Queen's Royal Green Garden

Still a ways before I flip them...Never saw Eat Pray Love, sounds like a chick flick or something. I don't watch many of those, I am more into horror, action and martial arts movies. I actually got my name from a moderator in another forum I use to go to. In the other forum I was always talking about weed or good green so she gave me the name "Tokelove". I put Queen in front of it because in my eyes all woman are Queens and men are Kings but also because my previous name in that forum was Queen Akasha. Yep, read all of the Anne Rice Vampire Chronicles.

You don't have to bow that low, we're all old here and it's a bitch trying to get up!!!! LOL!!!

I don't know what you mean by that exactly. Finger picks?

Thanks Hoz, it means a lot coming from you especially with the garden you have.

They look like steel guitar picks or banjo picks.
Mc if its what I think you are talking about is next to the cats. its like in a cars dashboard that shows when the headlights are either on high beam or low beam idiot light :) maybe....just guessin
They look like steel guitar picks or banjo picks.
Thanks Sinful, glad you like what I am doing. It was not my original plan if you have followed the journal from the beginning. But one thing it has shown me is that I am able to adapt despite what gets thrown at me, sort of like my life..lol..When I first started growing I started out with soil, FFOF, had some issues with nute burn due to soil running hot which I didn't know about at that time. I am pretty good with reading my plants so far when it comes to deficencies. It's usually been something like feeding them more nutes or giving them some calmag or something simple. I just want to stay away from the bugs, my first grow I got hit with fungus gnats then not too long ago I got hit with spider mites. I have learned what to do to stay away from them so I have been lucky so far. But if they should pop up I am ready for them!!!

As of today, the course is still the same, I have 3 bag seed in MG and the other 9 in coco. I am kind of trying to follow everyone's advice. I transplanted another bag seed to a bigger pot about an hour or so ago. Because in all honesty I do want a big yield from some of them, it would be a bit disappointing to me not to. If I can get 3 of them to produce big, I would be giddy as hell...lol

My first one was that board with 3 surge protectors taped to it with about 9 cfls of various wattages, was under 10,000 lumens but it sure gave me some bushy tall plants. I wish I had it now for my closet. I am trying to come up with something similiar.

Just dropping by my queen. I like the fact that you do listen to advice from others. But the most important thing, is that you do what ever works best for you. Which is what I can see you are doing. And if you look at more growers they all have a certain way in which they grow. They found what works the best for them. So just keep on growing your medicine your way. You are doing great.

Love the pics btw. :cheer:
:thumb:You go girl!:cheesygrinsmiley::tokin:

Thank you Sir!!!

Mc if its what I think you are talking about is next to the cats. its like in a cars dashboard that shows when the headlights are either on high beam or low beam idiot light maybe....just guessin

Oh, Mcloadie was talking about my avatar? I would've never guessed that was what he was talking about..One of those brain farts or my ever famous blonde moments..Just noticed your avatar Fishy um I was high when did I knight you or slap you upside the head with a sword? lol

Trippy lookin man!

Really? I think you been smoking something from your garden!!!! I want some!!!!

Just dropping by my queen. I like the fact that you do listen to advice from others. But the most important thing, is that you do what ever works best for you. Which is what I can see you are doing. And if you look at more growers they all have a certain way in which they grow. They found what works the best for them. So just keep on growing your medicine your way. You are doing great.

Hey Sinful, thanks a lot for stopping by, it's always appreciated. I like to follow advice because it helps me to avoid or try to avoid what others have gone through. Or it helps me with my grow to make it better. Sometimes I get a bit carried away and want what everyone else has in their grow. But as much as I want it, it is also not logical because in most cases it is something I can't afford. So I have come to make due with what I have. Another thing is that I really try to get in tune with my plants. I have said it before and I know I may sound crazy. My thinking is back in the day, no one had timers, ph pens or none of that. And I am sure they grew some awesome smoke. Not saying there is nothing wrong with being advanced about things but sometimes old school is just better. So for this grow only the fcj and maybe 3 or 4 bag seed have been dated. The rest I am just trying to do by eye, if that makes any sense.

Well the lights have come on since I have been typing, gave them a look and all is well. I am excited at how tall they have gotten already. Yet praying that none of these fast growers are males, only time will tell. Though I remember reading in my grower's bible that sex can be determined by temperature. Anyone have any thoughts on this?
sometimes when its cold in the room I get to snugglen with mama. and when its like real hot we dont touch each other.
so I say yes you can tell sex by the temperature :thumb:
Hi My Queen. :love:

I love your take on what you are doing. I think you are heading in the right direction. The males will show them selves soon. If the are male KILL them right then, don't take any chances. I sure hope you have many girls. 2 liters are perfect for you. The buds add up to a good total very quickly. You are on the right track Baby! :high-five: If it's allowed to call a queen Baby!
sex by the temperature?
hot cold it dont matter to me its all good under the hood:thumb:
I wish there was more to report but everything is just green green green...

As it should be! :Namaste:

I remember reading in my grower's bible that sex can be determined by temperature. Anyone have any thoughts on this?

I've never read that. Do you mean "influenced" instead of "determined"? I HAVE heard of that. I can't recall which was which though, ie cold temps make more males or vice versa.

Males do tend to be taller. I germinated 24 seeds, of which 3 were femmed, leaving 21 regular seeds. Of those 21, 10 were males. Of those 11 females, 3 have been removed after showing hermie parts. What's my point? If they are regular seeds, I would expect to have right around half of them be male. My number was just under half, but when I add in the hermies, it's just over half. Amazing how it always seems to work out to right around 50-50. :)
Hi my Queen. :hippy::green_heart:
I'm loving your grow.....you finally found....what you should be doing. They look wonderful.:goodjob::bravo:

I don't know how I missed this the first time, apologies OMM. You love my grow? Well tell me what you love about it. It seems like I have finally gotten it dialed in better or I just do better with bag seed? lol...I am just praying that there is no males since they're doing so good.

sometimes when its cold in the room I get to snugglen with mama. and when its like real hot we dont touch each other.
so I say yes you can tell sex by the temperature

I so did not need that visual, Fishy...lol...

Hi My Queen.
I love your take on what you are doing. I think you are heading in the right direction. The males will show them selves soon. If the are male KILL them right then, don't take any chances. I sure hope you have many girls. 2 liters are perfect for you. The buds add up to a good total very quickly. You are on the right track Baby!

I am still hoping that I don't have any males but 3 have matured so quickly that I am thinking they may be males. Every day when I look at them, I chant no males no males no males!!! It seems like I do better with bag seed than good strains, wonder why that is..I am going to stick with the 2 liters for awhile and maybe a few gallon pots.

Long time since I said, "High!" Hope things are well!

Hey J, things are just peachy. I am feeling better and the plants are doing great. I noticed you hadn't been around, hope things are good your way or were you on a fishing vacation or something. Speaking of missing, noticed Gig hasn't been around lately. Hope all is well with him or he may be working out, I remember him saying that he was doing that with his family a couple pages back in the journal.

I've never read that. Do you mean "influenced" instead of "determined"? I HAVE heard of that. I can't recall which was which though, ie cold temps make more males or vice versa.Males do tend to be taller. I germinated 24 seeds, of which 3 were femmed, leaving 21 regular seeds. Of those 21, 10 were males. Of those 11 females, 3 have been removed after showing hermie parts. What's my point? If they are regular seeds, I would expect to have right around half of them be male. My number was just under half, but when I add in the hermies, it's just over half. Amazing how it always seems to work out to right around 50-50.

Maybe influenced is the right word, I have been forgetful and still have not gone to my grower's bible to quote what was said. I think I may have 3 that are males or think are, they are tall and got that way quick. I have 12 going at the moment, do I expect any males, well yeah, it's a numbers game. And I suck at those games, like lottery or bingo..

A small update, I fed the plants nutes on Sunday while I watched Wrestlemania 29. I have definitely seen growth spurts in all of them. But I have something funky going on with one. I had the big ass fan in front of the tent when lights go on, set on high. I noticed that the one plant's top was drooping. I knew I hadn't over watered because I hadn't given them anything. I moved the plant away from the fan and within hours it straightened back up. Last night when I checked it, it was drooping again, now today it is back straight. I just thought that was weird.
wow that hurt:/:circle-of-love:
I been putting the girls on the fire escape to catch some sun, it's been nice and sunny the past 2 days. Still have some in coco but transplanted 3 of them to bigger pots with mg. Honestly I haven't had any issues with the mg and I'm kind of liking it. Also don't have to worry about the hassle of shipping, haven't found a place that has coco locally. I really have to figure out what I am going to do about this closet! Will post pics later this evening...
closet? put some plants in there:)
I saw the pictures of it and why not?
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