OldMed Man's Air Pots and a Perpetual Grow


Hi Folks Today I had another young man helping me and we pulled all the girls out for a little sunshine. The one in the back row on the right is a Kandy Kush and after the picture, we repotted her into her final home. She is in 36 hours of darkness now. I'll post a picture of her when I put her out. :ganjamon:

WOW POP'S,,,,,,,,,, Got some green going now. Starting to fill in the yard a tad?? Well I needed to catch up on your thread. 5 pages already. One day I'll start another myself. But hey looking good. I seen the seed stock ya got. I have had afew of the same. I got a single Moby Dick seed, it never flew. Also had 2 Cole Train that went south also. I have a Kandy Kush going also. The Wappa. Aways back I posted a pic of a jar full. It didn't go top shelf, but made second out of 5 shelf's I use, then theres the scrape box on the floor. Hey that WARLOCK ROCKS. Pretty plant. I have clones from her, she's top shelf for sure. IF ya got room and she hasn't been 12/12 long, you could still snip a clone off the bottom. You'll like it. I also seen a question. How long do you veg. There is a time when a plant is called adult. When the new leaves stop with the symmetrical growth and start to stagger. I hear they call it mature. Now I know alto of plants will flower instantly under the 12/12. But myself if space allows I'd rather veg and top alittle longer and make bushes. Plants grow so fast in the veg period, one week longer= more plant. Plant about double is size. Some atad either way. I had a sativa shoot up over 3'. She was about a foot and a half starting out. Wow "I" said all of that?? Must have bumped my head hard. But back to the anyways;;;;;;;;;;;; I'm up current on ya now and will be cruising thru, one more and anyways, looks great glad to see the extras out there. This will be your best. OH Congrats on that MOM thingie. Keep em Green
High OMM, I was right with ya up to that "or dying of exhaustion" thing... phew, that sounds like work :ganjamon:

Is there an early bird special section for us old gompers? I don't want any of these whippersnappers messin' with my Rascal...

:popcorn: :peace:
Girls looking good so what do you think of the air pots so far?

Hi GodSpeed ;) Welcome aboard.
This is my third grow with the airpots. I love them. I wish I had more of them.
They never get root bound. The air prunes them automatically. The plants seem to grow faster too and I know yields are above average. The Kandy Kush that I get just repotted was in a 3 liter AirPots and grew to 2' 4" in no time. As you can see the 1 and 2 gallon regular pots grow no where near as big in the same amount of time.
Repotting from a small airpot to a larger one is a snap too. In the begining of this journal I put a link to the airpots. Check it out and watch all the videos, they will explain how they work. The have been used in Europe for over 20 years. :popcorn::popcorn::cheer:
opppps a NO STAR journal my bad. and spell check is free huh?

Hi Wood :thanks:

Thanks for the Stars and the MOM congratulations. Mainly thanks for the info on veg. I've been putting them out at 1.5 to 2 feet. From now on will veg a bit longer. Some though depends on the Seed Bank recommendations, like the Violator Kush, Barney's Farm tells me to veg for a foot then put it in flower, it grows like crazy and gets to 5' fast.
You didn't hit your head.....you wrote allot because you don't have a journal up at the moment. Your the best Bud! :thanks:
Glad to see ya back in the grove omm,i'm in the back of the bus.5 stars and + reps.


Hey HH! Good to see you. Come on up to the front, plenty of seats left.
Thanks for the stars and + reps. Can always make room for an other Hippie.:welcome:
High OMM, I was right with ya up to that "or dying of exhaustion" thing... phew, that sounds like work :ganjamon:

Is there an early bird special section for us old gompers? I don't want any of these whippersnappers messin' with my Rascal...

:popcorn: :peace:

Welcome Horse! no worries, you can sit by Propa Gator, I've made a special place for you animals. :yahoo:

I have a couple of part time helpers this time, so maybe I exaggerated about the dieing thing. :smokin:
Sisco my brother! I've just been released from the insane asylum after recovering from the mental shock of seeing you in 'speedos'! When they found out why I admitted myself though they threw me out saying that there's no room left. Apparently they got a 'run' of other 420 members earlier the same day that had the same affliction. The problems started when the smoke in the hallways apparently intoxicated the nurses and made them take off various items of clothing thus resulting in a riot by the new patients led by an old man with a suntan. Was this anyone we know? Nurses were seen fleeing from the scene being chased by crazed patients. One of them identified as a patient from 420 was wearing a blue speedo with a thong back (string up the butt). Later as the smell of baking brownies from the kitchen reached the 'crazed horde' a raid on the institutions kitchen ensued. After sitting on the floor naked with all the nurses eating cakes and smoking strange looking wrinkled cigarettes, the the party broke up (patients and Nurses started to fall asleep).

I think the whole thing was a diversion just to gain access to the place that's known for it's hot nurses. I feel cheated as I was expelled before all the fun broke out! I only heard about it on the news!

If this was true, please let me know ahead of time so I'll know what to wear and so on. I don't have a speedo now, but I can order one online for the next big bash at the 'Home'. :yahoo::bravo:

Hi GodSpeed ;) Welcome aboard.
This is my third grow with the airpots. I love them. I wish I had more of them.
They never get root bound. The air prunes them automatically. The plants seem to grow faster too and I know yields are above average. The Kandy Kush that I get just repotted was in a 3 liter AirPots and grew to 2' 4" in no time. As you can see the 1 and 2 gallon regular pots grow no where near as big in the same amount of time.
Repotting from a small airpot to a larger one is a snap too. In the begining of this journal I put a link to the airpots. Check it out and watch all the videos, they will explain how they work. The have been used in Europe for over 20 years. :popcorn::popcorn::cheer:

I i realy wanted to up grade to a ebb n flow system for my next grow but i realy have been drawn towards these air pots i think i might end up doing a drip with them. My local hydro shop sells so many of these i just have to have one!

Going to check out the video now. i didnt know they have been around 30 years i though they was a new design shows how much i know!
sisco my brother! I've just been released from the insane asylum after recovering from the mental shock of seeing you in 'speedos'! When they found out why i admitted myself though they threw me out saying that there's no room left. Apparently they got a 'run' of other 420 members earlier the same day that had the same affliction. The problems started when the smoke in the hallways apparently intoxicated the nurses and made them take off various items of clothing thus resulting in a riot by the new patients led by an old man with a suntan. Was this anyone we know? Nurses were seen fleeing from the scene being chased by crazed patients. One of them identified as a patient from 420 was wearing a blue speedo with a thong back (string up the butt). Later as the smell of baking brownies from the kitchen reached the 'crazed horde' a raid on the institutions kitchen ensued. After sitting on the floor naked with all the nurses eating cakes and smoking strange looking wrinkled cigarettes, the the party broke up (patients and nurses started to fall asleep).

I think the whole thing was a diversion just to gain access to the place that's known for it's hot nurses. I feel cheated as i was expelled before all the fun broke out! I only heard about it on the news!

If this was true, please let me know ahead of time so i'll know what to wear and so on. I don't have a speedo now, but i can order one online for the next big bash at the 'home'. :yahoo::bravo:


Hello there Giovanni831 Good to see you, it's been a while. Love were you live, probably said that before.
I have yet to try cloning. Will someday I'm sure. Many people seem to have trouble doing it on a regular basis. Even Lavendar, who can grow anything.
I don't know, but seems like some strains are just fine, but others no soap.

Your thinking of the lights is exactly what I would.

Your aero setups must be nice if he bought two. :grinjoint: Good luck on them..little extra money doesn't Hurt! :ganjamon:

I have been out of it for a while trying to hustle up cash so havent been in the forums lately. Things are starting to calm down a little bit now, so I am back. Like I said too, I am doing a significant amount of research on flushing/drying/curing. I dont want another effed up harvest.***hint, hint**... any advice for a source or advice is greatly appreciated. =) After all, you are a great grower.

I hear you about the cloning. I got a little spoiled w/ the Hindu Kush. I think that it is one of the strongest roots of anything that I have ever seen. I have seen them grow through the sides of grow bags and air pots, the roots are insane. I have seen in my research that the OG Kush and Gods Gift are supposedly very hard to root.

Im glad that you concur on the lighting situation. I have been thinking about that for the last week or so.

The aero setups are coming along pretty nicely. I use the actual lines, drains, and grommets from the aeroflow systems. I have gotten the cost down to $70 to build them and am trying to dump them for $150, and usually negotiate a little, knock off $20 and everyone is happy. I figure $60 profit is fine for about an hour worth of work. They are also going quicker now that I have all the measurements for holes and plumbing written down. I am thinking that I will just dedicate one day a week to building about 4-5 of them and then just selling them when I can.

You are very correct that a little cash flow injection is good =)

Well, back to flusing and researching

Hi Folks Today I had another young man helping me and we pulled all the girls out for a little sunshine. The one in the back row on the right is a Kandy Kush and after the picture, we repotted her into her final home. She is in 36 hours of darkness now. I'll post a picture of her when I put her out. :ganjamon:


It's so easy to fall pages behind in here, heheh. Great looking lineup OMM. Won't be long before you've got lots of fresh green trees on the go.

I'm pleased to know you have another helper. Between the two of them you should be able to avoid a lot of the heavy lifting. :welldone:
Hi My Buddy! It's more than just Woodsman! Others too!.
It's cause we love you! :peace:

The feeling is mutual! :roorrip:

Good to see you're being helped and the stands are full, Soon enough they'll all be Cola waiving girls doing the wave. This is going to be a never ending bud fest :yahoo:

I don't need to wish you luck, but Green mojo to ya'.

Woodsman, Oh Woodsman....

I missed you at the suare. :reading420magazine:

The Psych ward was psyched when I pulled out that Columbian Red head that I snagged from Uncle OMM's closet, shhhh I won't tell if you don't.

We rigged up a Hookah with a bed pan and a few cathedars. :hookah: Smoked us to cloud 9.

I spent most the day looking for that guy that was wearing my speed o as an eye patch and as I was searching for him I accidentally stumbled in on a conversation that I had to record... Here's what I saw.

YouTube - 040
norcalwd is absolutely right about the staggered leaves....mature....i have one plant, that is a fifth generation clone of clone, that as soon as it has roots, it starts putting out alot of white pistils all over....and will go into bud within 24hrs when it hits the bud room....just amazing what an older plant will/can do compared to the one gen. younger ones....yes, you get alot of growth with the seeds, but cloning mature plants, for me, is where its at...the smoke gets better, ezer to bud, you know how to feed and care for the darn thing....alot of pluses to the cloning....ive always cloned, but this last yr has been a NOT clone year for me....oh some are several gens but alot of ones i wanted i didnt get a seed or a clone from, and that is really dis. as you dont really know what the next one will be like for sure....glad youre at it...it keeps us moving, and younger....in case you never thought about it, we move around alot more than some of the younger teens who sit in front of the tv and game non-stop....but its their way now.....keep moving, it keeps you from freezing up in place....hugs, L.....
When we cloned Alice and Solar, they were mature and all the clones staggered leaves, and all were female just like there moms. Mature from the start. I loved it. Hope to do the same with the kush.
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