Lady Cannafan's Seedsman Comparative Grow Banana Jealousy ViparSpectra KS5000

She is absolutely brand new to growing. Seriously new. LOL
I've been pondering whether it would be too much for her while she's still in such a newbie area. Whatcha think?
Toss her in!! She'll learn to float!! 😉😁

There's plenty of life guard's in this pool. 🤞🏻💚
Quick update: 5-6-24
Each plant got an individual looking over and clean out of underbrush, a little bit of defoliation and some leaf tucking.
They are growing fast, I had to raise the light about 3" today. Bonnie is in the brown pot up front, she is just going crazy. I can't keep up with her. I had to do some more moving around to make room for her width. Monstrous lil' lady for sure.

They are looking very healthy and no issues were found at all.

Lady when you say you tucked leaves what does that mean. I have heard it before but really do not know what tucking leaves is. 🍋
Some of the larger leaves that are blocking other buds from light, I will move them under or "tuck" them under that bud so it exposes it to the light. Instead of cutting them off, they are just tucked out of the way. Some people also do supercropping to the leaf. I haven't done any of that..yet. LOL
Quick update: 5-6-24
Each plant got an individual looking over and clean out of underbrush, a little bit of defoliation and some leaf tucking.
They are growing fast, I had to raise the light about 3" today. Bonnie is in the brown pot up front, she is just going crazy. I can't keep up with her. I had to do some more moving around to make room for her width. Monstrous lil' lady for sure.

They are looking very healthy and no issues were found at all.

Inviting people to a competitive grow then posting pictures like that! Good luck to the fellas 😂 I was going to offer to dress up 👗 on Thursdays but looks like I'd be holding the ladies back 😂 💃

Ps, I was thinking Grenvina as a temporary name 🫦
Inviting people to a competitive grow then posting pictures like that! Good luck to the fellas 😂 I was going to offer to dress up 👗 on Thursdays but looks like I'd be holding the ladies back 😂 💃

Ps, I was thinking Grenvina as a temporary name 🫦
That would be funny. Don't count yourself out, we are still searching.
Can you imagine the "ribbing" you would get 4-EVER about pretending you're a gurl? Trust me, you would never live it down. :rofl:
And thanks for liking the pics. :green_heart:
You are so lucky!

I watched these things tear into one of my dogs many years ago. A very large dog. They are the most vicious things around here, the dog lost the battle and we spent tons of money on medicines and vet bills for the infections that resulted from the wounds. The dog almost died.
So, these things are considered armed and dangerous here.
Yeah your lucky they don't live long in the wild, a full grown coon can weight 35 lbs. They usually don't make it to that age n stage outdoors. 🙏🏻
Every time I see your clones it gives me a new itch to wanna scratch. You make it look so easy. 💚 When they're harvested are they more potent than their parent plant? Or same?
I have not experienced any difference in potency at all. A clone is a genetically exact duplicate of the mother plant. I have done clones from a clone, without any discernible differences.
Anything more than twice, I cannot say. :)
Carmen Ray can't do it. Already inquired with her. Trala can't either, her plate is super full.
I don't know Adora at all.
Hi Grow Sista :)

I’m really sorry. You’ll see tomorrow when I do a humpday update. I just have no room, and not only that, I’ve got three journals going at the moment. The last thing posters want to see is yet another journal with me in it lolling.

Adora is just lovely. I haven’t seen her in an age tho.
Hi Grow Sista :)

I’m really sorry. You’ll see tomorrow when I do a humpday update. I just have no room, and not only that, I’ve got three journals going at the moment. The last thing posters want to see is yet another journal with me in it lolling.

Adora is just lovely. I haven’t seen her in an age tho.
Hey Soul Sista Grow Sista! You have nothing to apologize for! I knew before asking that you were full up, but I wouldn't have felt right NOT asking. LOL
I don't know how you make the time to do the ones you are already active in, but you do a fabulous job of updating and keeping people highly amused with your style. ;-)
Lots of love girl!
Whoop whoop all ladies.

And those guys are friggin sweet 😅 I used to keep marshmallows in my car when ever id go anywhere over night in the country.... Just hoping to befriend a little trash panda 😂.

And I'm totally down for the guyz vs galz grow off :headbanger: :laugh: .... Where's the sign up?
Sweet! Welcome aboard the… whatever this is grow!
I just flipped my nanas so, the countdown is on.
This is going to be fun!
You have any particular strain in mind yet?
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