LA's Auto Training!

re: LA's Auto Training!

My auto will be going in a 10 gallon smartie this Wed night...its when my new tent gets here. Once this weather decides to cooperate, itll go in the greenhouse :)
re: LA's Auto Training!

Scrubby, from someone who spent like one year on Autos only.. Anything bigger than 3 gallons is a waste, they just don't take advantage of that kinda pot. There lifespan is just too short. Its not like you can keep it in veg and take advantage of it.... Not gonna hurt anything... But why?
re: LA's Auto Training!

Just to chime in with my experience lol, pot size is better at 5 gal for autos.
Wahtoogee: I ran them for probs a couple of years solid when they first started hitting the market. You have to realize your above statement is a little strange. Even I recognize that there are too many factors at play to make such a sweeping statement that could harm a future growers endeavours if reading your comment.
Root development is in direct correlation with the light cycle you run your autos under. :) Some run 20/4, some 24/0 some like myself 18/6.
Then we have medium, whether someone is running microbes or a living soil! Or even hitting into coco etc, etc. The list goes on.
Watering frequencies, feeding, type of pot lol.

So yep please with the best intentions please dont say such blanketing comments on my thread when they are simply incorrect!

Ive hit big numbers with autos and when you run the larger strains within the auto field then my god do you need more root room than 3 gal lol.

So yep no offense and Im sure you meant to help but please realize I've been doing this a long time and I wouldn't make such a broad comment when so many factors can be called into play! :)
re: LA's Auto Training!

I meant no harm.. And his enthusiasm is great... I just want to save him some soil. One thing for sure... Autos are unpredictable, some big (and maybe yes, can then take some advantage of a bigger pot) but some small.
re: LA's Auto Training!

Well thank you both for chiming in brothers! Ive read that nl x bb gets pretty big. Itll be using the sunlight, like I said, once this weather cooperates :) So 5 gallons huh? I dont have a 5 but I do have 7s and 10s. Luckily, I can reuse my soil so it wont go to waste by any means. Will the change of lighting cause anything to go bad? Right now shes with my photos under glr. Ill get the greenhouse dialed in and shes going in there for the duration. I appreciate both you, wahtoogee, and light addicts comments! :)
re: LA's Auto Training!

Mornin all :)

OK some of the girls in the pics are indeed photo plants for a future run. Theyre just getting vegged out whilst I play auto fun! :)

At present though I think I have about 10 autos going lol. A few Blue Dream, Some Dedoverde Haze and then some OG Kush also! This is my first wave of autos! I'm currently waiting on another delivery of fresh this seasons autos from my pals at 710genetics. Then I'll have some new strains to mess with on the second big wave of autos! :)

As said I'm going all out here to see if I can really give a comprehensive look at these plants and how they react to as many differing ways of growing em as is possible! :)
So yep bare with me as lol this is going to take some time to get so many girls a growing :)

Thanks for sharing the info. Sounds like good time growing. I still see some laughing or bashing autos (and from those who neverrr even tried them to have a clue what their downing). I noticed newer kinds like the Dinafem's XXL auto line for instance grow up to 280gs (many vids on youtube on these). That's even a real decent size for photo/pheno's at 4 months plus!! Yet!! you can pull that off in just 80-110 days tops; ontop of that the qualities (strengths) are getting better and better even a couple 20% ish. exist now. Sure don't sound laughable or bad at that time frame to me. Anyway ill lend ya one of my hot herb using cheer girls to carry ya on :p.... :cheer: she even got fist full of it haha!
re: LA's Auto Training!

My pot is 30cm diameter and 22cm deep not sure on liters but big and i find gives me a huge bunch of roots they go completely to the bottom of the pot.

Edited: damn you auto correct
re: LA's Auto Training!

Thanks for sharing the info. Sounds like good time growing. I still see some laughing or bashing autos (and from those who neverrr even tried them to have a clue what their downing). I noticed newer kinds like the Dinafem's XXL auto line for instance grow up to 280gs (many vids on youtube on these). That's even a real decent size for photo/pheno's at 4 months plus!! Yet!! you can pull that off in just 80-110 days tops; ontop of that the qualities (strengths) are getting better and better even a couple 20% ish. exist now. Sure don't sound laughable or bad at that time frame to me. Anyway ill lend ya one of my hot herb using cheer girls to carry ya on :p.... :cheer: she even got fist full of it haha!

I think I'm going to enjoy running's been almost a month since I popped my first seeds and the autos are currently about twice the size of the photo I started at the same time. By the time I'm finished vegging the photo plant my first lot of autos should be pretty much done and by the time the photo is ready for harvest the second lot of autos should be just about done.

Hopefully the yield off the two lots of autos won't be too far off the one photo weight wise and I'll have a nice variety of nugs to enjoy. Well more variety than I would have got running all the same strain anyway.
Last root ball on auto harvest they were completely covering the bottom of the pot as well

re: LA's Auto Training!

My auto will be going in a 10 gallon smartie this Wed night...its when my new tent gets here. Once this weather decides to cooperate, itll go in the greenhouse :)

quick fix is a polly tunnel , they are so easy to put together and cheap as chips , got my own few week ago for under £100 , plenty of room
just a though :) plus you dont have to keep the glass clean haha a:)

re: LA's Auto Training!

my last grow was a fecking nightmare , in a shed no room , i was bent over with a locked up back and couldnt look after my plants , so i pulled my old caravan apart and now im happy as a pig in shit lol

Sorry LA for hijacking your thread :Namaste:
ill be watching this one as ive autos that have just sprouted , super strain DFA and sugar black rose .
re: LA's Auto Training!

Well my friends I've gone a tiny bit bean crazy and have some more in water and more in paper towels already lol. So I think we have like 12 or more autos going now lol. Just so I can cover all bases lol. :)
Anyway the girls that are already up and growing! :) who said fluxing an auto in a half gallon pot wouldn't work lol :) :) (only kidding its damn early days yet! and with the size of pot I'm quite sure she ain't gonna get big lol.

Anyway best of buds one and all! :)
re: LA's Auto Training!

Well my friends I've gone a tiny bit bean crazy and have some more in water and more in paper towels already lol. So I think we have like 12 or more autos going now lol. Just so I can cover all bases lol. :)
Anyway the girls that are already up and growing! :) who said fluxing an auto in a half gallon pot wouldn't work lol :) :) (only kidding its damn early days yet! and with the size of pot I'm quite sure she ain't gonna get big lol.

Anyway best of buds one and all! :)

Wish I had the space to go crazy like you, will just be one or 2 for me. Keep on growing LA. :thumb:
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