Stoner's Kerala First DWC Grow

Ok so a little update, my phs been pretty stable, only going up slightly throughout the course of the day, ppms were around 770 yesterday, todays at 870, so that means the plants are drinking more water than nutes, so should i add some plain water to bring the ppms back down to what it was? I also have another question, but first heres how things are looking.

Is it just me or roots look kinda dry/dark? Ever since i changed the rez and added the new nutes (almost 2 days ago) i saw new growth on both plants, nice green new growth, but the leaves are like that, curling up around the edges. Now ive been reading about this, doing a little research to why this is happening, and most ppl out there will say its air temp, or humidity. My humidity is around 40-60% which i thought it was ok for veg, and air temps it doesnt really get any hotter than 82F in there..maybe tops 84F sometimes. So if anyone have had this problem before, id appreciate the feedback on how u got it fixed. thx! ;)
ok im quietly watching but I cant hold back.... you HAVE to get that ph to 5.6-5.9 and stable and stick to a quarter strength dose of nutes, if that, until those babes sort them selves out. Don't worry about trying to get heaps of nutes to them until they have a good structure to build on. In dwc less is definitely more!. That is definitely a reaction to a bad ph I have seen it many times now in my ghetto dwc's when ive just been lazy and not kept it in check.
If your ppm rises your nutes are too strong if they fall its too weak. simple as that. As the plants drink and eat the nutes it will leave behind residual ppms, usually whatever is in your water making the ph high therefore over time making your res ph creep up. You will find the balance and you will be amazed how little nutes they really need. As your plant drinks it should take equal proportions of nutes and water the exception being evaporation and the residual salts and heavy metals from the water and unmetabolised nutes left in your res, which is why you must change it weekly.
Bear in mind if you top up with tapwater you are adding in more unwanted ppms. if u top up to exact level with r/o distilled water you can see exactly how many ppms your plant ate.
oh and yeh my roots looked terrible when my ph was all over the shop.
Just my 2c, I hope I don't come off as talking down to you but Im not very good at explaining things like some of these guys but I do know what has F@#cked me up in dwc
makes perfect sense voodoo. 1/4 strength on aqua line will prob be too weak, just my experience with it. try at half strength. its not as strong as some other nutes out there and at full strength is only 1.2 e/c which isnt high at all.

The new growth is looking healthier but still issues. if ur room is getting up to 84f that means ur res will be warming too. over 70f growth speeds start to slow as water holds less oxygen and root issues can occur. some nutes will dye the roots also, so dont worry about it unless they smell bad or are slimy to touch.

I wonder what effect the soil is having on plant? just ive never potted in soil then gone to dwc. i use pebbles or rockwool.
ok im quietly watching but I cant hold back.... you HAVE to get that ph to 5.6-5.9 and stable and stick to a quarter strength dose of nutes, if that, until those babes sort them selves out. Don't worry about trying to get heaps of nutes to them until they have a good structure to build on. In dwc less is definitely more!. That is definitely a reaction to a bad ph I have seen it many times now in my ghetto dwc's when ive just been lazy and not kept it in check.

My ph have actually been pretty stable now with my new line of base nutes. I set it to like 5.2-5.3 and let it raise to about 6.1-6.2 before adjusting again. As far as the nutes ur probably right, i gave it a full dose of everything, but based on how old it is, and how long the roots are, i thought it was time to be giving it full recommended dose a long time ago.. Right now ph is 5.4, i took some water out of the res, and replanished with plain water, brought my ppm down to 670. Ima keep an eye on it see how it goes. Thx for the help bro. ;)
makes perfect sense voodoo. 1/4 strength on aqua line will prob be too weak, just my experience with it. try at half strength. its not as strong as some other nutes out there and at full strength is only 1.2 e/c which isnt high at all.

The new growth is looking healthier but still issues. if ur room is getting up to 84f that means ur res will be warming too. over 70f growth speeds start to slow as water holds less oxygen and root issues can occur. some nutes will dye the roots also, so dont worry about it unless they smell bad or are slimy to touch.

I wonder what effect the soil is having on plant? just ive never potted in soil then gone to dwc. i use pebbles or rockwool.

Yea i had stop addin frozen bottles, but i started again to keep the rez colder. And yea i wonder the same.. what effect is the soil having on the plant? Well i already have a small cloner setup that i made, just waiting for these puny plants to get long enough so i can take sum cuttings and experiment with that.. Going from clone to dwc bubbler will probably be much much better.
Agreed culti 1/4 may be too low for some nutes but worst case scenario you get some pale stretchy growth, much better than a complete lockout, severe burn or worse all of them at once and much easier to correct. I also find it is much easier to add more nutes once I realise the ec is dropping than try to get it back down once I see it is rising.
Ditto on that temp thing too especially while its getting established the roots seem more fragile and likely to have trouble although yours still look reasonable but a deterioration is a sign that something is amiss there.
Not sure about that soil either sounds like bad news to me, it is probably where 98% of your ph problems started. But I guess there isn't much you can do about that now. Id imagine over time it will probably flush clean??
Best of luck Budbrother I hope it all comes good for you. Stick with it I nearly quit everyday for a month before getting a handle on things.
Did you see my ghetto clone bubbler? I highly recommend bubbling your clones and transfer to hydroton in dwc. PERFECT combo to kickstart your next grow. Clones with roots large enough to dangle straight into your res within 2 weeks no nutes or humididome needed just phed tap water away you go.

Shoot me a link to your ghetto cloner, ill check it out, thx bro.
Now this looks rather nasty but I was going for the simplest anyone can make it setup.

an ice cream tub with phed water and 2 airlines holes in the lid with the stems poked thru and an inch in the water

first roots appearing around day 10ish

after 2 weeks

ready to be carefully placed straight in the dwc and belted with nutes lol

an earlier attempt equally successful
You don't need all the fancy crap! K.I.S.S keep it simple stoopid. lol.
Notice I don't even have a light over them yet simply background lighting is suffice.
So you said you stems are 1 inch in the water? Because i actually made something similar to that, i had a water pump laying around, so i connected a t shape pipe to it, and another pipe going across with sprays on it, so i plan on having the sprayers on and an air stone in the water for oxygenin, so in my situation the water level, correct me if im wrong, but im guessing it will have to be a lot lower than that..maybe just enought to cover the water pump?
Sorry to post here but the site won't let me send you messages

Dude need your help I'm not new to all this but you know your 16 pot
Wilma set up with x2 600w then you put one any way that one

If I was to have the same set up and do dog but with
A net using good stuff with good food and every thing as
Good as it can be and
Veg for 2 weeks

Then flip 12/12

Running sweet what could it make I'm not sure of its worth doing
Wilma or pots and soil

I'm using a dr150 not sure to run x2 600w on big xxl air cool hoods
Or x1 1000w xxxl air cooled hood

If you could help with this I will send you god and luck for life lol

Thanks dude
your leaf problems appear to be from pH fluctuation and nutrient burns on the tips. I would use the add back method of adding nothing but pH adjusted water to your reservoir until your weekly nutrient change to get your pH under control. when your pH drops and your PPMs rise your nutrient solution is too strong for your plants indicating the plant is drinking more water then nutrients. when your PPMs drop and your pH rises that indicates your plants are drinking more nutrients then water.
Thx for all the tips guys, their very well needed and appreciated. Yea john thats what i been doing, just toppin off with plain water. I lowered my ppms to about 650 last reading..i checked again about 8 hours later and it went down to i guess their drinkin sum nutes. And as far as the ph goes its alot more stable than before, its ranging from 5.4 to about 6.1-6.2 in a matter of 24hrs, and trust me thats alot more stable than before lol, even tho id like it to be more stable.. Im doing a lil lst on them, i see new growth coming in, im really hoping for these plants to take off already sometime soon, because its been a long time already. I dont wanna veg for anymore than 2 more weeks.. So im giving myself 2 weeks to get these plants to grow as much as they can. Im gonna post a couple pics soon. Comments n suggestions are always welcomed ;)
Nothing really exciting here yet. Looks like to me that the yellowing and the browning spots on my leafs, (which at a certain point i thought it was a (P) n (K) deficiency) have stopped. And i see some burnt tips and a little yellowing, which im guessing is nute burn from the concentrated solution i had for like a day, or so, my ppms were like 1150, (2.3ec). Now im at half of that, and ph pretty stable ranging 5.3-6.1. I see some new growth coming in, lookin pretty good i guess.. I hope i start seeing some noticeable changes soon.. What do you guys think? Always ;)

Comments n suggestions welcome
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