Magical Mystery Clone Tour

It's hard to imagine that these four clones plus two others were in the Bubblalator Cloneatron 3000, which is the same size as each hydro tote, up until their move into the flower room. They were packed tighter than Mexicans in a pickup truck or Chinese in an elevator, or... I have more... should I keep going?
This is the day the were moved and the next two days. I think they're happy to have some elbow room..

Well if you haven't it's time to flip!

No those are good size too flip. The others are too big.... Just so I can say I told you so later! No doubt it's gonna be another great show resorting to plan-X just to keep from having to tear the roof off your shop
I'm kinda worried that you might be right, Dabbers. Those two big ones are almost as big as their parents when I flipped them. *facepalm*
It's hard to imagine that these four clones plus two others were in the Bubblalator Cloneatron 3000, which is the same size as each hydro tote, up until their move into the flower room. They were packed tighter than Mexicans in a pickup truck or Chinese in an elevator, or... I have more... should I keep going?
This is the day the were moved and the next two days. I think they're happy to have some elbow room..

Heh I love the timelapse camera! What kind of camera is that? Looks like pretty good resolution. I kind of wanted to put a couple IP cams in my tents too just to keep an eye on them, but was wondering if the IR from the nightvision screws with them?
Heh I love the timelapse camera! What kind of camera is that? Looks like pretty good resolution. I kind of wanted to put a couple IP cams in my tents too just to keep an eye on them, but was wondering if the IR from the nightvision screws with them?
The IR from most cameras shouldn't have an impact on the plants but I turn it off regardless. I can't remember the model of camera in the grow room but it's an Amcrest wifi/IP cam and uses 850nm leds. Those that use 950nm leds would be even less likely to cause problems.
Thank you, @SmokeSara! It's fun to watch them grow. It hard to notice a change from day to day but the time lapse really shows how much they grow. And that's only three days! In a week or so I'll do it again.
This looks like a great ride. Hopping on.

I am digging the time-lapse. I usually have a Samsung S7 streaming video constantly so I can keep an eye on my girls but love the idea of putting a surveillance camera in the closet to follow the girls. Hope you don't mind me stealing that idea!
Go for it, @1stgrow2018! My cameras (and there are many) are mostly for security, but also because I'm lazy and don't want to physically check in on the grow daily. I have everything automated and remotely monitored. I can tell you at any given moment what the temp/humidity is in the grow room and what the status is of the pH/ppm/temp in the hydro system.
I have three confirmed females. Both smaller plants and the nearer big one. The other big one isn't showing signs yet. If it turns out male I could always cross it with one of the others. A MTPC/MTTS cross could be kinda cool. I'm absolutely certain if it is a male it's MTTS, not Thaibodian Skunk. I have one clone that I think is TS. They others will remain a mystery until the flowers develop more.
One week since moving out of the cloner and into the flower room. I'm going to do this every Saturday so I have a record of growth and plant health.
Now if we can get them to grow that fast in real time. :high-five:
How many days since flip??
They came out of the Bubblator Cloneatron 3000 on 3-11 and into the flower room. That's when they were flipped, so I guess you'd have to say six days. I need to get in there and see if the last mystery clone is showing sex yet. All girls would be cool but I'll work with a male if that's what it turns out to be.
Oooooh, magic! Nice growth. They appreciate all the extra room for those roots.
The roots weren't crowded in the cloner but the quality of light is vastly different. I run two 65W 6500K CFLs over my clones. I think the 3500K makes them happier.
Was it just the leaves that didn't like being that close together?
I think you might be right. You know how tight that space was and they were all crammed into it with no room to expand. There's a phenomenon, I can't think what it's called, where plants tend to avoid touching other plants. I see it with my Weeping Willow that grows no branches in the direction of my Scotch Pine.

edit: actually the willow does grow branches towards the pine but where they meet the willow stops growing. It's almost like, "Oh, sorry dude, I'm encroaching on your light. Let me just shoot a bunch of branches out here away from you."
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