have to cut down on my internet use too. It's been costing me a small fortune. I'll still log on every day or two and keep the journal updated. The Thai Haze x Skunk is recovering well from the intense heat we had here. I didn't worry about the Dr Repair and they seem OK. They've had a little growth spurt since the last update.:Rasta:I have played musical chairs and moved the plants around a bit.
Here's a pic taken just now Day25 since start of germination.

You will notice even though they are all grown from the same seed the two on the far right are definately a different phenotype to the other three.
Here's a shot of the cheap nutrient pen I bought from Hong Kong off Ebay.

It measures EC,CF and PPM which are really all measuring the same thing just in different formats.
The outdoor plants are budding their brains out. I can't understand it. It's still summer and light till 8.30pm. I ain't complaining. It just doesn't make sense.
I will feed them accordingly. Today I gave them a dose of Organic Powerfeed. It's a fish based nutrient and makes fish sauce smell like perfume.:rofl: I found a few dead insects in the hydro set up. They are pink and look like tiny tiny tiny(yup theyre small) shrimp. I think they must be a type of aphid. I couldn't find any live creatures but I think I will neem oil the plants just to be sure. I may even just get a can of Rogor(systemic insecticide) and be done with it.:peace:
Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

:welcome:and:thanks: for dropping by. I hope you have as much fun reading my thread as I have writing it.:peace::ganjamon:

It's been fun watching and learning Mate. :surf:
I like your style, Bud.:ganjamon:
Re: Groovers Ganjalicious Grow from Go to Whoa.

They're looking good Groover! What ppm are you running them at?

+rep :bong:

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