Lady Cannafan's Seedsman Comparative Grow Banana Jealousy ViparSpectra KS5000

Yeah, scary experience when I was sitting on the back deck and one came down right over the pond. Blinded me for a bit. Not to mention shaking the whole house when the thunder hit immediately.

I will never forget out hunting here many years ago, I was up high in a tree and light was getting low when a thunder boomer rolled in. The warm rain and the sound was just so relaxing that I stayed there. (Yep, in a tree with lightning all around. Not too schmart)
My husband had already gone back to the house from his spot. After about a half hour into the storm, I saw the truck lights approaching in the two track, and he came running out screaming and hollering for me to get out of that damn tree. Which, I did...finally.
Memories of dumb stuff, but I still enjoyed that.
The things we do! Until we don't! No harm, no foul, good memories!
Did you get a pre-press flower mold too?
I did a review video of the Rositek press for our sponsor @DabPress, were you able to find that to view it?
It shows how to use it and some tips on using it.

Here's the link to 420 Magazine Youtube channel, the review is first in the list:

Yeah, I saw that and no, haven’t gotten the pre press yet or any accessories. I just bought the machine because I didn’t want to miss that price. I have a lot of learning to do before I actually use it.. lol
The outdoor clone kids are hollering for winter jackets this morning. BRRRRR....
real feel of 56 degrees and overnight I believe it went down to 40-ish.
Summer is no where near me.

Push it! Push it real good!

Yeah something's definitely going on with notifications, I'm missing bunches of post, in several journals. If I didn't catch it under the recent lighting bolt, it never pops up on the watched notification! Grrr

Love when the ladies push it good!
Actually......I thought it was just me. I've been having issues with no notifications on some of my subscribed threads as well.
I cannot say exactly when and which ones though, I just know it's been a bit irritating this week.
Nevah Evah give up!

Look who has finally decided to start growing! This is the sickly clone from April 5th that I put out in the pot to test the raccoons with. She has been just sitting at the same height for over a month. You can see by the stick line, the day I planted and how tall it was.
I had checked it on Tuesday and saw no change. I was going to take her out of the pot this weekend and put a better clone in there to grow. She must have read my mind and decided to stay alive. Today, she's up and running. YEY!

Good Morning Friends....
I sat out on the deck early this morning to watch the wildlife.
It was so nice out there....with my winter coat, wool socks, and wool scarf. NOT!
The real feel of 40 degrees F. finally forced me back inside. I think the wildlife went back into hibernation.
I have never had my furnace running so far into the month of May before. This is rucking fidiculous!

Good Morning Friends....
I sat out on the deck early this morning to watch the wildlife.
It was so nice out there....with my winter coat, wool socks, and wool scarf. NOT!
The real feel of 40 degrees F. finally forced me back inside. I think the wildlife went back into hibernation.
I have never had my furnace running so far into the month of May before. This is rucking fidiculous!

Good morning! Sorry to hear your still in the icy grip of the mitten state. Good weather coming your way! Finally able to get some burning done!
Gawd, I keep waiting to be able to do that.
I either have rain and way too wet conditions, or I have way to cold. LOL

Heading in for some pics of the kids shortly.

Hey, check your PM. :)
Yes! It's been so wet! I had a great forest habitat going on! But seeing a snake trying to get in my house the other day, was the kicker. Mow mow mow, burn burn burn.


Personally....I would rather have the snakes. They don't do the kind of damage these bast*rds do.

My plant got attacked at about 10 P.M. last night. Rocky Coon came in, climbed up there and dug into the rocks in the pot. This is a big azz adult.
The plant was not torn out, so it appears to be undamaged. There were two other pots with just soil in them on the deck that he tore apart. I suppose if there's any positives to was alone. Maybe Mr. Fox helped thin the herd for me.
I have a plan B.

Caught on surveillance video.

Rocky Raccoon in destruction mode on my plant.jpg

Rocky Raccoon in destruction mode on my plant-2.jpg

Rocky Raccoon in destruction mode on my plant-3.jpg
I glad we do not have any raccoons around my house. I like raccoons just not in my garden, what I have is squirrels to many of them. Problem is there is nothing to keep them under control. I had one in my lettuce the other day, so I chased him out of there. I hate to have to get the pellet gun out but if I find them in my plants that will be the last straw. 🍋
I glad we do not have any raccoons around my house. I like raccoons just not in my garden, what I have is squirrels to many of them. Problem is there is nothing to keep them under control. I had one in my lettuce the other day, so I chased him out of there. I hate to have to get the pellet gun out but if I find them in my plants that will be the last straw. 🍋
Lol I build courses for the squirrels. Love watching them 😁
Personally....I would rather have the snakes. They don't do the kind of damage these bast*rds do.

My plant got attacked at about 10 P.M. last night. Rocky Coon came in, climbed up there and dug into the rocks in the pot. This is a big azz adult.
The plant was not torn out, so it appears to be undamaged. There were two other pots with just soil in them on the deck that he tore apart. I suppose if there's any positives to was alone. Maybe Mr. Fox helped thin the herd for me.
I have a plan B.

Caught on surveillance video.

Rocky Raccoon in destruction mode on my plant.jpg

Rocky Raccoon in destruction mode on my plant-2.jpg

Rocky Raccoon in destruction mode on my plant-3.jpg
They have extra sensitive feet pads. Best way to keep the coins off your place is lay carpet track down like a border. The wood lengths that have the tack nails poking up thru. One paw on that an they'll back up fast. It works for cats too.
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