Ranger275 - Adventures in the 2nd Dimension

I am high. Been getting high all day. Got extra high this eve w/friends and neighbors. So now, I am high. Yay!

TrainWreck from clone, grown in bio-dynamic, living soil under a dim assortment of lites, plastered against a wall will grow some very tasty herb. Not KJC, Graytail, Dennise, CHH kind of herb, but really nice. Don't have a scale, but dry weight is somewhere around a z and a half.
Catholic school boy revenant, I must confess: burping became an excuse for sampling (theoretically to chart progress, moot) and was carried out on a lavish if not organized schedule.
The cured herb absolutely reeks. Smell is strong and floral. The smoke is a creeper. Initially elation and lots of energy. Ready, willing and able to do whatever presents itself. Enjoying some jams on the porch? Nice. Wild hippy Drum Circle? Right on. Walk from fountain to fountain through MidTown? So nice. Cheesy adventure novel? Much enhanced. Coffee and crossword puzzle at the cafe? Perfect. The buzz has a nice smooth fade to chill and lasts for hours. Highly recommended.
Keep the bev close. Causes dry-mouth.
TrainWreck demonstrated it's a good starter grow: pest/disease free, likes to grow and most importantly, tolerant of grower inconsistencies.
Love and respect
I am high. Been getting high all day. Got extra high this eve w/friends and neighbors. So now, I am high. Yay!

TrainWreck from clone, grown in bio-dynamic, living soil under a dim assortment of lites, plastered against a wall will grow some very tasty herb. Not KJC, Graytail, Dennise, CHH kind of herb, but really nice. Don't have a scale, but dry weight is somewhere around a z and a half.
Catholic school boy revenant, I must confess: burping became an excuse for sampling (theoretically to chart progress, moot) and was carried out on a lavish if not organized schedule.
The cured herb absolutely reeks. Smell is strong and floral. The smoke is a creeper. Initially elation and lots of energy. Ready, willing and able to do whatever presents itself. Enjoying some jams on the porch? Nice. Wild hippy Drum Circle? Right on. Walk from fountain to fountain through MidTown? So nice. Cheesy adventure novel? Much enhanced. Coffee and crossword puzzle at the cafe? Perfect. The buzz has a nice smooth fade to chill and lasts for hours. Highly recommended.
Keep the bev close. Causes dry-mouth.
TrainWreck demonstrated it's a good starter grow: pest/disease free, likes to grow and most importantly, tolerant of grower inconsistencies.
Love and respect

Sounds like one for the list of future grows Ranger. I'm so glad it suits you so well. I had some interesting discussions when I took down my first harvest about the plant you nurture providing you with meds made to order just for you. Sounds like your Train Wreck girl paid attention to the grower casting his shadow on her. :high-five:
What a beautiful day outside today.

Ranger 275 was kind enough to share some of this harvest with me, and he asked that I tell him what I thought I said I'd write something up for this forum he mentioned so that not only he, but everyone who has followed his grow along the way would get a third person perspective on the results.

I have known Ranger for several years, but hadn't spoken to him the past several months, so I had no idea of his venture here until last week. Since I don't have the time invested in the story of the grow, I think I have a different point of view of the results. I'm sure if I were testing my first home grow it could have the thc content of bong water and I would be proud of the plant, and having looked through Ranger's journal here I can tell he put a lot of care into this grow, and has a lot of reason to be proud of the grow.

( I should put in a disclaimer here that says I have been smoking pretty regularly since last night, and as I can be wordy and cerebral ordinarily, when I am high I get like that more so, and on this fine herb I believe I am especially cerebral. )

Ranger and I shared a bowl as he told me some of his experiences raising this flower from her infancy to harvest. As I was informed on how to acquires a horde of lady bug minions to protect your plant, I could feel the high roll in on me slow but steadily. This brought on a strong high, but not in jarring way, which in my experience means I'm going to have a nice mellow high, and that it was.

(Not that I haven't been known to enjoy that feeling of being hit by a truck off of your first inhale)

The physical side of the high was really nice, though I think it's especially reactive with the environment, as every time I change scenery I was and am a little more aware of the difference. A change in the ambient noise feels more pronounced, that sort of thing. Before we parted he gave me a generous sample so I could settle in at home and really give this flower a try, so I put on some enjoyable music and headed on home.

When I got back to my place I am sorry to admit I found my pipe filthy. Shamefully and embarrassingly filthy (like for real, caked up resin and ash, just smelled terrible, I probably shouldn't even bring it up (then why did I?(I dunno, just to be silly maybe))) so I left the pipe soaking in Simple Green and dropped some ice into my (thankfully and proudly clean) bong.

I have really enjoyed the the high I've gotten from Ranger's grow. The high has been mellow, the smoke not harsh it the slightest. I have found this high to make me very focused on something for about a half hour to an hour before switching to another task, and switching again, then again. So half my laundry got done before I cleaned half the kitchen, and then I would write on this, before finishing up the other half of laundry. To use this review as an example; I sat down to write on this five or six times today alone, I would make progress, rewrite something, correct some grammar and then have lunch and do some dishes.

I had a bit of dry mouth earlier, but that's easily remedied, and while the munchies have been a bit strong, I haven't wanted ice cream or cheese fries as much as some home cooked pasta or beans and rice.

I'm not sure how much this matters, but to I got a strong earthy smell off of the bud It didn't feel particularly sticky, but burned evenly and put out some nice white smoke that tasted slightly weedy, but not harshly so. Taking a nice up close look, I can see all of the green has a even coating of little crystals that look quite pretty.

I am very thankful to Ranger here for sharing this with me, and I am happy to have the chance to report that his grow was quite successful on the consumption side of things. Thank you all for reading this post I hope you found it informative and a little entertaining. I am going to go enjoy the last bowl or two of this fine herb, and I hope you al have a groovy time.
I can testify that I thoroughly enjoyed the report Winston. Laughed right out loud numerous times, and if you had any indication of how terrifyingly frustrating my day has been you'd better appreciate how those peals of laughter were just what I needed to pull me out of a deep, blue funk.

Thank you for that Winston. You spread joy, likely without even anticipating the possibility. I'm so thankful you had the opportunity to share in Ranger's harvest and that you thoughtfully chose to share your review with us.

I'm a pretty wordy wench myself, so I have a soft spot for others so inclined. Have a good one Wilson. :love:

That is potency testing the Ranger way

Winston! You made it! I can't tell you what a hoot this is. Friends for years and now to see your words here! Brilliant.
That was one hell of a first post. I'm so happy you took the time. I've shared this happy herb w/friends, neighbors, hippies at the Drum Circle, strangers in the park, now your thoughtful response has brought that to another dimension.
Do me a favor, Winston. Scoot around some different journals, find a way that appeals to you, and start a Journal. I'll read it.

Damn right. Sua sponte.
Absolutely Winston. I'd read it. There are numerous off-topic threads if you don't grow.
Nice update Ranger & winstonj, why do I envision you two "LOW CRAWLING" in the back yard? :) :laugh: :rofl: :thedoubletake: "AIR BORNE" :cough:

Hey winstonj, I want to be the first to subscribe to your new journal.....uh......right after Ranger. :high-five:
Just sliding through... What's new Ranger?
Howdy BAR,
Was sitting contimplating what to do about the shambles left of my Guerilla Grow. Some years you have the Luck, and some you don't. Get this.
First went 0-14 on my seeds! Can you believe it? 0fer! I've never went 0fer on anything.
Then was gifted a half-dozen clones: 3 TrainWreck and 3 Green Manalichi. Weaned them back down to 12/12 and spread them out in 3 sites 1 per. Site 1 got bush-hogged for the 1st time since I've watched the site. Bummer. @ Site2, TrainWreck vanished into thin air and GM hermied. Buzzkill. Site3 has been ok so far. Fingers are crossed.
What would you do? Start some (late) seeds and hope for the best? Go w/what I've got? New site? Old site? I'm torn.
And I'll cross my toes & fingers for you.

Side effects may include, but are not limited to:
TrainWreck may cause happiness and joy. This elation may come and go at odd intervals.
May cause dancing.
Has been known to cause pleasant bouts of thoughtful introversion.
Can be enjoyed on an empty stomach, but...
May cause Empathy and/or her sister affliction Generosity. Luckily, these can be ameliorated by genuine acts of caring and charity.
Smoking TW might make you feel a Oneness w/the Universe.
It may make you feel a certain Two-ness w/Big Pharm, Big Farm and Corporate BS in general.
Beware! Use of TW may considerably lessen one's grasp on the deep concepts involved in stupid bar fights.
Some users have complained of an interesting yet stimulating social life stemming from the use of TW.
Exercise great caution when in contact with good music or cinema, as these may be significantly enhanced.
If any of these symptoms persist, call friends!

OK, enough fooling around. I hope you folks enjoyed this as much as I did. I'm grateful this happy herb brought us together.
Technical question: what are you supposed to do when a journal is done? Should I tell somebody? Click something?
Love and respect
Howdy BAR,
Was sitting contimplating what to do about the shambles left of my Guerilla Grow. Some years you have the Luck, and some you don't. Get this.
First went 0-14 on my seeds! Can you believe it? 0fer! I've never went 0fer on anything.
Then was gifted a half-dozen clones: 3 TrainWreck and 3 Green Manalichi. Weaned them back down to 12/12 and spread them out in 3 sites 1 per. Site 1 got bush-hogged for the 1st time since I've watched the site. Bummer. @ Site2, TrainWreck vanished into thin air and GM hermied. Buzzkill. Site3 has been ok so far. Fingers are crossed.
What would you do? Start some (late) seeds and hope for the best? Go w/what I've got? New site? Old site? I'm torn.

I feel the frustration Ranger. It may be a bit late in the season to start from scratch, don't you think? Unless it was bag seed I'd hang onto the seeds and just run with what's out there. So sorry for you. Hug.

A new site may be called for. Oh yeah - the seed debacle - Ouch! :love:
Hope all is well in your world.

Thanks for sharing this grow with us.

Please head over to the 420 Strain Reviews forum and post your smoke report there too.

I’m moving this to Completed Journals now.

Have you started a new grow you would like to share with us?

If so, please feel free to start a new journal here: Journals in Progress

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

Thanxx for having me as a guest here Ranger.
One of my favorite adventures this cycle. Thank you so much for sharing your grow and yourself with us. I look forward to your next one, but in the meantime, see you around the threads. :love:
I know this journal is complete but I told Ranger I would post a method of germinating that has me at nearly 100%.

First take a paper towel and fold it as so:


Spray with 6.5 PH adjusted water (I use tap) just wet enough to moisten not soak and put your seeds in the center:


Fold it over and place it into a zip-lock bag without locking it:


Fold the Zip-lock bag and place it in a tin:


Leave the tin in a cabinet for appx 72hrs without checking:


As long as the seeds are mature and good you'll have tap roots. I'll be back to demonstrate the next step when these tap root.
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