Oz's First Grow - Pyramid Tut In Coco

Good afternoon/morning/evening/night....wherever you may be my 420 friends. Busy morning ACTUALLY earning a living lol. These gales do have a up side then :) Back out again in a minute but just wanted to stop by and see whats occurring in our gorgeous green community.
I feel like a used car salesman at present. Bought Mrs a new one on Tuesday and selling her old (now knackered one) today. I'm still looking for one to replace my 4x4 that got a steering rack leak! All go....(and no stop in the Mrs old car...brakes gone!).
Hopefully tomorrow I'll have some more news on the new "little" room and some pics to accompany it :)
Have a GREAT GREEN day ya all :)
Good afternoon/morning/evening/night....wherever you may be my 420 friends. Busy morning ACTUALLY earning a living lol. These gales do have a up side then :) Back out again in a minute but just wanted to stop by and see whats occurring in our gorgeous green community.
I feel like a used car salesman at present. Bought Mrs a new one on Tuesday and selling her old (now knackered one) today. I'm still looking for one to replace my 4x4 that got a steering rack leak! All go....(and no stop in the Mrs old car...brakes gone!).
Hopefully tomorrow I'll have some more news on the new "little" room and some pics to accompany it :)
Have a GREAT GREEN day ya all :)

Commiserating with you on car stuff OZ. Still have old Volvo that still has to go. Appointment to look at one this pm. I hate buying cars. Looking for spring so I can get my 46 year old Olds out of the garage. She has 10' feet of that white stuff, (none of it yellow), in front of it's door right now.
Good afternoon/morning/evening/night....wherever you may be my 420 friends. Busy morning ACTUALLY earning a living lol. These gales do have a up side then :) Back out again in a minute but just wanted to stop by and see whats occurring in our gorgeous green community.
I feel like a used car salesman at present. Bought Mrs a new one on Tuesday and selling her old (now knackered one) today. I'm still looking for one to replace my 4x4 that got a steering rack leak! All go....(and no stop in the Mrs old car...brakes gone!).
Hopefully tomorrow I'll have some more news on the new "little" room and some pics to accompany it :)
Have a GREAT GREEN day ya all :)

Sounds awesome OZ...good green luck to you my friend
Evening all :) Hope all is great n green for you?
Well, just checked the Tutts before lights out (been neglecting them a bit of late) and they're definitely into the pre-flower stage :) One of them which always grew "bunches" of heads is looking a little "freaky" :) The bunch is massive. I'll get some pics up tomorrow hopefully so you can see and comment but it's like 5-6 "buds" on one site.....weird lol :)
Ha ha ha.....yeah, they say "pets take after their owners" guess this particular girl is my pet lol :) It's amazing to see SO many "sites" in one BALL lol. :) Ohhhh, matey, I'll be bending you ear (reception permitting lol). I'll get the boy to get "snappy" too....you'll have your gaster flabbered at what's occurring lol. Remember what you said about "I'll have no space"?........Mr Miagi...you are so wise and sage (is that a new strain? Wise n Sage lol ) :)
Lol....I jest not...I honestly think there's at least a good sized carrier bags worth to trim :) They are just starting to get a bit smelly too. I open the tent and get a really nice whiff come out :) I've bought another 2 x 6" fans......1 for intake on the tent to keep temps down around 76f and one for the new little room. My sons heads busted now because next to the NEW room is another potential room 6' x 4' lol. He's like DADDDDDDDDDDD NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! lol ..........and it's ALL your fault :)
Ok we are gonna go for a few tips on the defol bit.
First get the one your about to do out into some space where you can walk around. Next take the top level fan leaf away, (just the one pointing back into the plant) this always shadows the limbs growth below.
Now I use the nip tech of finger and thumb. I leave a little stump of leaf stem, this will fall of later on own. One thing is later on when doing more defol dont leave a stump as if its in a place mid colas it can die and degrade with out falling off. This would give you bud rot!!!
Now all I do for first run of defol is work round the plant in layers. I take one per node normally, then alternate the pattern on the next branch so you dont have over shadowing.
Now once your getting down low to bottom, leave fans round bottom on outside to drive each limb.
Then later you get more aggressive with the defol. Clearing nearly all fans away clearing way for bud to advance. Yet still leave the outside bottom fans! :)
Sorry if this doesn't make sense or anything its just on phone and my eyes are failing me nowadays! :)
hello OZ, subbed for the ride if u don't mind :)
i see tons of great great info in your journal, already bookmarked it, im starting my first coco grow, so i cant wait to see how it goes

cheers to all 420 :nicethread:

Hi Prof.....Great to have on board my friend :) Things are about to really hot up here. Well, if the power stops going down that is lol :)

LA....thanks mate. Really appreciate your expert guidance as always. So effectively I'm removing ALL the inner facing fans and leaving the outer facing ones? Then next defol (about a week with these girls lol) I strip ALL the upper (above where vertical growth begins) off and leave the lower ones to "feed" the limbs? I think that's right lol:)

Guys I'm having issues here.....ones I can't control either :( The power keeps outing due to this fuck awful weather we're getting. 4 times today!!!! Luckily (I hope) it's only been for about 2 hrs in total....I'm PRAYING it hasn't effected the girls too much. The wind isso bloody strong I've bought more ratchet straps to stop the garage roof from blowing away lol:) Using 2 of my boats in the garage as anchors lol). As I'm sure you can appreciate......we didn't get a lot done today on the new room OR the girls. Lets see what tomorrow brings :)
Hey buddy. Thought it would be ok but wanted to check:) The Tutts are like Russian women shot putters......they NEED a trim lol. LA said there's a "way" to do it so I want his advice lol. The pre-flower look is starting now so I'm getting VERY excited :) 10 more weeks I reckon :)

Hehe. Sixties Hippie says my White Widow look like "East German Wrestlers" lmao. :peace::circle-of-love:
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