OldMed Man's Air Pots and a Perpetual Grow

Glad you appreciate my warped sense of humor T! I'll try to keep it close to a 'PG' rating so as not to offend any of you ladies out there. LOL

The feeling is mutual! :roorrip:

Good to see you're being helped and the stands are full, Soon enough they'll all be Cola waiving girls doing the wave. This is going to be a never ending bud fest :yahoo:

I don't need to wish you luck, but Green mojo to ya'.

Woodsman, Oh Woodsman....

I missed you at the suare. :reading420magazine:

The Psych ward was psyched when I pulled out that Columbian Red head that I snagged from Uncle OMM's closet, shhhh I won't tell if you don't.

We rigged up a Hookah with a bed pan and a few cathedars. :hookah: Smoked us to cloud 9.

I spent most the day looking for that guy that was wearing my speed o as an eye patch and as I was searching for him I accidentally stumbled in on a conversation that I had to record... Here's what I saw.

Next time be sure to '''''''''''''''empty the bed pan and use plain water''''''''''''''' I've tried it both ways and water has a less acidic taste to it.

We'll have to remember the next time we check in to the 'home' not to get too close to anyone wanting an Eskimo kiss. I thought they were talking about white chocolate when I first heard them talking about it so I told them I'd prefer the regular ones instead. They looked at me funny after that and left me alone....it is a 'nut house' you know....I thought I was just being friendly!

The COLOMBIAN REDHEAD! You dog you (sorry G). Holdin out on me and cheating with my Senorita! The shame of it all! What is the world coming to when your conspirator in crime rips you off! I thought you were an honest, hard working criminal? I was suspicious when you asked me to hold the lamp post in front of OMM's place while you went around back. It had seemed to me at the time that the lamp post was secure and didn't need to be held! Did ya stow her away (my Senorita) on the voyage back to the mainland or did ya have her sent back through our shipping agents in Barrow AK. (Arctic Air)?

Either way you outsmarted me (again) big time and I'll have to find a way to 'pay you back' .........it just hit me! When you saw that guy (at the insane asylum) running off with your speedo wrapped around his face, what my lord were you wearing? Your birthday suit (not the one OMM gave you with the bunny ears)?

I've just become slightly ill again so perhaps I'll need to sign in at the 'home' for a short stay (or long stay depending on the smoke situation - I'm not stupid!). If you also decide you need some excitement and are bored 'out in the world' by all means come and join us there! Just make sure you wear appropriate apparel. At least wear a matching tie with the thong! Bring plenty of friends from 420 so we will have enough people for a 'horde of crazed people'!:bravo:

Sisco my brother! I've just been released from the insane asylum after recovering from the mental shock of seeing you in 'speedos'! When they found out why I admitted myself though they threw me out saying that there's no room left. Apparently they got a 'run' of other 420 members earlier the same day that had the same affliction. The problems started when the smoke in the hallways apparently intoxicated the nurses and made them take off various items of clothing thus resulting in a riot by the new patients led by an old man with a suntan. Was this anyone we know? Nurses were seen fleeing from the scene being chased by crazed patients. One of them identified as a patient from 420 was wearing a blue speedo with a thong back (string up the butt). Later as the smell of baking brownies from the kitchen reached the 'crazed horde' a raid on the institutions kitchen ensued. After sitting on the floor naked with all the nurses eating cakes and smoking strange looking wrinkled cigarettes, the the party broke up (patients and Nurses started to fall asleep).

I think the whole thing was a diversion just to gain access to the place that's known for it's hot nurses. I feel cheated as I was expelled before all the fun broke out! I only heard about it on the news!

If this was true, please let me know ahead of time so I'll know what to wear and so on. I don't have a speedo now, but I can order one online for the next big bash at the 'Home'. :yahoo::bravo:


Well, well, well.......Woodsman.....sorry that you were thrown out of the place
Yes, that was me leading the pack, however, after I heard what was happening I jumped on my trusty Surf Board with the twin outboards and headed to the mainland. Man, that thing is fast!
To make a long story short, all I was after was my tiny little Filipino nurse. Once I found her, I was gone. I brought her safely back to the Islands where she belongs. The rest was not my fault. Sisco's speed o was the cause of it all! :yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes:
I i realy wanted to up grade to a ebb n flow system for my next grow but i realy have been drawn towards these air pots i think i might end up doing a drip with them. My local hydro shop sells so many of these i just have to have one!

Going to check out the video now. i didnt know they have been around 30 years i though they was a new design shows how much i know!

Hey GodSpeed! I was in the same shoes buddy. I thought they were new too. That's great that Hydro Stores are carrying them now. Not yet in Hawaii though. Give em a try, you wont be disappointed. :ganjamon:
I have been out of it for a while trying to hustle up cash so havent been in the forums lately. Things are starting to calm down a little bit now, so I am back. Like I said too, I am doing a significant amount of research on flushing/drying/curing. I dont want another effed up harvest.***hint, hint**... any advice for a source or advice is greatly appreciated. =) After all, you are a great grower.

I hear you about the cloning. I got a little spoiled w/ the Hindu Kush. I think that it is one of the strongest roots of anything that I have ever seen. I have seen them grow through the sides of grow bags and air pots, the roots are insane. I have seen in my research that the OG Kush and Gods Gift are supposedly very hard to root.

Im glad that you concur on the lighting situation. I have been thinking about that for the last week or so.

The aero setups are coming along pretty nicely. I use the actual lines, drains, and grommets from the aeroflow systems. I have gotten the cost down to $70 to build them and am trying to dump them for $150, and usually negotiate a little, knock off $20 and everyone is happy. I figure $60 profit is fine for about an hour worth of work. They are also going quicker now that I have all the measurements for holes and plumbing written down. I am thinking that I will just dedicate one day a week to building about 4-5 of them and then just selling them when I can.

You are very correct that a little cash flow injection is good =)

Well, back to flusing and researching

Hey Again Giovanni831:grinjoint:
I've only had one experience with flushing. My first grow. Flushed the plants about a month before harvest and gave them nothing but water and molasses from then on. Since I now grow with OC+, flushing does nothing but clear out any collections nutes that had formed in the soil, which I really don't think happens with OC+. All I would be doing by flushing would be releasing more OC+ into the soil. At least that's my thinking about it.

In a post after yours, Lavendar makes some comments about cloning. That is the person to ask about flushing and cloning too. She is an expert in both subjects. Sorry, I couldn't help.....but she will, I'm sure! :):)
The feeling is mutual! :roorrip:

Good to see you're being helped and the stands are full, Soon enough they'll all be Cola waiving girls doing the wave. This is going to be a never ending bud fest :yahoo:

I don't need to wish you luck, but Green mojo to ya'.

Woodsman, Oh Woodsman....

I missed you at the suare. :reading420magazine:

The Psych ward was psyched when I pulled out that Columbian Red head that I snagged from Uncle OMM's closet, shhhh I won't tell if you don't.

We rigged up a Hookah with a bed pan and a few cathedars. :hookah: Smoked us to cloud 9.

I spent most the day looking for that guy that was wearing my speed o as an eye patch and as I was searching for him I accidentally stumbled in on a conversation that I had to record... Here's what I saw.

Hi Speed o! That's where she went! Looked all over for her. You sure caused a mess at the "home".
That last part was just sick! :popcorn::popcorn::popcorn:
norcalwd is absolutely right about the staggered leaves....mature....i have one plant, that is a fifth generation clone of clone, that as soon as it has roots, it starts putting out alot of white pistils all over....and will go into bud within 24hrs when it hits the bud room....just amazing what an older plant will/can do compared to the one gen. younger ones....yes, you get alot of growth with the seeds, but cloning mature plants, for me, is where its at...the smoke gets better, ezer to bud, you know how to feed and care for the darn thing....alot of pluses to the cloning....ive always cloned, but this last yr has been a NOT clone year for me....oh some are several gens but alot of ones i wanted i didnt get a seed or a clone from, and that is really dis. as you dont really know what the next one will be like for sure....glad youre at it...it keeps us moving, and younger....in case you never thought about it, we move around alot more than some of the younger teens who sit in front of the tv and game non-stop....but its their way now.....keep moving, it keeps you from freezing up in place....hugs, L.....

Hi Lavendar!
Thanks for the info on vegging. Now I know what to look for. Wood and you have helped me allot. :thanks:

Cloning. I certainly am convinced it is a good way to keep good strains with good genetics going. Later in this grow I may try cloning. I bought 2 cloning kits a half a year ago and just haven't tried it yet. I've certainly have seen that a seed from a strain that I've grow before does not grow the same as the last one. Super Lemon Haze comes to mind.

Yep! You are right about keeping moving. I can tell the difference now that I'm growing again. Feel much better. Both mentally and physically. I was laughing about what you said about kids. My two helpers both have WII's, Xbox360's, and Play Stations. Now Jo wants one. :ganjamon:
When we cloned Alice and Solar, they were mature and all the clones staggered leaves, and all were female just like there moms. Mature from the start. I loved it. Hope to do the same with the kush.

Hi Buddy ;) I have one question. Since they are mature from the start, how large do they grow? The same size or? Good luck on the Kush! :ganjamon:

Glad you appreciate my warped sense of humor T! I'll try to keep it close to a 'PG' rating so as not to offend any of you ladies out there. LOL

Next time be sure to '''''''''''''''empty the bed pan and use plain water''''''''''''''' I've tried it both ways and water has a less acidic taste to it.

We'll have to remember the next time we check in to the 'home' not to get too close to anyone wanting an Eskimo kiss. I thought they were talking about white chocolate when I first heard them talking about it so I told them I'd prefer the regular ones instead. They looked at me funny after that and left me alone....it is a 'nut house' you know....I thought I was just being friendly!

The COLOMBIAN REDHEAD! You dog you (sorry G). Holdin out on me and cheating with my Senorita! The shame of it all! What is the world coming to when your conspirator in crime rips you off! I thought you were an honest, hard working criminal? I was suspicious when you asked me to hold the lamp post in front of OMM's place while you went around back. It had seemed to me at the time that the lamp post was secure and didn't need to be held! Did ya stow her away (my Senorita) on the voyage back to the mainland or did ya have her sent back through our shipping agents in Barrow AK. (Arctic Air)?

Either way you outsmarted me (again) big time and I'll have to find a way to 'pay you back' .........it just hit me! When you saw that guy (at the insane asylum) running off with your speedo wrapped around his face, what my lord were you wearing? Your birthday suit (not the one OMM gave you with the bunny ears)?

I've just become slightly ill again so perhaps I'll need to sign in at the 'home' for a short stay (or long stay depending on the smoke situation - I'm not stupid!). If you also decide you need some excitement and are bored 'out in the world' by all means come and join us there! Just make sure you wear appropriate apparel. At least wear a matching tie with the thong! Bring plenty of friends from 420 so we will have enough people for a 'horde of crazed people'!:bravo:


Woodsman You have done me a great favor, actually more than one.

1. Trust no one! Even so called friends.
2. I need better security in my back yard.
3. Arctic Air is not a bad Airline.
4. Trust no one including friends. This is really important!
5. You need help my friend!

Now everyone knows I gave Sisco a Bunny Suit.

PS: They may not let you two out of the "Home" again!
It's so easy to fall pages behind in here, heheh. Great looking lineup OMM. Won't be long before you've got lots of fresh green trees on the go.

I'm pleased to know you have another helper. Between the two of them you should be able to avoid a lot of the heavy lifting. :welldone:

Hi Mmmmick :ganjamon:
I almost missed you Buddy, But went back and checked and found you.

I hope it all goes well, I always expect the unknown to happen and it does. We both know that story. Yes, my two helpers really save my old bones.
It's been so long...I forgot how easy things are when your young. Bless them. :peace: Thanks for being here old friend. :peace:

I bet my helpers would love to have that car of yours! HeHe!
Woodsman You have done me a great favor, actually more than one.

1. Trust no one! Even so called friends.
2. I need better security in my back yard.
3. Arctic Air is not a bad Airline.
4. Trust no one including friends. This is really important!
5. You need help my friend!

Now everyone knows I gave Sisco a Bunny Suit.

PS: They may not let you two out of the "Home" again!

I didn't know you were monitoring these airwaves! I've blown our cover!

Another Update!

Twas a bad day In OMM land!

When I last did an update, I said a Kandy Kush was going out today and she did.

Some advice, never live with your ex. It doesn't work out! Jo my ex, who is a 68 year old woman that throws fits occasionally, threw one way before I woke up to today. The object of her fit was the Kandy Kush. She didn't like where I put it for the dark period. The laundry Room.

She has a bad back and shouldn't lift anything, however she tried to lift Kandy Kush and didn't get very far with her. It was in a big airpot that I can barely lift myself. She got it almost to a chair before she dropped her, half in a chair and half on the floor. That is how I found her when I got up. :yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes:

Branches were broken and twisted and it looked dead. I tried to save all I could of her and I did manage to get most of her back together. Two branches were stone dead!. I watered her and those limbs were dead. Just like that. No bandage would help. I have posted a picture of her below.
Jo doesn't smoke or like pot, needless to say. My second grow she stomped on a White Widow for no reason. Just goes crazy sometimes. Time Bomb!

Anyway here are the girls today.

The standard group shot! :grinjoint:

A back looking shot! You can see my wagon for moving things around. :grinjoint:

And here is what's left of Kandy Kush, bless her soul. :grinjoint:

As you can see I used lots of string and two poles to keep her up right, poor thing. :smokin::smokin:

As I said to my friend Mmmmick, I expect the unexpected and it has come already. So it goes sometimes.
A Note to All Some folks have called me a great grower. It's really not true. I stumbled on a method of growing that works for me and I just keep using it, I always look for ways to improve my grows and that's about it.
I have been very lucky, by having some truly great growers join my Journals, as is the case in this grow. I more or less direct folks to others in the journal when I don't know an answer. Some I know...some I don't. That's what makes 420 such great place....someone knows the answer.

Besides, it's all of you that make a great journal. Thanks for tagging along and learning a bit along with me. Also the fun we have is great....Thanks to you all! :thanks:
She's at it again! You must have had a heart attack when you saw it laying there. Brother O, the things you put up with in life. Jo Jo Jo........... please do not make our good friend O crazier than he already is!. Jo, do what other sane people do in situations like this like throw something through the window or order a pizza (I like peperoni in situations like this myself). Break something that belongs to you and has been in your family for centuries. These are all suggestions that you should keep in mind the next time O waters the plants in the bathtub or even worse on the living room coffee table (what, no one else does it this way?)

You my friend deserve another vacation after this nightmare! Perhaps a trip to Hawaii is in order...........:hmmmm:
She's at it again! You must have had a heart attack when you saw it laying there. Brother O, the things you put up with in life. Jo Jo Jo........... please do not make our good friend O crazier than he already is!. Jo, do what other sane people do in situations like this like throw something through the window or order a pizza (I like peperoni in situations like this myself). Break something that belongs to you and has been in your family for centuries. These are all suggestions that you should keep in mind the next time O waters the plants in the bathtub or even worse on the living room coffee table (what, no one else does it this way?)

You my friend deserve another vacation after this nightmare! Perhaps a trip to Hawaii is in order...........:hmmmm:

Hawaii sounds good! She was gone when I got up. Buying herself some new clothes at Macy's. Must make her feel better. I was so mad......she knew to leave! I practiced cussing while she was gone. She did say sorry about that! :smokin::smokin:
Like Jackie Gleason said " One of these days, Pow right in the kisser!" :yahoo:
oh, that just makes my bones twinge...ugh....like fingers on a chalk board, a bad fork on a tooth....the plant stomper is back....ok, well now you have a challenged plant.....like lemons huh?

new shape....next time, lock the laundry door and demand quarters....no money, no wash.....use some bonsai wire and train the plant so it looks like its flipping someone off....now, i would do something like the above....only i'd use a padlock and hasp....and say i put it there for mental and physical health reasons that i'll go into later...
..or the next temper flare, u just stay calm and tell her you will save her the trouble and go smash one yourself....at least you could pick one you dont like....heck i'll even send you one of my least favs to use....dang, george, wheres a dragon when you need one....

go ck out elbees grow, he does some wild bending stuff and its really cool...
personally i go for the flipping off plant form....constant reminder...at least until harvest....
with a little sign that says, "this wii is for you" hanging from one arm....lol...

i used to make t-shirts, and i had 4 that were my favs, 3 i made. one i bought.

1. picture of a spitting, spraying daffy duck with a balloon that says,"everyday of my life, im forced to add another name to the list of people who can just kiss my arz"....down farther it had lines and it said "list for today"....wore that shirt out....

2. the next one was of a big old ugly long haired snarling wolf like dog, had matted fur, drool comming out of its mouth, bloodshot eyes..one half ratty broken fang....under this pic i put, "im about to develope an attitude"

3. next one i liked was a scourched knight sitting backwards on his poor horse, his armour all dented....steam and smoke wisps still comming off them..his lance broken in two....the horses head is down all gear messed up, under it said "somedays the dragon wins"

4. one of linda berrys best ones was....a picture of this little black poodle, and your first thought was what an ugly little dog, but the words really grabbed you, real bold, in your face type..." he's small, he's black and he's mad as hell, and he's not going to take it any more. You'll never call him fifi again. hes poodle with a mohawk."....you look back at the pic, and realize wow, it does have a mohawk...wore that shirt until worn out....

i groomed dogs for a while in alaska, and someone "gifted" me with a white
poodle to find a home for...a yr. later i did find him a home....but in the mean time i groomed him and tried all new things on him...wondered if you could do a mohawk on a poodle (one stoned day), yep, a dandy one at that...used styling gel and spray, and dyed it gold....ran from between his eyes to the base of his little tail poof, about 3in high, the rest shaved, except for the ankle pom poms(food color=gold)...that dog loved to go strut his stuff, so in the villages, you can take your dog in the p. off. in most places if they behave...he got more comments....mostly good, and always put a smile on peeps faces...yes, there are times i am truely deranged....have a good day friend....L
Hi Mmmmick :ganjamon:
I almost missed you Buddy, But went back and checked and found you.

I hope it all goes well, I always expect the unknown to happen and it does. We both know that story. Yes, my two helpers really save my old bones.
It's been so long...I forgot how easy things are when your young. Bless them. :peace: Thanks for being here old friend. :peace:

I bet my helpers would love to have that car of yours! HeHe!

Well OMM, you have everything prepped and hopefully the critters will hold off for you, so I'm thinking the ganja gods will smile on this round for you. Certainly looks like you're off to a smooth start.:thumb:

I remember clearly how easy a lot of things were when I was younger. Especially when I get my winter wood delivered. These days 30 minutes of chucking wood around is pushing it.

I could see why a competiton orange two seater might be of some use to a young guy living in Hawaii, lol.

But I can still manage to get in and out of it so I'll hang on to it for a while yet. :laughtwo:

Wouldn't miss it, OMM. Happy growing my friend.
Damn OMM, didn't take long for hurricane Jo to strike.

I think your Kandy Kush will do just fine if spared any further trauma. I'm glad she wasn't a complete write off.

Perhaps some potent edibles could find their way into Jo's breakfa.......no, no can't think that way....perish the thought. Dosing anyone that doesn't know what they're eating is definitely a bad move, even if it might bring less carnage on occassion. Maybe an electric cattle fence would work out. At least you might get to watch her twitch when she got too close. lol.
Hey OMM! I'm willing to forego use of my retirement bungalow for a while if you need to use it as a restraining cell!

It's easy.... 'Hey Jo I got you present, it's so big I had to put it in the shed to hide it'.

Just have the padlock nearby when she goes to investigate.

:peace: my friend
Wow tough situation there... I have a lot of ex brother in laws, all 3 sisters been married at least 3 times!! Knowing all my sisters, there would be somebody gone over this!! :lot-o-toke: Heres hoping your girl recovers!
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