OldMedMan's Aloha Journal

Hey OMM, wasn't there a pink pray mantis on one of your plants way back?

Bug guardians... I've personally got a small platoon of garden spiders keeping the peace on my plants :)

I saw a tiny little spider earlier outside carrying a GIANT caterpillar. It was weird I couldnt tell what kinda spider he was because his coloring was the same as a black widow, he was black with some red. But the red was on his back and he didnt have a huge abdomine. He looked a lot more like a wolf spider just colored like a black widow.

spiders love my garden, sorta annoys me when they on my weed, but they do keep other bugs off so w/e. I even seen one spider that I coulda sworn was eating spider mites once. He was tiny as shit and was creeping around the undersides of leaves. Pure white albino spider.
No problem, could tell you were away....I just don't like having to use organic or regular pesticides if at all possible...That being said, taking all precautions outdoors now, but the organic garden soil from Kellog was infested with gnats, so used some ground up mosquito dunks I had left over from hydro and the samples of SNS 203 and 209 to get them gone. My bug army should be able to thwart their efforts as long as I don't overwater my gardens. I take a stroll outside to check all my garden in the evening...starting to warm up here a lot...will help to dry out the soil faster keeping gnats at bay. Inside I added a layer of hygroton to the tops of the newly transplants to create a barrier between the air and the soil..like I think you do! :cheesygrinsmiley: topped off the solo cups and checked on the newest clones...won't even look for roots until next week-end...I used both Clonex gel on the end and solution in my AeroBucket. Think I have a good handle on the gnats now...:cheesygrinsmiley:
I'm eight years your junior and glad I have someone to lead the way into aging gracefully:cheesygrinsmiley:


If it works for you, I'm all in favor of that!

Some of us old farts are:cheesygrinsmiley:

hozona my friend I'm not sure you need any help from me being a cool old dude, you are already there.You are a classy guy already. You're attention to detail puts me to shame. :high-five:

Thanks for helping with mite question. That ought to do it. :thumb:
Hey OMM, wasn't there a pink pray mantis on one of your plants way back?

Bug guardians... I've personally got a small platoon of garden spiders keeping the peace on my plants :)

There sure was THsea. I have looked all over for the pictures of it. I think 420 wiped out many photos when they remodeled the site. It sure was cool. So glad you have spiders to help you. Glad you are getting healthy again!:high-five:
No problem, could tell you were away....I just don't like having to use organic or regular pesticides if at all possible...That being said, taking all precautions outdoors now, but the organic garden soil from Kellog was infested with gnats, so used some ground up mosquito dunks I had left over from hydro and the samples of SNS 203 and 209 to get them gone. My bug army should be able to thwart their efforts as long as I don't overwater my gardens. I take a stroll outside to check all my garden in the evening...starting to warm up here a lot...will help to dry out the soil faster keeping gnats at bay. Inside I added a layer of hygroton to the tops of the newly transplants to create a barrier between the air and the soil..like I think you do! :cheesygrinsmiley: topped off the solo cups and checked on the newest clones...won't even look for roots until next week-end...I used both Clonex gel on the end and solution in my AeroBucket. Think I have a good handle on the gnats now...:cheesygrinsmiley:

Don't you just hate when you trust a product and in the end it shoots you in the foot. Sounds like you have it all worked out now. Good thing you had some SNS samples.A little peace of mind comes with that stroll of yours.
I feed my girls every other watering with Azamax. It is more a repentant than a bug killer, does the job, except on leaf miners. Just got something for those from fish cake. Yep, I use hydroton too. It actually will let you're roots go all the way up to the top of the soil. I started using hydroton when I grew in AirPots.
Glad it's warming up for you. That helps in many ways. Peace Buddy.
Here's the Girls​

The Side View


A Prozac Bud or two.



The Little prozac


China Yuman Buds


China Yuman


The THC Bomb


Sweet Black Angel 2


Sweet Black Angel 1


Oriental Express


The Grapefruit Krush


Berry Bomb 3


Acapulco Gold




Another Berry Bomb


The 3 Unknowns


That's all folks
No problem, could tell you were away....I just don't like having to use organic or regular pesticides if at all possible...That being said, taking all precautions outdoors now, but the organic garden soil from Kellog was infested with gnats, so used some ground up mosquito dunks I had left over from hydro and the samples of SNS 203 and 209 to get them gone. My bug army should be able to thwart their efforts as long as I don't overwater my gardens. I take a stroll outside to check all my garden in the evening...starting to warm up here a lot...will help to dry out the soil faster keeping gnats at bay. Inside I added a layer of hygroton to the tops of the newly transplants to create a barrier between the air and the soil..like I think you do! :cheesygrinsmiley: topped off the solo cups and checked on the newest clones...won't even look for roots until next week-end...I used both Clonex gel on the end and solution in my AeroBucket. Think I have a good handle on the gnats now...:cheesygrinsmiley:
On top of making a barrier it enables more roots to grow on the top few inches of your soil which would not happen before because of the lights/ water disturbing the soil. Have you ever heard of a seed shell breaking off a leaf, thats what happened to my one of my AKR's I am hoping it will recover from the damage :eek:
:Namaste: :reading420magazine: Great pics and story. Gonna be a beautiful bounty of buds there OMM. +reps :rollit:

Well Thank You my friend. Glad you are liking things. Was a 30 mph wind out there while I was taking pictures. Hold still Plant! I hope you are right about the harvest.

Thanks for the reps too! :thanks:

For those of you who were asking about getting copies of the worksheet I created to manage the perpetual, I have an update...

:420: was nice enough to post it so we could make it available to any members who wish to download it.

You can download a copy here: Mr. Krip's Grow Schedule Manager Download

pics look good OMM:thumb:
take it easy my friend, lemme know when your ready for a water run
dont think anytime soon with all the rain that we been havin:thumb:
pics look good OMM:thumb:
take it easy my friend, lemme know when your ready for a water run
dont think anytime soon with all the rain that we been havin:thumb:

You got that right Cronic. :high-five:
The Story Continues……….........…………Time to say goodbye….A Party for Lea and I

It was the Monday before Lea and I were shipping out and I went to the weekly Staff meeting,for the last time. Things went off as usual; however the General came over and shook my hand and told me he was going to miss me. He liked my take on the Fort each week. Then he said “I have one more command to give you. Be at my quarters at 7 pm tomorrow night, my wife wants to talk to you and Lea. You do not have to be in uniform.

We arrived at 7 and the whole General Staff was there with their wives. It was a going away party for us. We were stunned, but very proud of ourselves. The wives had written songs and poems about us. All funny as hell. Lea started to cry. I just laughed. I remembered thinking “This is great”. Really, I was thinking this was special and I would never forget it. .I sure haven't either. Even the Command Sergeant Major was there smiling from ear to ear,.

They gave us small gifts to remember Monterey with

Back to reality. Let's go to Florida

To be continued…………………............................................School

Pop's I just wanted to wish you and yours a Happy Easter. I'll just take advantage of how popular you are and say to everyone in 420 I wish them also a Happy Easter. Keepem Green
Pop's I just wanted to wish you and yours a Happy Easter. I'll just take advantage of how popular you are and say to everyone in 420 I wish them also a Happy Easter. Keepem Green

Hey Thank You Sprout. Same to you and Miss J :thumb:
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