TassieDevil's - Indoor - DIY - Bag Seed - What The Fluxing Learning Curve - Stage 1

Re: TassieDevil's Indoor DIY Bagseed WhatTheFluxing Learning Curve-Stage1

Hey Catman, hey Grizz

Now, Catman...did you give zencat a scratch under the chin for me? It's very important!

Hey Tassie - It is in the middle of the night right now (2:36 am) I have Miss Lady Zen Cat sitting on my belly and she has had very many scratches under the chin!!

LL1 DAY 20 = 18 days above ground
LL2 DAY 20 = 17 days above ground
LL3 DAY 20 = 16 days above ground
LL4 DAY 20 = 16 days above ground
O1 DAY 20 = 14.5 days above ground
O2 DAY 20 = 14 days above ground
O3 DAY 20 = 13.5 days above ground

still doesn't look any better....yours are all bigger than mine :(

Hmmmmmm.....well, such is life on 420. There are always bigger, harrier, frostier buds to see and drool over. Not for the faint of heart or spirit...

Now, my plants are autoflowering so they grow too big too fast - I'm not sure what to do from one day to the next really - Cheer up! I'll probably drop one of my plants tomorrow and will take a picture of the mess for you


I think the main thing is everyone is looking healthy :)
...sounds like that saying...doesn't matter the size of the dog...:)

:cheer: Yes! :cheer:

It's 4am early, I'm rambling have a good night northerners! :)

Good night to you Tassie!

Re: TassieDevil's Indoor DIY Bagseed WhatTheFluxing Learning Curve-Stage1

Week 3 Day 21

Hey Catman, Thanks for the Miss Lady Zen Cat update...I'm glad :) ...oh and no sympathy from you about the size thing eh? ...I'll have to stop coming here if no-one will offer sympathy... :O

So, a little update...yesterday morning my time was bright and sunny, so the opportunity to put them all outside and do some serious cab mod presented itself...then it went overcast ...I put em all outside anyway's and started to mod the cab which was all day with no full sucess..but some forward progression at least

Everything is a little half arsed at the moment...it's all just too fiddly for me to get it all 'right' in one sitting or it seems one bloody day, so it's work in progress :)

Current Conditions
22C and 38%...it stayed around 25 last night with the humidity dropping all night, but better than before.


Overview of cabinet. The pulley arrangement on the lights isn't quite what it's supposed to be. The day got away from me, didn't have the new light shades anywhere near usuable, had a quick adaption of the existing light thingy and tried out the new pully/caribeena thingy... :)


The foam packaging from bottom of a fridge fit in the top of the cab with only a slight modification with a hack saw, provides insulation to keep the heat in, but holes to provide some escape. A second hand computer fan and new Chinese $2.99 Fan speed controller which works a treat and we have movement of air now...undecided on position...it's just now all wired up and working...on full it moves too much, for the current heat from the lights on low is enough.


New light shades in progress.
Take a cheep wire basket thingy, use the ends as frames to hang the lights off...might see that in the above pic...turn the baskets inside out, cut the airduct to size roughly, cable tie..the curve in the plastic coated wire in the airduct material naturally keeps it's curve. I've got some brackets to make and more caribeeners to attach and maybe height adjustable...we'll see...



I've got 6 x 6400K 15W CFL's on the way for $20, so will have some correct colour and also just more lights.

Everything is going to get watered today.

The O's are all showing signs of maybe Nitrogen deficiency or Potassium...it's time for their transplant anyways, so will give them a big drink first, and new pots today, and see what happens.
Re: TassieDevil's Indoor DIY Bagseed WhatTheFluxing Learning Curve-Stage1

Great update my friend. They are looking so happy. Glowing green :)
Re: TassieDevil's Indoor DIY Bagseed WhatTheFluxing Learning Curve-Stage1

Thanks for the support mate! I think I need it, I'm feeling quite incompetent generally at the moment.

I need to get the cab sorted, and everyone tucked in bed so to speak, then I'll settle down :)
Re: TassieDevil's Indoor DIY Bagseed WhatTheFluxing Learning Curve-Stage1

You got this man. Don't psych yourself out.
Re: TassieDevil's Indoor DIY Bagseed WhatTheFluxing Learning Curve-Stage1

Week 3 Day 22 ...late :)

So, there's been a few developments today...

First re-potting. I warmed the soil on top of the light thingy as it's bloody cold, so thought the warm soil was a good idea.


Whilst they were freezing below



3 sick little O's


O3 showing the leaf discoloration...i think nitrogen


Oh...that'd be why :)


All re-potted


Conditions strait after


Conditions this arvo, looks like everyone is picking up a little.

Re: TassieDevil's Indoor DIY Bagseed WhatTheFluxing Learning Curve-Stage1

Then....one of my mates owes me for rent...he needed somewhere to store 'some stuff' for a 'little bit'. He showed up just after I'd cleaned up the shed to make room for me...then became room for a whole house worth of 'some stuff' and the 'little bit' was over 6 months ago.

So he say's...oh...I owe you some rent..and hand's me this little number...he said it's 'Hash Plant'...what ever that means...
Her history is she was a runt clone given to my mate at the end of last winter...it began budding and sorta has been on hold since then..didn't get any bigger, didn't fully flower....now that spring is here it seams to be growing "veg' and flowering or beginning flowering again....she's a little confused maybe.

So I think great...different strain, guaranteed female...diseased..!!!!! OH NO...just after I was given her, I see a spider mite on her, then another. So I squish one, blow the other off, then think oh...I can't take this dirty diseased little whore home....well, having the moral standards I do...I can...so I did... :)




But, she's in the box. I had to re-visit the germination box to isolate her until she's clean, I feel it's safe to bring her out. I think spider mite life cycle is 4 days from egg...so It's a week in the box for you...bitch! 24 hour light cycle, a new pot and soil, and we'll see what happens!


Any thoughts on bringing her out of flowering, and hopefully back to vegging properly?
Re: TassieDevil's Indoor DIY Bagseed WhatTheFluxing Learning Curve-Stage1

I assumed she was photo, just due to the fact she didn't finish flowering...an assumption..

I did think about pushing her through now too. I want to clone off her...did I read you saying you liked clones in flower because of the growth LA?

I guess I've got a week to decide or something like that...there's no point fixing her up if she's covered in eggs and is about to break out in mites...

I've gotta watch how I do things for a bit too....my plants first...then dirty girl...then wash hands etc.

I kinda don't mind she's a bit dirty...brings back youthful memories :)
Re: TassieDevil's Indoor DIY Bagseed WhatTheFluxing Learning Curve-Stage1

I got a side branch I'd be happy to take now...it would clean her structure up a bit, and the side branch has good structure it self. There's a couple other side branches that'd be good too, just need a little more growing time.

I want to get a perpetul grow going, so getting the cloning right, and getting a few favourite species in mothers is the idea.

I've seen you mention Donpaul before....

aaaah....behind every great teacher...is another

Oose sensai :)
Re: TassieDevil's Indoor DIY Bagseed WhatTheFluxing Learning Curve-Stage1

Beautiful update Tassie


It sounds like you're in your element and getting things straightened out! Congrats on that nice root system...Ladies look really nice aside from their complaints

What is your average temp in your box? I'm not very well versed in Celsius...

Re: TassieDevil's Indoor DIY Bagseed WhatTheFluxing Learning Curve-Stage1

The average is low...I'd say 20C.. 68F

Some more lights on the way, and I've gotta sort out how much air gets out...I just covered some of the vent in foam, so am going the watch the temps. Also got average say 35% humidity, so will have to look more closely at that too.

Thanks for dropping in Catman, and your encouragement :)
Re: TassieDevil's Indoor DIY Bagseed WhatTheFluxing Learning Curve-Stage1


Gotta say I rely on my lights for heat. Where I live (geographical region as well as domicile) is F*cking Cold, unless it is ungodly hot. These two plants of mine started behaving like typical cannabis plants once I had the temp and RH sorted out.

Good day to you Tassie. Or, night...

Re: TassieDevil's Indoor DIY Bagseed WhatTheFluxing Learning Curve-Stage1

Week 3, Day 23...a little early

Conditions in the box, cold, but ok


...and our lady in the box


Well, it's 2:06am, and I'm going to have my last session and bid you all good morning :0

...yes its last session or bowl these days, not cone...so shoot me :)
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