QT's Second Grow - 1st Journal

re: QT's Second Grow - 1st Journal

Hi There Queen :Namaste:

If no one has said this before.......Next time you water your girls feel how heavy the pot is.......then you can tell when to water or not.....you maybe watering too much? Just a thought. :peace:

Yes that is usually what I do..I don't think I am overwatering at all.
re: QT's Second Grow - 1st Journal

thats cool i love that show!! i never noticed that! time for a marathon!!!:thumb:

owner of all 7 seasons!!! right here!!!
re: QT's Second Grow - 1st Journal

OMG, can we get a dislike button!!!!!! LOL...So, I guess no one has a clue about the brown spots...Moving on....I started to germinate the Big Bang after the Blue Mystic died, it has already shown her root. So when lights come on later going to put her in the dirt.

PS..I am going to start hijacking people's threads....just saying.
re: QT's Second Grow - 1st Journal

OMG, can we get a dislike button!!!!!! LOL...So, I guess no one has a clue about the brown spots...Moving on....I started to germinate the Big Bang after the Blue Mystic died, it has already shown her root. So when lights come on later going to put her in the dirt.

great queen ! if you are lucky , your big bang seed will be popin off the dirt before my seeds ! lol they are soo lazy x)

Sory no dislike buttons :D if you want i can remove the post ^^

p.s. i said spoiler alert eheheh :high-five:
re: QT's Second Grow - 1st Journal

oh btw queen , the brown spots are usualy a sign of overwhatering or over fertelization .. (at least thats what i read) maybe thats the case , too much nutes ? idk for sure but its an idea :p

I am not overwatering, as I stated before, I don't give them water until I feel the pot is light. I don't feel it is overfertilizing because I am not even using the nutes at full strength, they are very diluted.

No need to remove post. I asked politely for people to ease up on the hijacking to which I was being ignored so I will simply start hijacking those who are hijacking me. My thought was to just stop the journal all together but decided not to because I made an agreement with Corey to journal this grow so I will keep my word. But after this, I think I will not be journaling anymore grows. Not trying to be rude but it is starting to irritate me.
re: QT's Second Grow - 1st Journal

Hey QTL!!!

Sorry if I am one of the ones pissin you off!!! I just make comments, I feel that this is a community and I understand how frustrating it gets when you ask a question and you don't get an answer but instead you get other comments that have no relevance!!! So, once again, I apologize!!!

I too did the Journal for Corey, although I am done with that 1!!! I will always keep up the work that I am doing for him!!! I can not and will not stop, no matter if nobody comments to my journals, as long as I show the evidence!!! Corey is a great man and I feel like I can't do enough for him... So for the rest of this journal, I will only regard to your questions or situations!!! in hopes that you will stick with this great community and show us your grows more in the future!!!

:peacetwo: sista!!!
re: QT's Second Grow - 1st Journal

sorry if i "hi jacked your thread" i was not aware this thread was a 100% on topic situation, i gave my best guess as to the possible causes of the brown spots,as far as any off topic comments i made it was not to intentionally divert attention away from your questions, i just assumed it was ok to behave and comment in a social manner similar to how i behave around friends and family. personally i love all the random chatter on my journal,i grow,journal and hang out here for the fun, knowledge and friendship, being disabled i don't get out much, this is my social life! so a thousand apologies to you if my interaction here has offended you! :adore::adore: i surely ment no disrespect or dissension here, i should know better than to assume:peace:
re: QT's Second Grow - 1st Journal

Hey QTL!!!
Sorry if I am one of the ones pissin you off!!! I just make comments, I feel that this is a community and I understand how frustrating it gets when you ask a question and you don't get an answer but instead you get other comments that have no relevance!!! So, once again, I apologize!!!
I too did the Journal for Corey, although I am done with that 1!!! I will always keep up the work that I am doing for him!!! I can not and will not stop, no matter if nobody comments to my journals, as long as I show the evidence!!! Corey is a great man and I feel like I can't do enough for him... So for the rest of this journal, I will only regard to your questions or situations!!! in hopes that you will stick with this great community and show us your grows more in the future!!:peacetwo: sista!!!

Aston and Irish--Don't get me wrong, I like to shoot the shit like everyone else does. I am not trying to come across as being antisocial which it looks like that is how you guys are taking my comments. I know that you made comments to my questions about brown spots or whatever. But I just felt like my questions were being ignored to talk about someone who wore a 420 magazine shirt on Weeds, really? Take a look back through the last few pages of my journal, it really got sidetracked. I am not trying to write the perfect journal but if one is to get sidetracked is it wrong to ask that it be about something pertaining to my journal and not a tv show?

I agree with you that Corey is the man. I will never be able to thank him enough for helping me out with the nutes. As with you, I plan on sticking with him when it comes to using his products. I would like to continue to journal but what's the point if I feel like no one is really taking my grow seriously? Idk, maybe I am just taking it seriously.

I am also disabled and do not go out much at all other than to go to dr appointments or grocery shopping. I look forward to socializing here as well but I also try to stay on point with other's grows or try to help out when I can. I was not asking for apologies from anyone just a bit of understanding is all.....:Namaste:
re: QT's Second Grow - 1st Journal

Aston and Irish--Don't get me wrong, I like to shoot the shit like everyone else does. I am not trying to come across as being antisocial which it looks like that is how you guys are taking my comments. I know that you made comments to my questions about brown spots or whatever. But I just felt like my questions were being ignored to talk about someone who wore a 420 magazine shirt on Weeds, really? Take a look back through the last few pages of my journal, it really got sidetracked. I am not trying to write the perfect journal but if one is to get sidetracked is it wrong to ask that it be about something pertaining to my journal and not a tv show?

I agree with you that Corey is the man. I will never be able to thank him enough for helping me out with the nutes. As with you, I plan on sticking with him when it comes to using his products. I would like to continue to journal but what's the point if I feel like no one is really taking my grow seriously? Idk, maybe I am just taking it seriously.

I am also disabled and do not go out much at all other than to go to dr appointments or grocery shopping. I look forward to socializing here as well but I also try to stay on point with other's grows or try to help out when I can. I was not asking for apologies from anyone just a bit of understanding is all.....:Namaste:

I understand also what you are saying. I have asked a question on my journal and had no response in days. At least you get some replys....even if off topic. I feel like I fell off a cliff sometimes or in a big hole. If I ask a question and no one responds, did I really ask the question? LOL

Your girls are looking great!:welldone:
re: QT's Second Grow - 1st Journal

Aston and Irish--Don't get me wrong, I like to shoot the shit like everyone else does. I am not trying to come across as being antisocial which it looks like that is how you guys are taking my comments. I know that you made comments to my questions about brown spots or whatever. But I just felt like my questions were being ignored to talk about someone who wore a 420 magazine shirt on Weeds, really? Take a look back through the last few pages of my journal, it really got sidetracked. I am not trying to write the perfect journal but if one is to get sidetracked is it wrong to ask that it be about something pertaining to my journal and not a tv show?

I agree with you that Corey is the man. I will never be able to thank him enough for helping me out with the nutes. As with you, I plan on sticking with him when it comes to using his products. I would like to continue to journal but what's the point if I feel like no one is really taking my grow seriously? Idk, maybe I am just taking it seriously.

I am also disabled and do not go out much at all other than to go to dr appointments or grocery shopping. I look forward to socializing here as well but I also try to stay on point with other's grows or try to help out when I can. I was not asking for apologies from anyone just a bit of understanding is all.....:Namaste:

i totally understand, thats why I did apologize... I don't feel like your trying to be anti-social, i see that you are trying to get some feedback and help and not getting them is very frustrating... my very first journal I had maybe 3 people comment in on my journals!!! just like I said, only relevant posts will go up from me now on in your journal, I'm not trying to sound mean about that if thats how it sounds... but if you want to be friendly and just shoot the shit, feel free to come over and start a convo in my journal!!!

:peacetwo: sista!!!
re: QT's Second Grow - 1st Journal

Insurance, Aston, and Kamy--Thanks for understanding.After I made that post it really bothered me and for that to happen that means I really care about the people I socialize with on this site. It is like a second home to me and I am usually online as soon as I open my eyes everyday. So, I had to do some soul searching because it is really not in my nature to be so sensitive about something so trivial. My feelings, emotions or whatever you want to call it is a bit off at the moment due to the holiday season, not my fave time of year and financially just can't afford to celebrate it and the fact that tomorrow is my mother's bday and she is no longer here. She passed awhile ago but when her bday comes I tend to get depressed. Same for my father. So, it is I that have to apologize to you guys.

Aston, ha almost called you Ashton...I will take you up on coming over to your spot. I have often been there just never really made any comments because I had no advice to offer. And yeah it does tend to get frustrating when I am waiting for comments. When I get replies, I do usually act on whatever the person is telling me. And I usually post the outcome. I guess for this grow, I just want it to be better than my first grow. The first wasn't really bad, the outcome that is but the fault was mine in not being patient and seeing it through to completion. So, in turn I guess it has me being overly cautious when it comes to trying not to make the same mistakes.

Insurance--You have a good point there.Any comment is better than none at all.

Kamy- I apologize if I came across as being rude to you, that was never my intent at all. I will continue to follow your journal and you do the same with mine.

As for the grow, the ladies seem to have taken the transplant well. I don't see any drooping leaves just slightly bent due to being cramped in the closet. I am not sure what is going on with the lemon skunk. She is growing up and has shed her shell but only one little leaf is has opened up. After germinating the big bang, I realized that I was out of dirt so I had to move her in with ls. I pulled the fan leaves with the brown spots as Smoke suggested. I don't see any more on plant 3. I know for sure that I am seeing preflowers on plants 1 and 2...Plant 3 is not too far behind, waiting on her to catch up so I can start them all together...Due to be watered this weekend.
re: QT's Second Grow - 1st Journal

oh queen im sory your parents are no longer among us and that this time of the year is not so good for you , im sure they are in a better place with no problems and nothing to worry about , and as for you , better times will come , and you can always count on the amazing comunity of 420 magazine for support , and you werent rude to me , you were polite and i understand your point and i realized you are right and i was somthing that is not correct , and ah ! i knew that your babies where about to start flowering ! :) they are looking very healthy and "fat" (fat in a good healthy way) im sure they will give some nice juicy buds to her momy :)
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