Subnoise's Sour Monster Grow

you have a lot going on there bud should be a good harvest those plants look huge
Everything is looking fantastic my friend... As always.

They all look happy and healthy, that WV Flux looks great, can't wait to see you crush that man. :cheesygrinsmiley::cheesygrinsmiley: :high-five:
you have a lot going on there bud should be a good harvest those plants look huge

Thank Marv and welcome. The dwc girls are by far the biggest plants I've grown yet. Should make for a great harvest I'm assuming. 6 more weeks or so and well find out. Already not looking forward to trimming them but I'll bring in some help if need be. Fine weed and scissor hash out of the vape pen all night. Who can turn that down?
Everything is looking fantastic my friend... As always.

They all look happy and healthy, that WV Flux looks great, can't wait to see you crush that man. :cheesygrinsmiley::cheesygrinsmiley: :high-five:

Thanks bro. I sure hope I crush it thanks for the positive vibes my friend. Cannabis cup this weekend hope your new red card shows up so we can go and check out the vendors brother.
After letting my graded bubble hash dry for a week. I pressed the 73 micron Saturday. Ended up with 2.7g. I love to watch this stuff bubble on top of a bowl, works great in my pen aswell. Kept me going all weekend without having to get into my flowers.
I would bet it's female as well, when the calyx is that small, it always seems to have that square shape at the base.

What kind of camera are you using? I use my phone and it takes a few tries to get zoomed in that close, AND get it focused properly.

Hey Antics top of the morning to ya buddy. Appreciate the second opinion. I also use my phone LG G3. With 2 younger kids when it comes time to upgrade my phone I try to get the best cam I can. The stability control was a nice feature with the fact that the little ones can't hold still. I have never actually posted from a computer everything is done from my phone.
That FLUX is looking fantastic. :thumb:

Thanks Max. Really liking this pheno it grows so fast. I think I'm figuring this Flux thing out. Its a chore to keep the nodes positioned correctly. Figured out last night though if you twist the new growth a bit to parallel the leaves before it gets to big it seems too stay that way. Can't believe the main 2 are already almost to the edge of the bucket. Have to check LAs flux central and figure out the next step. I feel like if I topped the 2 main nodes again soon it would throw all that energy to the other nodes to help them catch up. Not sure if that is the procedure but I know that it's not going to be even if the other nodes don't get to the edge soon. Frosty daze my friend both in your tent and outside. :peace:
Here as requested my friend! Your flux is looking great :)
The main pointer I can give you is to relax the tether points at both ends of your 2 main flux arms. You want the two main growing tips to be able to sit a tiny bit higher and able to turn uupwards to face the light.
We do this as the with the ends sat turned to the light, the opening up of the tips immature foliage as often as you can will promote stacking of nodes along the flux arms and give you more limbs. Which equals more colas, so more bud! :)

Anyway please feel free to post to flux central for a quick response to any questions :) its easier than me getting around every fluxers threads :)

Best of buds and going great! :)
Here as requested my friend! Your flux is looking great :)
The main pointer I can give you is to relax the tether points at both ends of your 2 main flux arms. You want the two main growing tips to be able to sit a tiny bit higher and able to turn uupwards to face the light.
We do this as the with the ends sat turned to the light, the opening up of the tips immature foliage as often as you can will promote stacking of nodes along the flux arms and give you more limbs. Which equals more colas, so more bud! :)

Anyway please feel free to post to flux central for a quick response to any questions :) its easier than me getting around every fluxers threads :)

Best of buds and going great! :)

Thank you very much for swinging by LA appreciate it. I will give them some slack when I get off work today. I try to spread the new growth daily at least once but with so much in veg I can forget occasionally. I'll direct any questions that require quick answers to the flux central. Best of buds to you too brother. Glad to see you growing again. :Namaste:
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