LA's Continuing Adventure Feat - Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flow!

Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

Hey LA Happy Shatterday man :thumb:
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

Hi mate. California Light Works 440w Solar Storm.....looks a really nice piece of kit. :) In a 2' x 4' tent you'll MAX it for light. The spec on it says it's designed for a 5' x 5' space so the only thing I'd question is the angle of the chips. You may need drop it a little lower than usual to get the mix right. Check with CLW is my advice :) Good luck with your grow mate by the way :)
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

Thank you Mr Miagi :Namaste: :) As you know I've bought a 300w LED myself and I'm looking into more. So, it's research, research and research time for me. I'm learning allsorts. Chip angles vary SO much 60-120 degrees lol :)
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

Good evening LA and everyone reading. I just went over your fluxing primer ten times. Every now and then I see someone posting about their plant stressing and becoming a hermaphrodite. So, how does fluxing cause plants to switch one way or the other? Is it chancy for a beginner?

I also have another question which I asked before and forgot the answer to. Where do I go to see reps and stuff like that? I looked at every button and icon on my profile and clicked everything!!! I have no mind left, it seems.
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

Hi grow is my first ever...I could literally kill a plastic plant. I've got all 10 of my girls fluxed and find it very, very easy to do. A lady of your undoubted talents would find it a breeze :)
Reps etc..... go on your "user CP" at the top of the page. Select the "settings" icon and scroll down. You will see reps given and received there :)
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

Hi grow is my first ever...I could literally kill a plastic plant. I've got all 10 of my girls fluxed and find it very, very easy to do. A lady of your undoubted talents would find it a breeze :)
Reps etc..... go on your "user CP" at the top of the page. Select the "settings" icon and scroll down. You will see reps given and received there :)

Ah, thanks OZ. I am certainly going to put fluxing in my arsenal for this upcoming grow. Why do they call it fluxing; if you know? I feel like a girl at her first football game asking the guy I'm with to teach me all the rules! hahaha.
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

It started with people wanting a new name for the mainlining tech as it sounded hard drugs related. I was asked to come up with the name, and as my mutant little plant looked like the flux capacitor at the time I went with fluxing.
Then it was discussed and decided by others that as I used far more LST & HST the style stood on its own. Then fast forward a bit and KJC mentioned he had already done the style.
He had to a point but I believe my flow management of the flux was new and I seem to have made the style work a lot more efficiently. That's about it :)
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

Ahhhh, the MASTER chimes in lol :) G.F.....LA is without doubt the most OCD, fastidious, "gotta be right" guy I know :) Follow his teachings and you'll never look back :)
FLUXING.....well, as I recall, it was put up for debate and discussion.....all sorts of suggestions were made but then.....Back To The Future came into the discussion and the "Flux Capacitor" power system was likened to LAs plans.......So, the FLUX technique was born :)
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

Hi Buddy, sorry, I was typing that last post before I saw your explanation. End of the day (week, month, year)'s YOUR style and your the one who deserves the credit.....END OF! :)
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

Does it cause gender bending though? Or is it just newbies having that problem. One time I could swear I was jumped from behind by a ladyboy but then I woke up in sweats. The technique itself, almost be a shame not to try. I just don't want my ladies packing heat down there. I see things very differently because I dodge incoming. Like I'll look at my rare cop strains flowering and think of a fine chick in a sundress. I don't need a shadow down there in the dress. Have to snatch it off :bravo:
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

Also the key to fluxing is doing everything on a micro scale like the topping and stripping of limbs :) this then combined with early manipulation and guide wiring lends to an easy style! :)

More striking than anything is how really ornamental the plant looks! That is what I am trying to get, an appealing LOOKING plant. I think we are going to see in the future, as it becomes legal to grow your own, more plants being grown for their bud, but also for their tidiness and compact nature. Since I'm growing WW x BB it may be lofty to think this would work, but after seeing the size of your finished colas and HOW MANY of them there are...this is exciting. I just hope you don't start until my seeds get here. I have bag seed, but I really don't want to waste time with them and sexing, bla, bla.

I particularly like how you make the flux, THEN you turn under four of the shoots to fill in the middle! That was an act of art. I know I'm being a little kissy uppy, but not really. I'm just in a good mood. Ha. I had a very rough episode last night. Almost went to ER. Happy to be here.
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

Well, I'm a totally newbie....first grow and using this technique.....I've got 10 big, happy girls....:)
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

Only topped once on a micro scale, then some simple LST and defol. That adds up to way less stress than a many headed/fimmed plant for scrog etc etc loads of other techniques cause a lot more stress! :) hope that helps. Yet please remember this is my first flux the original to use my flow system feeding loop idea.
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

Hey GF....sorry to read that....are you ok? Mrs Oz is still in Hossy (Monday earliest release) so I'm getting plenty of chill time :) Hoe you're feeling better :)
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

I'll see the doctor tomorrow. It was something metabolic. I got rid of Hepatitis C after having if all my adult and most my young life. I have stage 4 Cirrhosis. There is no stage 5. But, I'm mostly stable. Labwork is needed. I feel better, much better. Just tired and no appetite.

Thank you for caring...that's really sweet. I see men and women here in this forum who really are genuinely nice people. I have not met ONE person in the canna life (as of October 2013) who was nasty, mean, stingy or otherwise. Everyone is so kind. We are a great generation of people.
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

GF, my sincere hope is that you pull through this ok. LA and ALEX801 know my situation on a personal be totally honest Mrs Oz is in a similar situation to yourself so I can both sympathise AND empathise. Yeah, we of "this" persuasion seem to care more...funny really when "society" view us as "drug addled miscreants" lol :)
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