Ranger275 - Adventures in the 2nd Dimension

Howdy BAR,
Was sitting contimplating what to do about the shambles left of my Guerilla Grow. Some years you have the Luck, and some you don't. Get this.
First went 0-14 on my seeds! Can you believe it? 0fer! I've never went 0fer on anything.
Then was gifted a half-dozen clones: 3 TrainWreck and 3 Green Manalichi. Weaned them back down to 12/12 and spread them out in 3 sites 1 per. Site 1 got bush-hogged for the 1st time since I've watched the site. Bummer. @ Site2, TrainWreck vanished into thin air and GM hermied. Buzzkill. Site3 has been ok so far. Fingers are crossed.
What would you do? Start some (late) seeds and hope for the best? Go w/what I've got? New site? Old site? I'm torn.

I think you know what to do, season is early Ranger....... better late than never. Seeds are cheap, hits are possible. Fire for effect.

Have you considered autos? Know what you have, drop and go. Pests, possible. But site survey is key I know you have that down....respect my brother
Awesome job Ranger, Awesome journal and would love a invite on your next one. :Namaste::high-five::adore::thanks:

Hey Bar, where do you plan on posting your next steps? :Namaste::thanks:
Right here.
You guys are right. I'll talk to my buddy and see if he's got any extra clones laying around. Thx guys.

So you picked up on how much we all enjoy your style and want you to continue running a journal? Good.:high-five:
Hey ranger if you were closer I'd help ya. Here's my only outdoor plants this year the one in the 45 will be set in a hole about 20% wider and deeper lined with drain rock

Quick question about watermelons you said in straw bale so I may buy some starts today how many per bale and best method for planting? Do I leave bale lines on or cut them I'm assuming on.
Hey DP,
That's a very kind offer, that might lead to an awful dilemna. Which of your fabulous collection of genetix would I choose? We might be faced w/ the prospect of having to sit down, have a beer and a puff, maybe some snax, talk about the pros and cons, cogitate on the matter for a while, walk the fences to make the snax go down, maybe another puff... Hang on! That might not suck at all!

Watermelons grow great in bales, especially up N where the ground soil temp isn't always what one might like. First, pick out your spot. Mow the area at the lowest setting possible/scalp it, and leave the cuttings in place for worm food. Sprinkle the area w/blood and bone meal. There will be 2 plants/bale so place them about 3-4' apart. Place bales w/strings up.
This next step may be the most difficult, DP, but I think you will be able to handle it w/aplomb: drink plenty of coffee or beer. Yes, I know it's a sacrifice, but sometimes we must suffer for our art.
W/a sharp/serrated knife, chop 2 4x4x4" holes about 1/3 of the way in from the ends, and halfway in from the sides. Sprinkle the holes w/more blood and bone meal and water it in.
Plant into the holes and water in again to settle them and remove air pockets.
Pee in the center of the bale. This adds a ton of nutes and will help w/the C:N ratio which will start a trifle high. It's also an excellent excuse to drink beer.
Train the plants to grow in different directions, and mulch between bales w/2-4" wheat straw. This will keep weeds down and protect the fruit. You probably won't have to water at all as the bale holds a tremendous amount of water. At the end of the season, snip the strings, break up what's left of the bales, cover w/1" compost or manure and then top w/4" straw. The bed will be strong the next year.
In really cold areas you can put heat the bales quickly and cheaply by putting them in a bottomless bag for 4-6days after placement. Just poke a couple holes in the bag where the holes in the bale are and drop a stone in. This lets rain go in, while retaining heat. At planting time, just pull off the bag.
Hope this helps.
Hey everyone. I'm glad you enjoyed what ramblings I had to share, I take that as encouragement to share some more of my ramblings sooner rather than later.

(And I'm sorry I'm just replying to this, I'm in the middle of spring cleaning and readying to move (Busy Busy) )
I know this journal is complete but I told Ranger I would post a method of germinating that has me at nearly 100%.

First take a paper towel and fold it as so:


Spray with 6.5 PH adjusted water (I use tap) just wet enough to moisten not soak and put your seeds in the center:


Fold it over and place it into a zip-lock bag without locking it:


Fold the Zip-lock bag and place it in a tin:


Leave the tin in a cabinet for appx 72hrs without checking:


As long as the seeds are mature and good you'll have tap roots. I'll be back to demonstrate the next step when these tap root.
OK Ranger, here's step 2.

I've been busy with the real world so these are back dated pics taken on the 23rd which was actually 4 days after placing them in the paper towel, one day too long.


Once you have your tap roots take Rockwool cubes and let them soak in 6.5 PH adjusted water for at least an hour then squeeze all the excess water out of them. Place the tap roots inside the rockwool cube holes swallow enough to barely cover.

On one of these I accidentally broke off part of the root so one might not sprout.

But anyway, Keep the cubes moist by spraying twice a day but not as wet as to have them sitting in water.


Place them under 18/6 lighting (I use CFLs) until they sprout and roots protrude through the bottom of the cubes.


Once these are ready I'll give you the 3rd & final step.
To our fallen "WARRIORS" :adore: :rip:

To our living "WARRIORS" :Namaste: :love: Thank you.

From one "Vet" to another "Vet" Ranger :Namaste: :adore: :love: Thank you.
Thank you my fallen brothers and sisters for my country, my way of life, my very life. May God bless and watch over you. Rest in peace.:goodjob:
Ranger man I should have stopped in earlier. Wow, please thank your bud Winston for giving me goose bumps reading his smoke report. I'm actually filled with emotion after reading the last 4 pages.. seriously happy. Totally stoked here.

Hey Winston if yer still around c'mon up my way and take a puff and report back!

Ranger you done good, ain't it GRAND to grow something special and share with your friends?

Finally - nice buds there buddy - keep it green.

Yo bobbrown14,
Many thx for the kind remarx. So glad you could come by and enjoy. Not growing Herb quite like you are, but I think this was a fun grow for all involved.

Yeah, my buddy Winston is a pretty cool dude. Smart, easy-going, talented film/video editor, able linguist, popular w/the Tender Gender, good friend. Speaking of which:
Hey Winston! Where you been, boy? I haven't seen you at the cafe, haven't seen you here. You might have to start a grow sooner rather than later. Your Smoke Report resonated deeply w/many. May even be a job here: travel the country (by JetPack or coach and 4, I'm not sure) get lifted w/some really cool folx, and magnify the experience w/heart and pen. Wouldn't that be a hoot?

Truly GRAND, bb14
Hey Ranger!

I've been busy getting my place cleaned up before I move, but I hope to get up there Thursday (I'd say tomorrow, but it's 12:02 as I type this so that's not accurate) I hope I see you then, as I have something for you. As for your idea I would love to do it, I plan to do some of that on my drive across country, something I have always wanted to do for a very long time (drive across the country, smoke some green and write my wild thoughts out on paper I mean)

Bobrown: I'm glad you enjoyed my report, Ranger's grow was inspiring! I'd love to take you up on your offer.

Three quick things before I hit 'post'

1. If my math is correct this will be the 420th post on this topic
2. I am, as the kids say, 'dry as a bone' I hope you fine human beings will smoke up for me in honor of that fine number please.
3. I like trilogies.
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