Mcloadie's Second Grow Journal

I hope someone can gather some insight as I reveal a major rookie ass mistake I made. This is what happened; I have been adding 25% perlite to my soil, always have, probly always will, however, Loadie (my ole lady) went to get me some perlite yesterday so I could transplant 14 seedlings into 1 gal pots for their veg cycle, I thought perlite was perlite, well she calls me and tells me that the mg perlite has nutes in it, I went and checked the empty bag of it I had and sure enough.....F! This explains why my shit is burning! I know my soil and the nutes I'm using and I stack it up right at the max without burn, with the addition of ANY extra nutes....well, crap. I cant leach it out, the more I water, the more it releases. So this is what I did; I got some real horticultural grade perlite, mixed it at 25%, and potted em up into 1 gal pots and I'm hoping for the best. This variety I'm growing is hardy as hell, I heard its nearly impossible to kill, even with poison, but we'll see. I feel like shit that I allowed this to happen, sorry folks. However, I'm only slightly dismayed and if they die I'll have more before you can say F-up!....LOL. I'll put some pics up as soon as the damage stops, I'm going to try to save em, at least til I figure it's more beneficial to start new ones. I have this variety mothered too, I may do cuttings........IDK, but I have options...peace
Burnt up and'm working on the purple question.
I think they'll make it, if I'm patient enough...LOL
Ouch buddy. Live and learn lol.

Ur sig takes me to page 4 on the journal but it works!

Did u say u already transplanted? That's ur best bet (imo) knock as much soil away from the roots as possible and replant in the appropriate mix.

The purple is usually P or temp related. It sounds as if uve grown it before so I'm sure you'd have notice previously but some strains just have purple or red stems. I grew a grape ape that was like that for a few years. Its safe to assume its p related with the nute issue ur having. Its a bit of.stress on the young one but were it me I'd pull em out and remove all the dirt possible without too muglch root damage. Rinse the roots in a bucket of Ph water and vitamin b then replant in a soil free of mg perlite. Gl mate, I'm subbed
I'm watching these seedlings very closely, it looks like the burn went halfway down the water leaves, some have no burn at all, all of the first and second sets of leaves are growing normally. I like to use jiffy pots, so theres no chance of washing any roots without massive damage to tiny roots embedded in cardboard....LOL. So, we're gonna wait, this is a strong strain, see what happens.......learn.
hey buddy I need a place to sit. anywhere fine? good!
I am kinda with Canna on getting the right mix if you can afford the loss. might not hurt the veg but you will have no real control durring flower IMO :) anyway what you have got growin is top notched very nice indeed:thumb:
Hey MC!
Good to see you got your sigggie fixed.
I had no idea you had another grow up.
I'm subbed if you don't mind, and glad to be here.
It's going to be a good one once the over fert get's sorted.
Not too sure I would rinse roots though, as they're stressed enough.
I've used jiffy pots before too, and you don't want to be yanking roots out that have wiggled there way through.
Just flushing it really well, should get you back on track.
Sounds like it's a pretty strong strain that will endure your mistake.

Can I suggest picking up some jugs of RO water to have on hand? Just for times like this.
Seems like you have some pretty heavy water out of the tap, having some fresh RO liquid around can help your struggling plants bounce back quicker.

Hey MC!
Good to see you got your sigggie fixed.
I had no idea you had another grow up.
I'm subbed if you don't mind, and glad to be here.
It's going to be a good one once the over fert get's sorted.
Not too sure I would rinse roots though, as they're stressed enough.
I've used jiffy pots before too, and you don't want to be yanking roots out that have wiggled there way through.
Just flushing it really well, should get you back on track.
Sounds like it's a pretty strong strain that will endure your mistake.

Can I suggest picking up some jugs of RO water to have on hand? Just for times like this.
Seems like you have some pretty heavy water out of the tap, having some fresh RO liquid around can help your struggling plants bounce back quicker.


I'd like to flush, but I'm afraid I'll just be washing more bad stuff over my roots. I want them to just get stronger. Welcome bro
Thanks bro, I'll come over and see what you've got goin, finished plant size is pretty cut and dried, if you're going to do a pretty standard run, just put em in flower when they're half your desired finished height. These small plants were flowered at heights from 4 to 8 inches, NO VEG TIME. So far about 60 grams of finished dankness, 10 gram avg. I've grown this plant to 36" and it gave me very slightly more product. The northern lights x big bud was disappointing as far as yield, but the smoke is incredible, with an aftertaste exactly like crystal light peach tea. Grwers cut only LOL.

So will this method of growth work if I top my plant?? I posted my 1 month old update pics today and they look great!!! I also measured them and 2 are 6&1/2 inches and the other 2 are 7&1/2 inches... Oh yea!!! Im down to 4 plant now!! 1 SledgeHammer, 2 HypnoBuzz, & 1 SourBlueKush!! My grow space was over crowded and I have a cousin that has a larger grow area, so I sent them there!! I am now taking a bigger gamble on male/female!! I may have just gotten rid of my females or some atleast!!! I have hundreds of seed from both the Hypno Buzz & Sledge Hammer, and i have access to hundreds of the SourBlueKush so Im not stressing the fact of the matter really.... Anywho... Hope to here back from ya!!! :hippy::ganjamon:
So will this method of growth work if I top my plant?? I posted my 1 month old update pics today and they look great!!! I also measured them and 2 are 6&1/2 inches and the other 2 are 7&1/2 inches... Oh yea!!! Im down to 4 plant now!! 1 SledgeHammer, 2 HypnoBuzz, & 1 SourBlueKush!! My grow space was over crowded and I have a cousin that has a larger grow area, so I sent them there!! I am now taking a bigger gamble on male/female!! I may have just gotten rid of my females or some atleast!!! I have hundreds of seed from both the Hypno Buzz & Sledge Hammer, and i have access to hundreds of the SourBlueKush so Im not stressing the fact of the matter really.... Anywho... Hope to here back from ya!!! :hippy::ganjamon:

As soon as plants are ready to top,you'll start to set your plants up for flower, train as soon as possible. I have been trying different configurations, and with seeds you'll usually have more options than with cuttings. You are picturing the way you want your plants to finish, then training them to acheive that goal. I have been having good results with an open center plant, I'm growing for fruit production, so I've been pruning and shaping like we do open center fruit trees. Take out the central leader (topping)and then then form the branches in a cup shape, this allows light to all the inside fruit, if you can get the canopy to lay a scrog without the screen, the buds will lolipop. This is achieved by supercropping or lst. I dont like lst, string everywhere, some people love it. Supercropping makes more sense to me as plants rebuild damaged tissues and arterial (so to speak) passages significantly larger than they were prior to injury. You can SEE the difference in the size of the fruit compared to comparable branches, or scaffolds, that were left to grow without manipulation. This is an art, I have my opinions that are subject to change as my experience level rises. I know this bro, Every run I am experimenting, deciding what does what. You grow a small plant just like a big are maximising yield, you have no control over genetics once the seed hits the dirt. Healthy plant, good genetics, fundamental method, manipulation for yield, this is where my mind is these days.
Just a thought; if by chance plants burn...LOL, if I remove the burned leaves before the burn stops, then all I'm doing is directing the problem to the next set of leaves. Wait til the burn STOPS, then remove damaged leaves. Just a thought, it looks like the burn has stopped on my seedlings. It went a little over half the water leaves and the seedlings are growing like crazy! That was a close one, prayers answered favorably.Weight on the nlxbb later..........I say 36 grams.
quality over quantity any day:)
quality over quantity any day:)

Thanks fishy, thanks to all you guys, this is my highest quality ever, if it got a 5, or 6 month cure it would turn solid sugar. I have only seen this happen in person a coupla times. When dad was alive, bro gave me weed for him, i was under dot guidelines and couldn't partake. Bro gave me weed for dad, he would pass out after 2 hits so it was lasting forever. When it was half gone, 6 mos. later it had morphed into little sugar balls, if you didn't know, you couldn't tell it was weed.
Calmag is not the answer to my purple issue, they did love it though. I apply calmag once in veg and once in flower only as a precautionary measure. The soil I use is not supposed to be lacking anything, I think there is a great deal of time spent overthinking deficiencies and problems, but then I'm organic, my soil is supposed to solve those problems for me. In my greenhouse experience, planning was always prefered over panic. We always made our own soil, sterilized and innoculated it with living organisms and it NEVER came into question. I would always recommend getting the most complete nutrients, use them, if they suck quit using them and tell everyone they suck. People should be held accountable for the quality and stated effectiveness of their products. I don't know shit, but I do know when selling fishing lures, you have to catch the fisherman first, and alot of products look like suckerbait to me.IMHO, AND, for the sucker in the grow shop " who just works there" , you WILL listen to me bitch because you are a paid representative of that company, and if they sell shitty products it's on you too!
Calmag is not the answer to my purple issue, they did love it though. I apply calmag once in veg and once in flower only as a precautionary measure. The soil I use is not supposed to be lacking anything, I think there is a great deal of time spent overthinking deficiencies and problems, but then I'm organic, my soil is supposed to solve those problems for me. In my greenhouse experience, planning was always prefered over panic. We always made our own soil, sterilized and innoculated it with living organisms and it NEVER came into question. I would always recommend getting the most complete nutrients, use them, if they suck quit using them and tell everyone they suck. People should be held accountable for the quality and stated effectiveness of their products. I don't know shit, but I do know when selling fishing lures, you have to catch the fisherman first, and alot of products look like suckerbait to me.IMHO, AND, for the sucker in the grow shop " who just works there" , you WILL listen to me bitch because you are a paid representative of that company, and if they sell shitty products it's on you too!
Something I learned from DocBud not to long ago, The late flower cal/mag issue is usually not a cal/mag issue at all, it's a soil energy issue and some fishy ferts seem to really sort that issue out in late bloom.

I agree 420% with the "Oh,Look its shiny"
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